8 research outputs found

    Fractional-step schemes for the coupling of distributed and lumped models in hemodynamics

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    International audienceIn three-dimensional (3D) blood flow simulations, lumped parameter models (0D) are often used to model the neglected parts of the downstream circulatory system. We analyze two 3D-0D coupling approaches in which a fractional-step projection scheme is used in the fluid. Our analysis shows that explicit approaches might yield numerical instabilities, particularly in the case of realistic geometries with multiple outlets. We introduce and analyze an implicitly 3D-0D coupled formulation with enhanced stability properties and which requires a negligible additional computational cost. Furthermore, we also address the extension of these methods to fluid-structure interaction problems. The theoretical stability results are confirmed by meaningful numerical experiments in patient specific geometries coming from medical imaging

    Computational haemodynamics in stenotic internal jugular veins

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    Stenosis in internal jugular veins (IJVs) are frequently associated to pathological venous circulation and insufficient cerebral blood drainage. In this work, we set up a computational framework to assess the relevance of IJV stenoses through numerical simulation, combining medical imaging, patient-specific data and a mathematical model for venous occlusions. Coupling a three-dimensional (3D) description of blood flow in IJVs with a reduced one-dimesional model (1D) for major intracranial veins, we are able to model different anatomical configurations, an aspect of importance to understand the impact of IJV stenosis in intracranial venous haemodynamics. We investigate several stenotic configurations in a physiologic patient-specific regime, quantifying the effect of the stenosis in terms of venous pressure increase and wall shear stress patterns. Simulation results are in qualitative agreement with reported pressure anomalies in pathological cases. Moreover, they demonstrate the potential of the proposed multiscale framework for individual-based studies and computer-aided diagnosis

    Hemodynamic simulations in the cerebral venous network: A study on the influence of different modeling assumptions

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    International audienceBlood flow computations in complex geometries are of major interest in various cardio-vascular applications. However, deriving an appropriate computational model is still an open issue and a central question is how to incorporate and quantify uncertainties due to different modeling assumptions. The present work is intended as a first step in this direction, in the particular case of blood flow in the cerebral venous system. After a careful evaluation of the influence of the computational methodology, the study investigates the impact on the velocity field and the wall shear stress of three inflow boundary conditions, two strategies for treating the outflow boundary condition and two different viscosity models. The results demonstrate that the effect of setting the inflow boundary condition on the forces created by blood flow, is likely greater than for other modeling assumptions, the other important factor being the blood viscosity model, especially in wall shear stress computations. They suggest that improvements on the one hand on the mathematical and computational approach, and on the other hand on available data for their treatment are needed

    A Stokes-consistent backflow stabilization for physiological flows

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    In computational fluid dynamics incoming flow at open boundaries, or \emph{backflow}, often yields to unphysical instabilities for high Reynolds numbers. It is widely accepted that this is due to the incoming energy arising from the convection term, which cannot be \emph{a priori} controlled when the velocity field is unknown at the boundary. In order to improve the robustness of the numerical simulations, we propose a stabilized formulation based on a penalization of the residual of a weak Stokes problem on the open boundary, whose viscous part controls the incoming convective energy, while the inertial term contributes to the kinetic energy. We also present different strategies for the approximation of the boundary pressure gradient, which is needed for defining the stabilization term. The method has the advantage that it does not require neither artificial modifications or extensions of the computational domain. Moreover, it is consistent with the Womersley solution. We illustrate our approach on numerical examples ~- both academic and real-life -~ relevant to blood and respiratory flows. The results also show that the stabilization parameter can be reduced with the mesh size

    Explicit coupling schemes for a fluid-fluid interaction problem arising in hemodynamics

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    International audienceIn this work we propose a new approach to the loosely coupled time-marching of a fluid-fluid interaction problems involving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The methods combine a specific explicit Robin-Robin treatment of the interface coupling with a weakly consistent interface pressure stabilization in time. A priori energy estimates guaranteeing stability of the splitting are obtained for a total pressure formulation of the coupled problem. The performance of the proposed schemes is illustrated on several numerical experiments related to simulation of aortic blood flow

    Energy-based operator splitting approach for the time discretization of coupled systems of partial and ordinary differential equations for fluid flows: The Stokes case

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    The goal of this work is to develop a novel splitting approach for the numerical solution of multiscale problems involving the coupling between Stokes equations and ODE systems, as often encountered in blood flow modeling applications. The proposed algorithm is based on a semi-discretization in time based on operator splitting, whose design is guided by the rationale of ensuring that the physical energy balance is maintained at the discrete level. As a result, unconditional stability with respect to the time step choice is ensured by the implicit treatment of interface conditions within the Stokes substeps, whereas the coupling between Stokes and ODE substeps is enforced via appropriate initial conditions for each substep. Notably, unconditional stability is attained without the need of subiterating between Stokes and ODE substeps. Stability and convergence properties of the proposed algorithm are tested on three specific examples for which analytical solutions are derived

    Semi-implicit fluid–structure interaction in biomedical applications

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    Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) incorporates effects of fluid flows on deformable solids and vice versa. Complex biomedical problems in clinical applications continue to challenge numerical algorithms, as incorporating the underlying mathematical methods can impair the solvers’ performance drastically. In this regard, we extend a semi-implicit, pressure Poisson-based FSI scheme for non-Newtonian fluids to incorporate several models crucial for biomechanical applications. We consider Windkessel outlets to account for neglected downstream flow regions, realistic material fibre orientation and stressed reference geometries reconstructed from medical image data. Additionally, we incorporate vital numerical aspects, namely, stabilisations to counteract dominant convective effects and instabilities triggered by re-entrant flow, while a major contribution of this work is combining interface quasi-Newton methods with Robin coupling conditions to accelerate the partitioned (semi-)implicit coupling scheme. The numerical examples presented herein aim to finally bridge the gap to real-world applications, considering state-of-the-art modelling aspects and physiological parameters. FSI simulations of blood flow in an iliac bifurcation derived from medical images and vocal folds deforming in the process of human phonation demonstrate the versatility of the framework

    Continuous and semi-discrete stability estimates for 3d/0d coupled systems modelling airflows and blood flows

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    In this paper we analyse multiscale models arising in the description of physiological flows such as blood flow in arteries or air flow in the bronchial tree. The geometrical complexity of the networks in which air/blood flows leads to a classical decomposition in two areas: a truncated 3D geometry corresponding to the largest contribution of the domain, and a 0D part connected to the 3D part, modelling air/blood flows in smaller airways/vessels. The fluid in the 3D part is described by the Stokes or the Navier-Stokes system which is coupled to 0D models or so-called Windkessel models. The resulting Navier-Stokes-Windkessel coupled system involves Neumann non-local boundary conditions that depends on the considered applications. We first show that the different types of Windkessel models share a similar formalism. Next we derive stability estimates for the continuous coupled Stokes-Windkessel or Navier-Stokes-Windkessel problem as well as stability estimates for the semi-discretized systems with either implicit or explicit coupling. In all the calculations, we pay a special attention to the dependancy of the various constants and smallness conditions on the data with respect to the physical and numerical parameters. In particular we exhibit different kinds of behavior depending on the considered 0D model. Moreover even if no energy estimates can be derived in energy norms for the Navier-Stokes-Windkessel system, leading to possible numerical instabilities for large applied pressures, we show that stability estimates for both the continuous and semi-discrete problems, can be obtained in appropriate norms for small enough data by introducing a new well chosen Stokes-like operator. These sufficient stability conditions on the data may give a hint on the order of magnitude of the data enabling stable computations without stabilization method for the problem