34 research outputs found

    Low-Coherence Frames from Group Fourier Matrices

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    Many problems in areas such as compressive sensing and coding theory seek to design a set of equal-norm vectors with large angular separation. This idea is essentially equivalent to constructing a frame with low coherence. The elements of such frames can in turn be used to build high-performance spherical codes, quantum measurement operators, and compressive sensing measurement matrices, to name a few applications. In this work, we allude to the group-frame construction first described by Slepian and further explored in the works of Vale and Waldron. We present a method for selecting representations of a nite group to construct a group frame that achieves low coherence. Our technique produces a tight frame with a small number of distinct inner product values between the frame elements, in a sense approximating a Grassmannian frame. We identify special cases in which our construction yields some previously-known frames with optimal coherence meeting the Welch lower bound, and other cases in which the entries of our frame vectors come from small alphabets. In particular, we apply our technique to the problem choosing a subset of rows of a Hadamard matrix so that the resulting columns form a low-coherence frame. Finally, we give an explicit calculation of the average coherence of our frames, and nd regimes in which they satisfy the Strong Coherence Property described by Mixon, Bajwa, and Calderbank

    Polishchuk's conjecture and Kazhdan-Laumon representations

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    In their 1988 paper "Gluing of perverse sheaves and discrete series representations," D. Kazhdan and G. Laumon constructed an abelian category A\mathcal{A} associated to a reductive group GG over a finite field with the aim of using it to construct discrete series representations of the finite Chevalley group G(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_q). The well-definedness of their construction depended on their conjecture that this category has finite cohomological dimension. This was disproven by R. Bezrukavnikov and A. Polishchuk in 2001, who found a counterexample in the case G=SL3G = SL_3. In the same paper, Polishchuk then made an alternative conjecture: though this counterexample shows that the Grothendieck group K0(A)K_0(\mathcal{A}) is not spanned by objects of finite projective dimension, he noted that a graded version of K0(A)K_0(\mathcal{A}) can be thought of as a module over Laurent polynomials and conjectured that a certain localization of this module is generated by objects of finite projective dimension, and suggested that this conjecture could lead toward a proof that Kazhdan and Laumon's construction is well-defined. He proved this conjecture in Types A1,A2,A3A_1, A_2, A_3, and B2B_2. In the present paper, we prove Polishchuk's conjecture in full generality, and go on to prove that Kazhdan and Laumon's construction is indeed well-defined, giving a new geometric construction of discrete series representations of G(Fq)G(\mathbb{F}_q).Comment: 31 page

    Limitations of Quantum Coset States for Graph Isomorphism

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    It has been known for some time that graph isomorphism reduces to the hidden subgroup problem (HSP). What is more, most exponential speedups in quantum computation are obtained by solving instances of the HSP. A common feature of the resulting algorithms is the use of quantum coset states, which encode the hidden subgroup. An open question has been how hard it is to use these states to solve graph isomorphism. It was recently shown by Moore, Russell, and Schulman that only an exponentially small amount of information is available from one, or a pair of coset states. A potential source of power to exploit are entangled quantum measurements that act jointly on many states at once. We show that entangled quantum measurements on at least \Omega(n log n) coset states are necessary to get useful information for the case of graph isomorphism, matching an information theoretic upper bound. This may be viewed as a negative result because highly entangled measurements seem hard to implement in general. Our main theorem is very general and also rules out using joint measurements on few coset states for some other groups, such as GL(n, F_{p^m}) and G^n where G is finite and satisfies a suitable property.Comment: 25 page

    Hypercomplex Spectral Signal Representations for the Processing and Analysis of Images

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    In the present work hypercomplex spectral methods of the processing and analysis of images are introduced. The thesis is divided into three main chapters. First the quaternionic Fourier transform (QFT) for 2D signals is presented and its main properties are investigated. The QFT is closely related to the 2D Fourier transform and to the 2D Hartley transform. Similarities and differences of these three transforms are investigated with special emphasis on the symmetry properties. The Clifford Fourier transform is presented as nD generalization of the QFT. Secondly the concept of the phase of a signal is considered. We distinguish the global, the local and the instantaneous phase of a signal. It is shown how these 1D concepts can be extended to 2D using the QFT. In order to extend the concept of global phase we introduce the notion of the quaternionic analytic signal of a real signal. Defining quaternionic Gabor filters leads to the definition of the local quaternionic phase. The relation between signal structure and local signal phase, which is well-known in 1D, is extended to 2D using the quaternionic phase. In the third part two application of the theory are presented. For the image processing tasks of disparity estimation and texture segmentation there exist approaches which are based on the (complex) local phase. These methods are extended to the use of the quaternionic phase. In either case the properties of the complex approaches are preserved while new features are added by using the quaternionic phase

    Quantum geometry of moduli spaces of local systems and representation theory

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    Let G be a split semi-simple adjoint group, and S an oriented surface with punctures and special boundary points. We introduce a moduli space P(G,S) parametrizing G-local system on S with some boundary data, and prove that it carries a cluster Poisson structure, equivariant under the action of the cluster modular group M(G,S), containing the mapping class group of S, the group of outer automorphisms of G, and the product of Weyl / braid groups over punctures / boundary components. We prove that the dual moduli space A(G,S) carries a M(G,S)-equivariant cluster structure, and the pair (A(G,S), P(G,S)) is a cluster ensemble. These results generalize the works of V. Fock & the first author, and of I. Le. We quantize cluster Poisson varieties X for any Planck constant h s.t. h>0 or |h|=1. First, we define a *-algebra structure on the Langlands modular double A(h; X) of the algebra of functions on X. We construct a principal series of representations of the *-algebra A(h; X), equivariant under a unitary projective representation of the cluster modular group M(X). This extends works of V. Fock and the first author when h>0. Combining this, we get a M(G,S)-equivariant quantization of the moduli space P(G,S), given by the *-algebra A(h; P(G,S)) and its principal series representations. We construct realizations of the principal series *-representations. In particular, when S is punctured disc with two special points, we get a principal series *-representations of the Langlands modular double of the quantum group Uq(g). We conjecture that there is a nondegenerate pairing between the local system of coinvariants of oscillatory representations of the W-algebra and the one provided by the projective representation of the mapping class group of S.Comment: 199 pages. Minor correction

    Explicit Ambient Metrics and Holonomy

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    We present three large classes of examples of conformal structures whose Fefferman-Graham ambient metrics can be found explicitly. Our method for constructing these examples rests upon a set of sufficiency conditions under which the Fefferman-Graham equations are assured to reduce to a system of inhomogeneous linear partial differential equations. Our examples include conformal pp-waves and, more importantly, conformal structures that are defined by generic co-rank 3 distributions in dimensions 5 and 6.Our examples illustrate various aspects of the ambient metric construction. The holonomy algebras of our ambient metrics are studied in detail. In particular, we exhibit a large class of metrics with holonomy equal to the exceptional non-compact Lie group G2 as well as ambient metrics with holonomy contained in Spin(4, 3)

    Quaternion Algebras

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    This open access textbook presents a comprehensive treatment of the arithmetic theory of quaternion algebras and orders, a subject with applications in diverse areas of mathematics. Written to be accessible and approachable to the graduate student reader, this text collects and synthesizes results from across the literature. Numerous pathways offer explorations in many different directions, while the unified treatment makes this book an essential reference for students and researchers alike. Divided into five parts, the book begins with a basic introduction to the noncommutative algebra underlying the theory of quaternion algebras over fields, including the relationship to quadratic forms. An in-depth exploration of the arithmetic of quaternion algebras and orders follows. The third part considers analytic aspects, starting with zeta functions and then passing to an idelic approach, offering a pathway from local to global that includes strong approximation. Applications of unit groups of quaternion orders to hyperbolic geometry and low-dimensional topology follow, relating geometric and topological properties to arithmetic invariants. Arithmetic geometry completes the volume, including quaternionic aspects of modular forms, supersingular elliptic curves, and the moduli of QM abelian surfaces. Quaternion Algebras encompasses a vast wealth of knowledge at the intersection of many fields. Graduate students interested in algebra, geometry, and number theory will appreciate the many avenues and connections to be explored. Instructors will find numerous options for constructing introductory and advanced courses, while researchers will value the all-embracing treatment. Readers are assumed to have some familiarity with algebraic number theory and commutative algebra, as well as the fundamentals of linear algebra, topology, and complex analysis. More advanced topics call upon additional background, as noted, though essential concepts and motivation are recapped throughout