40,237 research outputs found

    Modal Logics of Topological Relations

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    Logical formalisms for reasoning about relations between spatial regions play a fundamental role in geographical information systems, spatial and constraint databases, and spatial reasoning in AI. In analogy with Halpern and Shoham's modal logic of time intervals based on the Allen relations, we introduce a family of modal logics equipped with eight modal operators that are interpreted by the Egenhofer-Franzosa (or RCC8) relations between regions in topological spaces such as the real plane. We investigate the expressive power and computational complexity of logics obtained in this way. It turns out that our modal logics have the same expressive power as the two-variable fragment of first-order logic, but are exponentially less succinct. The complexity ranges from (undecidable and) recursively enumerable to highly undecidable, where the recursively enumerable logics are obtained by considering substructures of structures induced by topological spaces. As our undecidability results also capture logics based on the real line, they improve upon undecidability results for interval temporal logics by Halpern and Shoham. We also analyze modal logics based on the five RCC5 relations, with similar results regarding the expressive power, but weaker results regarding the complexity

    Datalog and Constraint Satisfaction with Infinite Templates

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    On finite structures, there is a well-known connection between the expressive power of Datalog, finite variable logics, the existential pebble game, and bounded hypertree duality. We study this connection for infinite structures. This has applications for constraint satisfaction with infinite templates. If the template Gamma is omega-categorical, we present various equivalent characterizations of those Gamma such that the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) for Gamma can be solved by a Datalog program. We also show that CSP(Gamma) can be solved in polynomial time for arbitrary omega-categorical structures Gamma if the input is restricted to instances of bounded treewidth. Finally, we characterize those omega-categorical templates whose CSP has Datalog width 1, and those whose CSP has strict Datalog width k.Comment: 28 pages. This is an extended long version of a conference paper that appeared at STACS'06. In the third version in the arxiv we have revised the presentation again and added a section that relates our results to formalizations of CSPs using relation algebra

    Finding Minimal Cost Herbrand Models with Branch-Cut-and-Price

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    Given (1) a set of clauses TT in some first-order language L\cal L and (2) a cost function c:BL→R+c : B_{{\cal L}} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{+}, mapping each ground atom in the Herbrand base BLB_{{\cal L}} to a non-negative real, then the problem of finding a minimal cost Herbrand model is to either find a Herbrand model I\cal I of TT which is guaranteed to minimise the sum of the costs of true ground atoms, or establish that there is no Herbrand model for TT. A branch-cut-and-price integer programming (IP) approach to solving this problem is presented. Since the number of ground instantiations of clauses and the size of the Herbrand base are both infinite in general, we add the corresponding IP constraints and IP variables `on the fly' via `cutting' and `pricing' respectively. In the special case of a finite Herbrand base we show that adding all IP variables and constraints from the outset can be advantageous, showing that a challenging Markov logic network MAP problem can be solved in this way if encoded appropriately

    Formal Synthesis of Control Strategies for Positive Monotone Systems

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    We design controllers from formal specifications for positive discrete-time monotone systems that are subject to bounded disturbances. Such systems are widely used to model the dynamics of transportation and biological networks. The specifications are described using signal temporal logic (STL), which can express a broad range of temporal properties. We formulate the problem as a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) and show that under the assumptions made in this paper, which are not restrictive for traffic applications, the existence of open-loop control policies is sufficient and almost necessary to ensure the satisfaction of STL formulas. We establish a relation between satisfaction of STL formulas in infinite time and set-invariance theories and provide an efficient method to compute robust control invariant sets in high dimensions. We also develop a robust model predictive framework to plan controls optimally while ensuring the satisfaction of the specification. Illustrative examples and a traffic management case study are included.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC) (2018), 16 pages, double colum

    MetTeL: A Generic Tableau Prover.

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