5 research outputs found

    Fractional-order PID control strategy on hydraulic-loading system of typical electromechanical platform

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    In this paper, a control method for a hydraulic loading system of an electromechanical platform based on a fractional-order PID (Proportion-Integration-Differentiation) controller is proposed, which is used to drive the loading system of a mechatronic journal test rig. The mathematical model of the control system is established according to the principle of the electro-hydraulic system. Considering the indetermination of model parameters, the method of parameter identification was used to verify the rationality of the theoretical model. In order to improve the control precision of the hydraulic loading system, the traditional PID controller and fractional-order PID controller are designed by selecting appropriate tuning parameters. Their control performances are analyzed in frequency domain and time domain, respectively. The results show that the fractional-order PID controller has better control effect. By observing the actual control effect of the fractional-order PID controller on the journal test rig, the effectiveness of this control algorithm is verified

    Fractional-Order PID Control Strategy on Hydraulic-Loading System of Typical Electromechanical Platform

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    In this paper, a control method for a hydraulic loading system of an electromechanical platform based on a fractional-order PID (Proportion-Integration-Differentiation) controller is proposed, which is used to drive the loading system of a mechatronic journal test rig. The mathematical model of the control system is established according to the principle of the electro-hydraulic system. Considering the indetermination of model parameters, the method of parameter identification was used to verify the rationality of the theoretical model. In order to improve the control precision of the hydraulic loading system, the traditional PID controller and fractional-order PID controller are designed by selecting appropriate tuning parameters. Their control performances are analyzed in frequency domain and time domain, respectively. The results show that the fractional-order PID controller has better control effect. By observing the actual control effect of the fractional-order PID controller on the journal test rig, the effectiveness of this control algorithm is verified

    Evaluaci贸n y an谩lisis comparativo de las estrategias de sintonizaci贸n, optimizaci贸n y aproximaci贸n de controladores de orden fraccionario aplicados a sistemas mecatr贸nicos.

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    Se realiz贸 una evaluaci贸n comparativa del desempe帽o de los diferentes controladores PID de orden fraccionario (FOPID) aplicados a procesos FODPT, el proceso utilizado en este estudio es un motor DC. En el procedimiento de dise帽o de los controladores FOPID se utilizan cuatro etapas: m茅todos de sintonizaci贸n, algoritmos de optimizaci贸n, 铆ndices de desempe帽o y algoritmos de aproximaci贸n. En cada una de estas etapas existe una variedad de metodolog铆as y algoritmos, lo cual vuelve complejo el dise帽o de un controlador FOPID aplicado a un proceso en particular. Para el an谩lisis comparativo se utiliz贸 cuatro(4 )m茅todos de sintonizaci贸n: Ziegler-Nichols, Amstrom-Hagglund (AMIGO) , Chien-Hromes-Reswick (CHR)y Cohen Coon ( CC); adem谩s se aplic贸 (3)algoritmos de optimizaci贸n Nelder-Mead (NM) , el punto interior (IP) y el algoritmo secuencial de programaci贸n cuadr谩tica (SQP ); con respecto a la fase de aproximaci贸n de orden fraccional a orden entero, se utilizo tres (3) algoritmos: Crone,Matsuday Carlson; y finalmente para cuantificar el desempe帽o de, m茅todo de sintonizaci贸n e utilizaron cuatro (4) 铆ndices de error: ISE,IAE,ITSE e ITAE. Como resultado del presente trabajo se generaron 180 controladores FOPID, de los cuales se muestra que, al aplicar el algoritmo de sintonizaci贸n de ZN, junto con el algoritmo de optimizaci贸n SQP, seleccionando la m茅trica de desempe帽o ITAE y el algoritmo de aproximaci贸n Matsuda, se convierte en la comunicaci贸n optima de estrategias aplicadas al dise帽o de controladores FOPID. La simulaci贸n en lazo cerrado entre este controlador y el proceso nos entreg贸 los mejores resultados en la respuesta temporal, se obtuvo un porcentaje de sobre elongaci贸n de 1.07% y un tiempo de establecimiento de 1.3 milisegundos. Finalmente, se recomienda emplear la planta identificada por la herramienta PID Tuner, este modelo de primer orden con tiempo de retardo presenta mejores resultados de simulaci贸n en los par谩metros temporales con respecto a los otros modelos.A comparative evaluation of the performance of the different fractional order PID controllers (FOPID) applied to FODPT processes was performed, the process used in this study is a DC motor. Four steps are used in the design procedure of FOPID controllers: tuning methods, optimization algorithms, performance indexes and approximation algorithms. In each of these stages there is a variety of methodologies and algorithms, which makes the design of a FOPID controller applied to a particular process complex. For the comparative analysis four (4) tuning methods were used: Ziegler-Nichols, Amstrom-Hagglund (AMIGO), Chien-Hromes-Reswick (CHR) and Cohen Coon (CC); In addition, (3) Nelder-Mead optimization algorithms (NM), the internal point (IP) and the sequential quadratic programming algorithm (SQP) were applied; With respect to the phase of approximation of fractional order to whole order, three (3) algorithms were used: Crone, Matsuday Carlson; and finally to quantify the performance of the tuning method and used four (4) error rates: ISE, IAE, ITSE and ITAE. As a result of this work, 180 FOPID controllers were generated, of which it is shown that, when applying the ZN tuning algorithm, together with the SQP optimization algorithm, selecting the ITAE performance metric and the Matsuda approximation algorithm, it becomes in the optimal communication of strategies applied to the design of FOPID controllers. The closed loop simulation between this controller and the process gave us the best results in the temporal response, an elongation percentage of 1.07% was obtained and an establishment time of 1.3 milliseconds. Finally, it is recommended to use the plant identified by the PID Tuner tool, this first-order model with delay time has better simulation results in the temporal parameters with respect to the other models