16,986 research outputs found

    Development of method of matched morphological filtering of biomedical signals and images

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    Formalized approach to the analysis of biomedical signals and images with locally concentrated features is developed on the basis of matched morphological filtering taking into account the useful signal models that allowed generalizing the existing methods of digital processing and analysis of biomedical signals and images with locally concentrated features. The proposed matched morphological filter has been adapted to solve such problems as localization of the searched structural elements on biomedical signals with locally concentrated features, estimation of the irregular background aimed at the visualization quality improving of biological objects on X-ray biomedical images, pathologic structures selection on mammogram. The efficiency of the proposed methods of matched morphological filtration of biomedical signals and images with locally concentrated features is proved by experiments

    Turbulence in the Solar Atmosphere: Manifestations and Diagnostics via Solar Image Processing

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    Intermittent magnetohydrodynamical turbulence is most likely at work in the magnetized solar atmosphere. As a result, an array of scaling and multi-scaling image-processing techniques can be used to measure the expected self-organization of solar magnetic fields. While these techniques advance our understanding of the physical system at work, it is unclear whether they can be used to predict solar eruptions, thus obtaining a practical significance for space weather. We address part of this problem by focusing on solar active regions and by investigating the usefulness of scaling and multi-scaling image-processing techniques in solar flare prediction. Since solar flares exhibit spatial and temporal intermittency, we suggest that they are the products of instabilities subject to a critical threshold in a turbulent magnetic configuration. The identification of this threshold in scaling and multi-scaling spectra would then contribute meaningfully to the prediction of solar flares. We find that the fractal dimension of solar magnetic fields and their multi-fractal spectrum of generalized correlation dimensions do not have significant predictive ability. The respective multi-fractal structure functions and their inertial-range scaling exponents, however, probably provide some statistical distinguishing features between flaring and non-flaring active regions. More importantly, the temporal evolution of the above scaling exponents in flaring active regions probably shows a distinct behavior starting a few hours prior to a flare and therefore this temporal behavior may be practically useful in flare prediction. The results of this study need to be validated by more comprehensive works over a large number of solar active regions.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Wavelets and their use

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    This review paper is intended to give a useful guide for those who want to apply discrete wavelets in their practice. The notion of wavelets and their use in practical computing and various applications are briefly described, but rigorous proofs of mathematical statements are omitted, and the reader is just referred to corresponding literature. The multiresolution analysis and fast wavelet transform became a standard procedure for dealing with discrete wavelets. The proper choice of a wavelet and use of nonstandard matrix multiplication are often crucial for achievement of a goal. Analysis of various functions with the help of wavelets allows to reveal fractal structures, singularities etc. Wavelet transform of operator expressions helps solve some equations. In practical applications one deals often with the discretized functions, and the problem of stability of wavelet transform and corresponding numerical algorithms becomes important. After discussing all these topics we turn to practical applications of the wavelet machinery. They are so numerous that we have to limit ourselves by some examples only. The authors would be grateful for any comments which improve this review paper and move us closer to the goal proclaimed in the first phrase of the abstract.Comment: 63 pages with 22 ps-figures, to be published in Physics-Uspekh

    Application of Fractal and Wavelets in Microcalcification Detection

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    Breast cancer has been recognized as one or the most frequent, malignant tumors in women, clustered microcalcifications in mammogram images has been widely recognized as an early sign of breast cancer. This work is devote to review the application of Fractal and Wavelets in microcalcifications detection

    Fractal Dimensions in Perceptual Color Space: A Comparison Study Using Jackson Pollock's Art

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    The fractal dimensions of color-specific paint patterns in various Jackson Pollock paintings are calculated using a filtering process which models perceptual response to color differences (\Lab color space). The advantage of the \Lab space filtering method over traditional RGB spaces is that the former is a perceptually-uniform (metric) space, leading to a more consistent definition of ``perceptually different'' colors. It is determined that the RGB filtering method underestimates the perceived fractal dimension of lighter colored patterns but not of darker ones, if the same selection criteria is applied to each. Implications of the findings to Fechner's 'Principle of the Aesthetic Middle' and Berlyne's work on perception of complexity are discussed.Comment: 21 pp LaTeX; two postscript figure