1,472 research outputs found

    A Multiple Scattering Polarized Radiative Transfer Model: Application to HD 189733b

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    We present a multiple scattering vector radiative transfer model which produces disk integrated, full phase polarized light curves for reflected light from an exoplanetary atmosphere. We validate our model against results from published analytical and computational models and discuss a small number of cases relevant to the existing and possible near-future observations of the exoplanet HD 189733b. HD 189733b is arguably the most well observed exoplanet to date and the only exoplanet to be observed in polarized light, yet it is debated if the planet's atmosphere is cloudy or clear. We model reflected light from clear atmospheres with Rayleigh scattering, and cloudy or hazy atmospheres with Mie and fractal aggregate particles. We show that clear and cloudy atmospheres have large differences in polarized light as compared to simple flux measurements, though existing observations are insufficient to make this distinction. Futhermore, we show that atmospheres that are spatially inhomogeneous, such as being partially covered by clouds or hazes, exhibit larger contrasts in polarized light when compared to clear atmospheres. This effect can potentially be used to identify patchy clouds in exoplanets. Given a set of full phase polarimetric measurements, this model can constrain the geometric albedo, properties of scattering particles in the atmosphere and the longitude of the ascending node of the orbit. The model is used to interpret new polarimetric observations of HD 189733b in a companion paper.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Empirical assessment of VoIP overload detection tests

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    The control of communication networks critically relies on procedures capable of detecting unanticipated load changes. In this paper we explore such techniques, in a setting in which each connection consumes roughly the same amount of bandwidth (with VoIP as a leading example). We focus on large-deviations based techniques developed earlier in that monitor the number of connections present, and that issue an alarm when this number abruptly changes. The procedures proposed in are demonstrated by using real traces from an operational environment. Our experiments show that our detection procedure is capable of adequately identifying load changes

    Stream sediment analysis for Lithium (Li) exploration in the Douro region (Portugal): A comparative study of the spatial interpolation and catchment basin approaches

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    Lithium (Li) was recently added to the list of critical raw materials by the European Union due to its significance for the green energy transition. Thus, the development of new toolchains to make Li exploration more economic and more effective is needed. Stream sediment analysis can play an important part in these new tool chains. In this work, two historical stream sediment datasets covering parts of the Fregeneda-Almendra pegmatite field in the Douro region (Portugal) were reprocessed considering two distinct approaches: spatial interpolation through inverse distance weighting (IDW) and the catchment basin approach using the concentration area (C-A) fractal analysis. The following objectives were delineated: (i) determine pathfinder elements for Li, considering relevant associations in the mineralization sources; (ii) compare the performance of both approaches; (iii) identify new target areas for Li. In the case of spatial interpolation, the highest Li values were associated to granites although the use of key elements allowed lithological discrimination and the delineation of target areas. In the catchment basin approach, fractal analysis proved to be effective in decreasing the number of areas of interest with high accuracy (>75%) when considering the previously mapped Li-pegmatites. One of the limitations identified was the number of anomalous basins related to the granites, despite the use of pathfinder elements allowing discriminating granite- from pegmatite-related Li anomalies. Comparing the two approaches, the spatial interpolation method is more adequate for the early stages of exploration (reconnaissance), while the catchment basin approach is more suited for prospect-scale exploration. Field validation of the results identified one pegmatite containing Li mineralization and three others with favorable signs for Li mineralization in the Douro region.The authors would like to thank the financial support provided by FCT– Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (Portugal) and BMBF Jülich – Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Germany), with the ERA-MIN/0001/2017 – LIGHTS project. The work was also supported by Portuguese National Funds through the FCT projects UIDB/04683/2020 and UIDP/04683/2020 – ICT (Institute of Earth Sciences) and UIDB/50019/2020 – IDL (Instituto Dom Luiz). Joana Cardoso-Fernandes and Jéssica Lima are financially supported within the compass of their respective Ph.D. Thesis, ref. SFRH/BD/136108/2018 and ref. 2020.05793.BD, by national funds from MCTES through FCT, and co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through POCH – Programa Operacional Capital Humano – and NORTE 2020 regional program. The Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (Project RTI2018-094097-B-100, with ERDF funds) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (grant GIU18/084) also contributed economically. The authors are also grateful to BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) and LNEG (Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia) for making the data available for this study

    Stream sediment analysis for Lithium (Li) exploration in the Douro region (Portugal): A comparative study of the spatial interpolation and catchment basin approaches

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    Lithium (Li) was recently added to the list of critical raw materials by the European Union due to its significance for the green energy transition. Thus, the development of new toolchains to make Li exploration more economic and more effective is needed. Stream sediment analysis can play an important part in these new tool chains. In this work, two historical stream sediment datasets covering parts of the Fregeneda-Almendra pegmatite field in the Douro region (Portugal) were reprocessed considering two distinct approaches: spatial interpolation through inverse distance weighting (IDW) and the catchment basin approach using the concentration area (C-A) fractal analysis. The following objectives were delineated: (i) determine pathfinder elements for Li, considering relevant associations in the mineralization sources; (ii) compare the performance of both approaches; (iii) identify new target areas for Li. In the case of spatial interpolation, the highest Li values were associated to granites although the use of key elements allowed lithological discrimination and the delineation of target areas. In the catchment basin approach, fractal analysis proved to be effective in decreasing the number of areas of interest with high accuracy (>75%) when considering the previously mapped Li-pegmatites. One of the limitations identified was the number of anomalous basins related to the granites, despite the use of pathfinder elements allowing discriminating granite-from pegmatite-related Li anomalies. Comparing the two approaches, the spatial interpolation method is more adequate for the early stages of exploration (reconnaissance), while the catchment basin approach is more suited for prospect-scale exploration. Field validation of the results identified one pegmatite containing Li mineralization and three others with favorable signs for Li mineralization in the Douro region

    Comparison of U-spatial Statistics Method with Classical Statistics Results in the Determination of Geochemical Anomalies of Epithermal Gold in Khoshnameh Area, Hashtjin, Iran

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    In this study, methods based on the distribution model (with and without personal opinion) were used for the separation of anomalous zones, which include two different methods of U-spatial statistics and mean plus values of standard deviation (). The primary purpose is to compare the results of these methods with each other. To increase the accuracy of comparison, regional geochemical data were used where occurrences and mineralization zones of epithermal gold have been introduced. The study area is part of the Hashtjin geological map, which is structurally part of the folded and thrust belt and part of the Alborz Tertiary magmatic complex.Samples were taken from secondary lithogeochemical environments. Au element data concerning epithermal gold reserves were used to investigate the efficacy of these two methods.In the U- spatial statistics method,and criteria were used to determine the threshold, and in the method,the element enrichment index of the region rock units was obtained with grouping these units. The anomalous areas were identified by, and criteria. Comparison of methods was made considering the position of discovered occurrences and the occurrences obtained from these methods,the flexibility of the methods in separating the anomalous zones, and the two-dimensional spatial correlation of the three elements As, Pb, and Ag with Au element. The ability of two methods to identify potential areas is acceptable. Among these methods, it seems the method with criteria has a high degree of flexibility in separating anomalous regions in the case of epithermal type gold deposits