23 research outputs found

    Modelos de maturidade do comércio electrónico

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    O comércio electrónico tem alterado a forma de fazer negócios, contribuindo para uma melhoria da eficiência nos processos de negócio e criando um novo tipo de relacionamento entre consumidores e parceiros de negócio. Existem inúmeras definições de comércio electrónico, tal como existem muitos modelos de negócio para o comércio electrónico, e muitos mais são criados regularmente, sendo a sua quantidade limitada somente pela imaginação humana. Sendo o comércio electrónico uma actividade que tem tido uma evolução acentuada torna-se premente estudar/desenvolver modelos de maturidade adequados, de modo a que as organizações possam saber em que estádio de desenvolvimento se encontram e qual a evolução que podem ter, tal como as barreiras que poderão encontrar

    Evolução do negócio electrónico em Portugal - as grandes empresas

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    Sendo o Negócio Electrónico uma realidade dos nossos dias, apresentamos um estudo realizado junto das 1000 maiores empresas a laborar em Portugal (segundo o volume de negócios), com o objectivo de identificar qual a evolução do Negócio Electrónico destas desde o ano de 2005 até ao ano de 2007. Foi desenvolvido um questionário no qual foi utilizado um modelo de maturidade do Negócio Electrónico (SOGe – Stages Of Growth for E-Business), modelo este utilizado em estudos similares. Apresentamos também a evolução da maturidade por determinados sectores de actividade. No entanto, esta análise é uma análise meramente descritiva dos dados, uma vez que para uma análise mais conclusiva por sector de actividade provavelmente o estudo deveria ser conduzido doutro modo

    Constrangimentos associados à evolução do negócio electrónico em Portugal

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    O Negócio Electrónico é uma realidade nesta nova economia apelidada de Economia Digital, no entanto associada a esta nova forma de fazer negócios poderão também existir constrangimentos. Este artigo pretende identificar a maturidade do negócio electrónico das grandes empresas com actividade em Portugal. É objectivo deste estudo também testar um conjunto de hipóteses relacionadas quer com a maturidade quer com os próprios constrangimentos, nomeadamente se a maturidade do negócio electrónico e os constrangimentos são iguais para os vários sectores de actividade e se dependem do número de colaboradores

    Information systems maturity in e-business organizations

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    E-Business Information Systems (eBIS) are Information Systems (IS) that support organizations to realize their e-Business strategy resulting in various benefits. Therefore those systems strongly focus on fulfilment of the e-business requirements. In order to realise the expected benefits, organizations need to turn to their eBIS and measure the maturity of those systems. In doing so, they need to identify the status of those systems with regards to their suitability to support the e-Business strategy, while also identifying required IS improvements. In our research we aim to develop a maturity model, particularly dedicated to the area of e-Business Information Systems, which can be used easily and objectively to measure of the current maturity of any Information System that supports e-Business. This research-in-progress paper presents initial results of our research

    Maturity of Electronic Commerce: A Review of the Principal Models

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    The object of this article is to present the most cited maturity models and the organizational evolutions, instigated mainly by Internet and electronic commerce. We will observe with these theories, how companies become progressively more flexible, more externalized, less centralized within a network, due to e-commerce


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    The rapid worldwide growth of e-commerce and the resulting great interest on the digital business, caused a proliferation of contributes by academics and practitioners, that identified by different points of view, the fundamental concepts, codes and functions of e-business models. The quantity and the variety of approaches adopted made the concept of e-business model fuzzy and vague, with little consensus about its ontology and definition. The relevance of the topic asserts a claim for the classification of contributions as a first step to a general definition of the concept of e-business model. This paper provides an integrated literature review of contemporary academic writings to ascertain and classify the various approaches to the study of e-business models. The literature examined is classified in a content based taxonomy which highlights the relevant characteristics of e-business model, emerging from the analysis of literature. The framework proposed points out some significant implications that are a first step for further research leading to a research agenda for further investigation on this topic

    Towards a Stage Model for GIS and SDI Deployment in Local Government

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    This paper focuses on the deployment of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) within local government in Thai Provinces. GIS has been used extensively within local government and many countries have undertaken SDI initiatives, but these tend to focus at the national level, failing to address the local deployment issues. By their nature as infrastructures, an SDI displays different diffusion patterns to GIS, as they exhibit network externalities and extend an 'installed base'. Having described the GIS and SDI concepts, the authors subsequently turn to the Stage Model literature, which has been applied to generic Information Systems and GIS. An assimilation of this literature is presented and an extended model is proposed, which can be applied in a prescribed manner, aiding in the deployment of GIS and SDI within local government

    Floors Concept For Studying e-commerce Development: Pertinence With Reference To Tunisian Context

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    E-commerce development is described in literature with reference to divergent points of views having many insufficiencies. In order to palliate these limits, this paper proposes a new construct, namely floors, corresponding to growing development levels. This construct permits e-commerce development influencing factors analysis. This paper proposes a model specifying factors influencing e-commerce development in Tunisian hospitality sector. A technology-organization-environment model was adopted to model the variables shaping development. Variables maintained in the model are affected to development floors

    Maturidade do negócio electrónico em Portugal

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    No presente artigo apresentamos um estudo realizado junto das 1000 maiores empresas a laborar em Portugal (segundo o volume de negócios), com o objectivo de identificar qual a evolução do Negócio Electrónico destas desde o ano de 2005 até ao ano de 2007. Para tal foi utilizado um modelo de maturidade do Negócio Electrónico (SOGe – Stages Of Growth for E-Business). Apresentamos também a evolução da maturidade por determinados sectores de actividade

    Maturidade do comércio electrónico/negócio electrónico

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    E-commerce has proliferated with the growth of Internet. In e-commerce a large variety of large models for selling goods online has emerged. E-business and its sub-category, e-commerce were forecast to facilitate communication between potential market participants and dissolve the geographical boundaries between markets. Maturity models for Information Systems and Information Technology appeared has more than thirty years. More recently, new maturity models have been created, better adapted to new reality of e-commerce/ebusiness. With this paper we intend to describe some models oriented to e-commerce/e-business and compare them, identifying imperfections in the models. The paper concludes, that is important identifying the barriers to the development of e-business, and as they can be contouring