2 research outputs found

    Video frame interpolation based on bilateral motion estimation

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    Tema završnog rada je interpolacija slika primjenom bilateralne procjene pokreta u postupku povećanja brzine izmjene slika video sekvenci. U radu su opisane metode interpolacije primjenom estimacije i kompenzacije pokreta te načini pretrage u postupku procjene vektora pokreta. Objašnjene su razlike između bilateralne i unilateralne interpolacije. U praktičnom dijelu zadatka napravljen je kod u programskom paketu Matlab za interpolaciju slika primjenom bilateralne procjene pokreta. Kvaliteta slika interpoliranih implementiranom metodom izmjerena je PSNR metrikom za 5 sekvenci različitog sadržaja. Ti su rezultati uspoređeni s rezultatima interpolacije napravljene programom ffmpeg i to metodom usrednjavanja i metodom MCI-EPZS. Pokazano je da uspješnost metoda interpolacije ovisi o sadržajima video sekvenci, ali i o metodama poboljšanja kvalitete videa koje se primjenjuju nakon interpolacije.The topic of this final paper is video frame interpolation based on bilateral motion estimation in the process of frame rate upscaling. This paper describes methods of motion interpolation by using motion estimation and motion compensation, also various algorithms that are used for adequate motion detection and obtaining motion vectors. It explains the key differences between bilateral and unilateral interpolation. As a practical part of this final thesis, a code for frame interpolation with bilateral motion estimation was made in Matlab. The quality of the interpolated pictures that are obtained by the implemented method is measured with PSNR metrics on 5 video sequences with different content. These results are compared to the results of interpolation made with ffmpeg software by using two methods, frame averaging and MCI-EPZS. The results show that successful motion interpolation depends on the content of the video sequences, but also on the methods for image improvement that are applied after the interpolation itself

    Perception-Oriented Methodology for Robust Motion Estimation Design

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