417 research outputs found

    Canonical time-frequency, time-scale, and frequency-scale representations of time-varying channels

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    Mobile communication channels are often modeled as linear time-varying filters or, equivalently, as time-frequency integral operators with finite support in time and frequency. Such a characterization inherently assumes the signals are narrowband and may not be appropriate for wideband signals. In this paper time-scale characterizations are examined that are useful in wideband time-varying channels, for which a time-scale integral operator is physically justifiable. A review of these time-frequency and time-scale characterizations is presented. Both the time-frequency and time-scale integral operators have a two-dimensional discrete characterization which motivates the design of time-frequency or time-scale rake receivers. These receivers have taps for both time and frequency (or time and scale) shifts of the transmitted signal. A general theory of these characterizations which generates, as specific cases, the discrete time-frequency and time-scale models is presented here. The interpretation of these models, namely, that they can be seen to arise from processing assumptions on the transmit and receive waveforms is discussed. Out of this discussion a third model arises: a frequency-scale continuous channel model with an associated discrete frequency-scale characterization.Comment: To appear in Communications in Information and Systems - special issue in honor of Thomas Kailath's seventieth birthda

    Performance and Spectral Analysis of Q2PSK and CE Q2PSK Systems in Ideal Bandlimited Channels

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    The authors present theoretical performance analysis and simulation results for Quadrature-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (Q2PSK), Constant Envelope (CE) Q2PSK, and trelliscoded 16D CEQ2PSK in ideal bandlimited channels of various bandwidths. The performance of receivers with and without channel estimation is reported. Spectral analysis is presented for each system, in addition to MSK and expanded uncoded 16D CEQ2PSK. We show that the effects of bandlimiting are most severe for Q2PSK. Knowledge of the channel information aids 4D CEQ2PSK the least. Only 6.8 dB of SNR is needed for the TCM system for a bit error rate of 10−5 for the narrowest channel bandwidth studied here, if the receiver has knowledge of the channel

    Visualization of 4D Q2PSK and CE Q2PSK in Ideal Bandlimited Channels

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    This paper presents new visualization techniques for 4D Quadrature-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (Q2PSK), Saha’s Constant Envelope (CE) Q2PSK, and Cartwright’s CEQ2PSK in ideal bandlimited channels. The signal diagrams analyzed are: time-signal eye patterns for 4D passband signals, 2D complex trajectory diagrams of baseband signals, and time-signal eye patterns for the 1D outputs of the baseband matched filter. These methods may be applied to other multidimensional modulation systems to obtain insight into the effects of noise, interference, and channel filtering

    Design and Software Validation of Coded Communication Schemes using Multidimensional Signal Sets without Constellation Expansion Penalty in Band-Limited Gaussian and Fading Channels

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    It has been well reported that the use of multidimensional constellation signals can help to reduce the bit error rate in Additive Gaussian channels by using the hyperspace geometry more efficiently. Similarly, in fading channels, dimensionality provides an inherent signal space diversity (distinct components between two constellations points), so the amplitude degradation of the signal are combated significantly better. Moreover, the set of n-dimensional signals also provides great compatibility with various Trellis Coded modulation schemes: N-dimensional signaling joined with a convolutional encoder uses fewer redundant bits for each 2D signaling interval, and increases intra-subset minimum squared Euclidean distance (MSED) to approach the ultimate capacity limit predicted by Shannon\u27s theory. The multidimensional signals perform better for the same complexity than two-dimensional schemes. The inherent constellation expansion penalty factor paid for using classical mapping structures can be decreased by enlarging the constellation\u27s dimension. In this thesis, a multidimensional signal set construction paradigm that completely avoids the constellation expansion penalty is used in Band-limited channels and in fading channels. As such, theoretical work on performance analysis and computer simulations for Quadrature-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (Q2PSK), Constant Envelope (CE) Q2PSK, and trellis-coded 16D CEQ2PSK in ideal band-limited channels of various bandwidths is presented along with a novel discussion on visualization techniques for 4D Quadrature-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (Q2PSK), Saha\u27s Constant Envelope (CE) Q2PSK, and Cartwright\u27s CEQ2PSK in ideal band-limited channels. Furthermore, a metric designed to be used in fading channels, with Hamming Distance (HD) as a primary concern and Euclidean distance (ED) as secondary is also introduced. Simulation results show that the 16D TCM CEQ2PSK system performs well in channels with AWGN and fading, even with the simplest convolutional encoder tested; achievable coding gains using 16-D CEQ2PSK Expanded TCM schemes under various conditions are finally reported

    Power control and receiver design for energy efficiency in multipath CDMA channels with bandlimited waveforms

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    This paper is focused on the cross-layer design problem of joint multiuser detection and power control for energy-efficiency optimization in a wireless data network through a game-theoretic approach. Building on work of Meshkati, et al., wherein the tools of game-theory are used in order to achieve energy-efficiency in a simple synchronous code division multiple access system, system asynchronism, the use of bandlimited chip-pulses, and the multipath distortion induced by the wireless channel are explicitly incorporated into the analysis. Several non-cooperative games are proposed wherein users may vary their transmit power and their uplink receiver in order to maximize their utility, which is defined here as the ratio of data throughput to transmit power. In particular, the case in which a linear multiuser detector is adopted at the receiver is considered first, and then, the more challenging case in which non-linear decision feedback multiuser detectors are employed is considered. The proposed games are shown to admit a unique Nash equilibrium point, while simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed solutions, as well as that the use of a decision-feedback multiuser receiver brings remarkable performance improvements.Comment: appeared in the Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, John Hopkins University, March 200

    A survey of the state of the art and focused research in range systems, task 2

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    Contract generated publications are compiled which describe the research activities for the reporting period. Study topics include: equivalent configurations of systolic arrays; least squares estimation algorithms with systolic array architectures; modeling and equilization of nonlinear bandlimited satellite channels; and least squares estimation and Kalman filtering by systolic arrays

    Achievable Rate and Modulation for Bandlimited Channels with Oversampling and 1-Bit Quantization at the Receiver

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    Sustainably realizing applications of the future with high performance demands requires that energy efficiency becomes a central design criterion for the entire system. For example, the power consumption of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can become a major factor when transmitting at large bandwidths and carrier frequencies, e.g., for ultra-short range high data rate communication. The consumed energy per conversion step increases with the sampling rate such that high resolution ADCs become unfeasible in the sub-THz regime at the very high sampling rates required. This makes signaling schemes adapted to 1-bit quantizers a promising alternative. We therefore quantify the performance of bandlimited 1-bit quantized wireless communication channels using techniques like oversampling and faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling to compensate for the loss of achievable rate. As a limiting case, we provide bounds on the mutual information rate of the hard bandlimited 1-bit quantized continuous-time – i.e., infinitely oversampled – additive white Gaussian noise channel in the mid-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. We derive analytic expressions using runlength encoded input signals. For real signals the maximum value of the lower bound on the spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit was found to be approximately 1.63 bit/s/Hz. Since in practical scenarios the oversampling ratio remains finite, we derive bounds on the achievable rate of the bandlimited oversampled discrete-time channel. These bounds match the results of the continuous-time channel remarkably well. We observe spectral efficiencies up to 1.53 bit/s/Hz in the high-SNR limit given hard bandlimitation. When excess bandwidth is tolerable, spectral efficiencies above 2 bit/s/Hz per domain are achievable w.r.t. the 95 %-power containment bandwidth. Applying the obtained bounds to a bandlimited oversampled 1-bit quantized multiple-input multiple-output channel, we show the benefits when using appropriate power allocation schemes. As a constant envelope modulation scheme, continuous phase modulation is considered in order to relieve linearity requirements on the power amplifier. Noise-free performance limits are investigated for phase shift keying (PSK) and continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) using higher-order modulation alphabets and intermediate frequencies. Adapted waveforms are designed that can be described as FTN-CPFSK. With the same spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit as PSK and CPFSK, these waveforms provide a significantly improved bit error rate (BER) performance. The gain in SNR required for achieving a certain BER can be up to 20 dB.Die nachhaltige Realisierung von zukünftigen Übertragungssystemen mit hohen Leistungsanforderungen erfordert, dass die Energieeffizienz zu einem zentralen Designkriterium für das gesamte System wird. Zum Beispiel kann die Leistungsaufnahme des Analog-Digital-Wandlers (ADC) zu einem wichtigen Faktor bei der Übertragung mit großen Bandbreiten und Trägerfrequenzen werden, z. B. für die Kommunikation mit hohen Datenraten über sehr kurze Entfernungen. Die verbrauchte Energie des ADCs steigt mit der Abtastrate, so dass hochauflösende ADCs im Sub-THz-Bereich bei den erforderlichen sehr hohen Abtastraten schwer einsetzbar sind. Dies macht Signalisierungsschemata, die an 1-Bit-Quantisierer angepasst sind, zu einer vielversprechenden Alternative. Wir quantifizieren daher die Leistungsfähigkeit von bandbegrenzten 1-Bit-quantisierten drahtlosen Kommunikationssystemen, wobei Techniken wie Oversampling und Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) Signalisierung eingesetzt werden, um den durch Quantisierung verursachten Verlust der erreichbaren Rate auszugleichen. Wir geben Grenzen für die Transinformationsrate des Extremfalls eines strikt bandbegrenzten 1-Bit quantisierten zeitkontinuierlichen – d.h. unendlich überabgetasteten – Kanals mit additivem weißen Gauß’schen Rauschen bei mittlerem bis hohem Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) an. Wir leiten analytische Ausdrücke basierend auf lauflängencodierten Eingangssignalen ab. Für reelle Signale ist der maximale Wert der unteren Grenze der spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich etwa 1,63 Bit/s/Hz. Da die Überabtastrate in praktischen Szenarien endlich bleibt, geben wir Grenzen für die erreichbare Rate eines bandbegrenzten, überabgetasteten zeitdiskreten Kanals an. Diese Grenzen stimmen mit den Ergebnissen des zeitkontinuierlichen Kanals bemerkenswert gut überein. Im Hoch-SNR-Bereich sind spektrale Effizienzen bis zu 1,53 Bit/s/Hz bei strikter Bandbegrenzung möglich. Wenn Energieanteile außerhalb des Frequenzbandes tolerierbar sind, können spektrale Effizienzen über 2 Bit/s/Hz pro Domäne – bezogen auf die Bandbreite, die 95 % der Energie enthält – erreichbar sein. Durch die Anwendung der erhaltenen Grenzen auf einen bandbegrenzten überabgetasteten 1-Bit quantisierten Multiple-Input Multiple-Output-Kanal zeigen wir Vorteile durch die Verwendung geeigneter Leistungsverteilungsschemata. Als Modulationsverfahren mit konstanter Hüllkurve betrachten wir kontinuierliche Phasenmodulation, um die Anforderungen an die Linearität des Leistungsverstärkers zu verringern. Beschränkungen für die erreichbare Datenrate bei rauschfreier Übertragung auf Zwischenfrequenzen mit Modulationsalphabeten höherer Ordnung werden für Phase-shift keying (PSK) and Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) untersucht. Weiterhin werden angepasste Signalformen entworfen, die als FTN-CPFSK beschrieben werden können. Mit der gleichen spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich wie PSK und CPFSK bieten diese Signalformen eine deutlich verbesserte Bitfehlerrate (BER). Die Verringerung des erforderlichen SNRs zur Erreichung einer bestimmten BER kann bis zu 20 dB betragen

    Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kotelnikov: Pioneer of the sampling theorem, cryptography, optimal detection, planetary mapping

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    In 1933 the young Russian communications engineer Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kotelnikov published a paper in which he formulated for the first time in an engineering context the sampling theorem for lowpass and bandpass signals. He also considered the bandwidth requirements of discrete signal transmission for telegraphy and images. Kotelnikov subsequently worked on scrambling, cryptography, optimal detection, and planetary radar (including the radar-assisted cartography of Venus). He was awarded numerous Soviet and international prizes and played a major role in Soviet academic and professional life in the field of radio engineering. Yet his achievements are still comparatively little known outside Russia

    Shuttle Ku-band signal design study

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    Carrier synchronization and data demodulation of Unbalanced Quadriphase Shift Keyed (UQPSK) Shuttle communications' signals by optimum and suboptimum methods are discussed. The problem of analyzing carrier reconstruction techniques for unbalanced QPSK signal formats is addressed. An evaluation of the demodulation approach of the Ku-Band Shuttle return link for UQPSK when the I-Q channel power ratio is large is carried out. The effects that Shuttle rocket motor plumes have on the RF communications are determined also. The effect of data asymmetry on bit error probability is discussed
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