6 research outputs found

    An Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Hybrid Methodology to Analyze Agricultural Production

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    A hybrid model was developed by combining multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and a fuzzy set to give decision support for choosing sustainable solutions to agricultural problems. Six steps were taken to build the suggested hybrid model: identifying and weighing criteria; normalizing data using fuzzy membership functions; calculating the weighting of the criteria using AHP; and selecting the best alternative for the agricultural problem. The objective of this case study is to demonstrate how agricultural production techniques (APTs) are becoming more complex as agricultural production becomes more complex. Organic agriculture aims to protect both the environment and consumer satisfaction by utilizing organic management practices that do not have the negative effects associated with conventional and genetic engineering production. Meanwhile, products obtained through conventional and genetic engineering techniques are more cost-effective. To present the superiority of the proposed fuzzy MCDM hybrid model, this problem is used as the causative agent’s dataset. Because the challenge involves a large number of competing quantitative and qualitative criteria, the assessment approach should improve the ratio of input data to output data. As a result, agricultural productivity should be controlled holistically. However, because the problem may contain both qualitative and quantitative facts and uncertainties, it is necessary to represent the uncertainty inherent in human thinking. To achieve superior outcomes, fuzzy set theory (FST), which enables the expression of uncertainty in human judgments, can be integrated with). The purpose of this study is to present a novel MCDM approach based on fuzzy numbers for analyzing decision-making scenarios. The proposed methodology, which is based on Buckley’s fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (B-FAHP) and the Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (F-TOPSIS), uses Buckley’s fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (B-FAHP) and fuzzy TOPSIS to determine weights and rank alternatives, respectively. As a result, we attempted to include both the uncertainty and hesitancy of experts in the decision-making process through the use of fuzzy numbers. We have three main criteria in this study: Satisfaction (C1), Economy (C2), and Environment (C3). An important objective of the current research is to build a complete framework for evaluating and grading the suitability of technologies. A real-world case study is used to demonstrate the suggested paradigm’s validity. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Performance Evaluation of Port Logistics Informatization Construction: A Case Study from China

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    Global economic integration has accelerated frequency of trade between different countries and promoted logistics industry to quickly become another development highland. Facts have proved that logistics has been separated from production and circulation as an independent link, driven by existing technology and demand, and with its characteristics and needs of the times, logistics has formed a strong professional field. At the same time, it can also independently undertake corresponding brokerage business activities in trade exchanges. To better understand the role of port and logistics in trade, it is particularly necessary to study port logistics informatization. Considering efficiency of input and output, more attention should be paid to performance evaluation of port logistics informatization construction. Based on analysis of port logistics informatization development, evaluation index system and DEA evaluation model which can represent performance of port logistics informatization were constructed. 17 listed ports in China were taken as examples for empirical study, and suggestions for development of port logistics informatization are put forward. Results show that among 17 ports, only Tangshan port, Shenzhen port, Yantian port and Chongqing port have a technical efficiency value of 1, while the other 13 ports have a certain degree of redundancy in technical efficiency value of information input, indicating that development and construction of port logistics informatization has a very important impact on port logistics income. Efficiency value of average annual net profit indicates that the port has redundant investment in information construction, which means that construction of port logistics informatization can not only blindly pay attention to informatization input, and that shortage of informatization output will be affected by other factors to a certain extent. The more investment in informatization construction is not the better, and different ports are affected by different types of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to combine actual development status of ports and to apply right medicine to avoid insufficiency or redundancy of port input, to realize optimal investment strategy for informatization construction of port logistics. Through this study, it is expected to achieve the purpose of systematically sorting out, concluding and expanding relevant theories of port logistics informatization construction, clarifying management problems that need to be solved, indicating methods for promotion of informatization construction, and providing new ideas and reference basis for reform, transformation and upgrading of port enterprises

    A Comparative Analysis of Homogenous Groups’ Preferences by Using AIP and AIJ Group AHP-PROMETHEE Model

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    Preference surveys often strive to reveal the perceptions of respondents with different demographic and habitual characteristics to reflect the features of a local community or city. However, the target group can be considered a priori homogenous in some cases, which requires an adjusted survey methodology. Apart from the smaller sample size, the aggregation technique of the individual preferences into a global common priority is also different in these types of problems according to the decision science principles. Interestingly, this feature is often ignored in group multi-criteria decision-making problems, especially in PROMETHEE model applications. This paper aims to apply the Aggregation of Individual Judgement technique in PROMETEHEE AIJ-PROMETHEE via the introduction of a hybrid Group AIJ-AHP-PROMETHEE model, specifically designed for homogenous group preference problems, to be compared with the conventional Aggregation of Individual Priorities (AIP). The new AIJ-AHP-PROMETHEE model, which is more suitable for homogenous groups, is less costly and less time-consuming than the general aggregations. The effectiveness of this new model is emphasized with real data, surveying university students’ perceptions of different transport modes in the city of Budapest. Results show considerable findings of the introduced model and its general applicability to the evaluation of the public transport service quality system

    Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Issues in Social Marketing

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    Social marketing has been contributing historically for a better application of public policy, health and safety, environment, education and human rights. Specifically, four major areas that social marketing efforts have focused over the years are health promotion,injurprevention,environmental protection, and community mobilization. Social marketing, at an industrial organization, emphasizes exchange of ideas between the target audience (i.e. the employees) and the marketer (i.e. the employer). This exchange requires that the employees be persuaded to give up the unsafe behaviors that they are accustomed to, to gain an enhanced level of safety with a greater likelihood of preventing injuries in the workplace. In an organizational context, the internal users are treated as customers and marketing inside the organization is an essential part of delivering value to the organization, and ultimately to the end customer. Therefore, effective management strategies are sought to develop the concept of internal marketing with a view to satisfy the employees and in turn, motivate them to do good work and produce a better product or service. The success of any business enterprise largely depends on its manpower with regard to their professional skill level, positive attitude, job satisfaction, and involvement in quality improvement activities. The important aspect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the concern for safety and sound health of the workforce, so that employees feel secured and motivated. The concern becomes manifold when the workforce is exposed to menial tasks and occupational risk situations. To make a safe and conducive environment, an organization must build a solid foundation with a clear vision of the future and specific means by which it will achieve the safety mission of the organization. Safety, health and environment systems needs a continual and systematically managed efforts in order to achieve sustainable growth. Presently, many industries are focusing attention on occupational health and safety (OHS) that may help to achieve competitive advantage. This research is concerned with the study of OHS issues in the context of injury prevention social marketing. A detailed study on workplace environment and safety climate makes the implementation of various social marketing principles easier. This may also be useful for the purpose of policy formulation on improving OHS in Indian industries. Three industrial sectors such as construction (Type 1), refractory (Type 2) and steel (Type 3) are considered in this study. These industries are generally viewed as hazardous due to usage of heavy equipment, unsafe and primitive tools, injurious materials and dust produced during operation. The study covers such organizations where size in manpower and investment varies, both organized and unorganized workforce exists, both public and private enterprises exist, and the level of sophistication of tools, methods, and work environment in terms of safety is poor. A study on risk perceptions and understanding of OHS has been conducted in three industrial sectors. Thirty four items are included in the questionnaire through review of related literature and discussion with a focus group. The items are framed to suit the local work practices and culture covering various aspects of OHS. Two hundred eighty eight (or 288) useful responses were tested to examine the validity and reliability of the scale to ensure a quantitative and statistically provenidentification of the responses. The test for quantitative variables was conducted by factor analysis on responses using the principal component method followed by varimax rotation to ensure that the variables are important and suitable for the model using SPSS 16.0. Finally, identified factors were again analyzed using discriminant analysis to highlight statistical difference among practices existing in three sectors. The pattern of influence of input parameters on outputs such as injury level and material damage is difficult to establish, possibly due to existence of some nonlinear relationship among them. Therefore, an artificial neural network (ANN) is adopted to carry out sensitivity analysis and important deficient items have been identified. A comparative evaluation on deficient items among three major types of Indian industries has been made. Quality function deployment (QFD) has been used to develop the system design requirements considering the deficient safety items as voice of customers. The interrelation among the system design requirements is represented in a digraph using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) approach. A predictive methodology for forecasting various types of injuries has been proposed using fuzzy inference system. As fuzzy inference system can be used with little mathematical knowledge and needs only expert knowledge, it can be easily implemented in the field to predict injury types. Further, fuzzy inference system can deal effectively in imprecise and uncertain situations. In order to transfer best practices among various organizations, a benchmarking study has been carried out using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The study finally provides some useful guidelines for the managers for improving safety performance in selected Indian industrial settings

    River-Sea Freight Transport in Major Logistic Gateways: A Performance Evaluation of The United Kingdom And Continental Europe’s Inland Waterways

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    Globalisation and commercialisation have greatly expanded the growth, complexity, and competitiveness of logistic chains. Due to this growth, the high demand for intermodal transport systems has led to the need for continued and integrated transport planning to enhance transport reliability and efficiency. The ever-increasing acknowledgement of the external outcomes of transport has necessitated the development of a more sustainable transport mode. Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) has reinforced its reliance on maritime access even more strongly than in the past. According to the rhythms of increasing pressure from the globalisation market flow, European seaports with suitable inland waterway network connectivity form an interface. As a direct result, the IWT players have become more integrated into modern logistics systems due to increased freight volume and the integration of supply chains. The advancements are compelling the IWT industry to adapt and redefine its operations and strategic positionings. Incorporating waterways into the freight transportation network has led to the development of increasingly complex organisational structures that leverage cost, capacity, and regularity advantages. The expanding supply chain and the increasing need for efficiency and reliability require enhanced performance and assessment measures. Therefore, the study aims to develop a system model that shows how all pertinent aspects and factors influencing performance perception in IWT can be identified and modelled. This study undertakes empirical studies in the IWT sector of the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, and the UK in order to accomplish the research objectives. The study design is segmented into three sections. First, various IWT performance factors were identified through a systematic literature review. Next, the identified performance factors are validated through a series of empirical studies (experts were consulted using advanced questionnaires and semi-structured interviews). Finally, the performance factors are prioritised using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The performance level of the case study countries was benchmarked using the technique for order performance by similarity to the ideal solution method based on the critical success factor. Their relative ranking has been determined according to the benchmark. This study categorises and verifies performance criteria into eight categories and forty-three subcategories. The novel eight categories are mobility and reliability, efficiency and profitability, infrastructure conditions, environmental impact and decarbonisation, safety and security, efficiency and profitability, innovative transport technology, and policy formulation and implementation. The capacity of IWT to provide efficient and reliable transportation services is crucial for the seamless operations of the supply chain. The findings indicate that performance associated with mobility and reliability has the highest priority and is of the utmost importance, followed by infrastructure condition, which, to the competitiveness of IWT, largely depends significantly on the quality of waterway infrastructure as missing links and bottlenecks limits the effectiveness of the transportation network. Finally, the performance approaches were ranked. The Netherlands (Rotterdam gateway) has the highest performance in terms of freight transportation via waterways, followed by Germany (Hamburg gateway), Belgium (Antwerp gateway) came third, next was France (Seine gateway), and the least among these gateways was the UK (Thames/Liverpool/Manchester) with a distance rating among the case studies. Statistics revealed that while the four European case study countries were high, the corresponding value for the UK regional gateways remained very low. The margin by which the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and France lead the UK shows how these countries and their strategic positioning have adapted inland shipping operations, aligning with the demands and dynamics of the global market. This study offers a more effective, robust, and efficient way to identify performance factors and enhance the efficiency of IWT operations. The study is the first to systematically identify, evaluate, categorise, and provide a detailed analysis of all pertinent performance measures in the field of IWT. Policymakers and industry practitioners can utilise the research findings to identify essential performance factors for enhancing decision-making and advancing progress. These performance index metrics can serve as new methods and tools, allowing stakeholders to measure the performance of their IWT

    Framework for benchmarking logistics performance using fuzzy AHP

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