770 research outputs found

    Evaluation of optimisation techniques for multiscopic rendering

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by ResearchThis project evaluates different performance optimisation techniques applied to stereoscopic and multiscopic rendering for interactive applications. The artefact features a robust plug-in package for the Unity game engine. The thesis provides background information for the performance optimisations, outlines all the findings, evaluates the optimisations and provides suggestions for future work. Scrum development methodology is used to develop the artefact and quantitative research methodology is used to evaluate the findings by measuring performance. This project concludes that the use of each performance optimisation has specific use case scenarios in which performance benefits. Foveated rendering provides greatest performance increase for both stereoscopic and multiscopic rendering but is also more computationally intensive as it requires an eye tracking solution. Dynamic resolution is very beneficial when overall frame rate smoothness is needed and frame drops are present. Depth optimisation is beneficial for vast open environments but can lead to decreased performance if used inappropriately

    Foveated Encoding for Large High-Resolution Displays

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    Collaborative exploration of scientific data sets across large high-resolution displays requires both high visual detail as well as low-latency transfer of image data (oftentimes inducing the need to trade one for the other). In this work, we present a system that dynamically adapts the encoding quality in such systems in a way that reduces the required bandwidth without impacting the details perceived by one or more observers. Humans perceive sharp, colourful details, in the small foveal region around the centre of the field of view, while information in the periphery is perceived blurred and colourless. We account for this by tracking the gaze of observers, and respectively adapting the quality parameter of each macroblock used by the H.264 encoder, considering the so-called visual acuity fall-off. This allows to substantially reduce the required bandwidth with barely noticeable changes in visual quality, which is crucial for collaborative analysis across display walls at different locations. We demonstrate the reduced overall required bandwidth and the high quality inside the foveated regions using particle rendering and parallel coordinates

    Accelerated Foveated Rendering based on Adaptive Tessellation

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    We propose an optimization method for adaptive geometric tessellation, involving the saccadic motion of the human eye and foveated rendering. Increased demands on computational resources, especially in the field of head-mounted devices with gaze contingency make optimization schemes pertinent for a seamless user experience. For implementing foveated rendering, our algorithm tessellates a 3D model in real-time based on the location of the user's gaze, substituted with a mouse cursor in this project as a proof of concept. Saccades and fixations of the human eye are simulated by delaying the process of tessellation and rendering by the minimum time taken to complete a saccade. Calculations required for tessellation and rendering the changes on the screen are stalled as and when the eye fixates after a saccade. The paper walks through our contribution by describing the theory, the application method, and results from our user study evaluating our method.<br/

    Adaptive foveated single-pixel imaging with dynamic super-sampling

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    As an alternative to conventional multi-pixel cameras, single-pixel cameras enable images to be recorded using a single detector that measures the correlations between the scene and a set of patterns. However, to fully sample a scene in this way requires at least the same number of correlation measurements as there are pixels in the reconstructed image. Therefore single-pixel imaging systems typically exhibit low frame-rates. To mitigate this, a range of compressive sensing techniques have been developed which rely on a priori knowledge of the scene to reconstruct images from an under-sampled set of measurements. In this work we take a different approach and adopt a strategy inspired by the foveated vision systems found in the animal kingdom - a framework that exploits the spatio-temporal redundancy present in many dynamic scenes. In our single-pixel imaging system a high-resolution foveal region follows motion within the scene, but unlike a simple zoom, every frame delivers new spatial information from across the entire field-of-view. Using this approach we demonstrate a four-fold reduction in the time taken to record the detail of rapidly evolving features, whilst simultaneously accumulating detail of more slowly evolving regions over several consecutive frames. This tiered super-sampling technique enables the reconstruction of video streams in which both the resolution and the effective exposure-time spatially vary and adapt dynamically in response to the evolution of the scene. The methods described here can complement existing compressive sensing approaches and may be applied to enhance a variety of computational imagers that rely on sequential correlation measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
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