6 research outputs found

    Transduction of DNA information through water and electromagnetic waves

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    The experimental conditions by which electromagnetic signals (EMS) of low frequency can be emitted by diluted aqueous solutions of some bacterial and viral DNAs are described. That the recorded EMS and nanostructures induced in water carry the DNA information (sequence) is shown by retrieval of that same DNA by classical PCR amplification using the TAQ polymerase, including both primers and nucleotides. Moreover, such a transduction process has also been observed in living human cells exposed to EMS irradiation. These experiments suggest that coherent long range molecular interaction must be at work in water so to allow the observed features. The quantum field theory analysis of the phenomenon is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The aesthetic experience as a characteristic feature of brain dynamics

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    The brain constructs within itself an understanding of its surround which constitutes its own world. This is described as its Double in the frame of the dissipative quantum model of brain, where the perception-action arc in the Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception finds its formal description. In the dialog with the Double, the continuous attempt to reach the equilibrium shows that the real goal pursued by the brain activity is the aesthetical experience, the most harmonious “to-be-in-the-world” reached through reciprocal actions, the aesthetical dimension characterized by the “pleasure” of the perception. Aesthetical pleasure unavoidably implies disclosure, to manifest “signs”, artistic communication. An interpersonal, collective level of consciousness then arises, a larger stage where the actors are mutually dependent. The coherent structure of the brain background state manifests itself in the auto-similarity properties of fractal structures. These are observed to occur also in a large number of natural phenomena and systems. The conception of Nature divided in separated domains is replaced by the vision of Nature unified by laws of form implied by the underlying quantum dynamics of the coherent vacuum, an integrated ecological vision

    Cortical phase transitions, non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    The formation of amplitude modulated and phase modulated assemblies of neurons is observed in the brain functional activity. The study of the formation of such structures requires that the analysis has to be organized in hierarchical levels, microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic, each with its characteristic space-time scales and the various forms of energy, electric, chemical, thermal produced and used by the brain. In this paper, we discuss the microscopic dynamics underlying the mesoscopic and the macroscopic levels and focus our attention on the thermodynamics of the non-equilibrium phase transitions. We obtain the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation for the non-stationary regime and consider the formation of topologically non-trivial structures such as the vortex solution. The power laws observed in functional activities of the brain is also discussed and related to coherent states characterizing the many-body dissipative model of brain.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, research pape