3,731 research outputs found

    A review of the literature on sport and physical activity in relation to drug misuse prevention and adolescents

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    The purpose of this review was to examine the evidence base in published work (refereed journal articles and expert reports) for the contention that participation in sport or related physical activity is beneficial within the specific contexts of health promotion aimed at preventing young people from becoming involved in using harmful substances, or specific intervention with young people using illicit drugs

    Superintendent and School Board Relations: Impacting Achievement through Collaborative Understanding of Roles and Responsibilities

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    One of the most important and influential persons in the governance structure of the local school district is the Superintendent of Schools. Functioning as the CEO of the district, the superintendent is responsible for a myriad of functions. Examples include daily operations inclusive of transportation and finance, curriculum and policy implementation, media relations, and empowering leaders. However, as Meador (2014) contends, a crucial role is that of board liaison. The Superintendent is responsible for keeping the board informed, making recommendations regarding district operations, and setting the board agenda. It is interesting to note that the superintendent does participate in board meetings, but in an advisory capacity. Finally, the superintendent is responsible for enacting all mandates approved by the school board

    Tackling socially determined dental inequalities: ethical aspects of Childsmile, the national child oral health demonstration programme in Scotland

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    Many ethical issues are posed by public health interventions, including whether they ought to be aimed at improving health across society or reducing specific health inequalities, whether they should be targeted or universal and the issue of which targeting criteria ought to be used. Although abstract theorising about these issues can be useful, it is the application of ethical theory to real cases which will ultimately be of benefit in decision-making. To this end, this paper will analyse the ethical issues involved in Childsmile, a national oral health demonstration programme in Scotland that aims to improve the oral health of the nation’s children and reduce dental inequalities through a combination of targeted and universal interventions. With Scotland’s level of dental caries among the worst in the Western world, Childsmile represents perhaps the largest programme of work aimed at combating oral health inequalities in the UK. The areas of ethical interest include several contrasting themes: reducing health inequalities and improving health; universal and targeted interventions; political values and evidence base; prevention and treatment; and underlying all of these, justice and utility

    Pursuing the Principalship: Factors in Assistant Principals’ Decisions

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    School administrators who are hired to lead and guide schools and districts must possess a number of characteristics that allow them to become successful leaders. The presence or absence of a strong educational leader can make all the difference in school climate and student achievement (Kelley, Thornton, & Daugherty, 2005). Educational leaders need to be cognizant of what constitutes an effective leader and which characteristics have the most effective impact on student achievement. Alford et al. (2011) stated, while principals are engaged in the managerial tasks of the school, securing the building for safety, ensuring bus routes, student schedules, and the day-to-day management tasks, the instructional needs of the faculty and students compete for attention (p. 29)

    Current Challenges to Educational Leadership & Administration: An International Survey Report on the Pilot Survey

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    Published in the UCEA Review, Summer 2018. It was also published in 2017 as a stand-alone report (entered into the RIS)

    Reduction of low- and high-grade cervical abnormalities associated with high uptake of the HPV bivalent vaccine in Scotland

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    In Scotland, a national HPV immunisation programme began in 2008 for 12-13 year olds, with a catch-up campaign from 2008-2011 for those under the age of 18. To monitor the impact of HPV immunisation on cervical disease at the population level, a programme of national surveillance was established.  We analysed colposcopy data from a cohort of women born between 1988-1992 who entered the Scottish Cervical Screening Programme (SCSP) and were aged 20-21 in 2008-2012.  By linking datasets from the SCSP and colposcopy services, we observed a significant reduction in diagnoses of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 1 (CIN 1) (RR 0.71, 95% CI 0.58 to 0.87, p=0.0008), CIN 2 (RR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4, 0.63, p<0.0001) and CIN 3 (RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.35 to 0.58, p< 0.0001) for women who received 3 doses of vaccine compared with unvaccinated women.  To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to show a reduction of low and high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with high uptake of the HPV bivalent vaccine at the population level. These data are very encouraging for countries that have achieved high HPV vaccine uptake

    A Philosophical Staircase for Information Systems Definition, Design and Development

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    The paper proposes a critical1 approach to information systems definition, design, and development (ISD) grounded in discourse theory, semiotics, practical philosophy and critical systems thinking. It aims to support IS researchers and practitioners in the difficult process of identifying and scrutinizing the diverse issues they face in any ISD project. Two main components of the approach are a hierarchic arrangement of these issues, and of the basic kinds of validity claims they imply, in the form of a philosophical staircase; and a practical framework for critical discourse on these claims called critically systemic discourse. The present first part introduces the staircase and discusses the relevance of the discursive principle for dealing with the various validity claims raised by each one of its steps. The second part will present a discursive framework for applying the staircase

    AI and extremism in social networks

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    Studien utforsker hvordan midler som kunstig intelligens, AI- drevne chatbots, kan vĂŠre kilder man kan regne med som moralske aktĂžrer pĂ„ digitale plattformer og som kan vĂŠre identifiserbare opprĂžrsmodeller til bekjempelse av ekstremistiske og voldsforherligende ytringer pĂ„ sosiale medieplattformer. Fremveksten av digital nettverkskommunikasjon har lettet prosessen med sosiale bevegelser, noe fenomenet «Den arabiske vĂ„ren» tydelig demonstrerer. Sosiale medier har vĂŠrt et verdifullt verktĂžy nĂ„r det gjelder Ă„ utvikle kollektive identiteter med en felles ideologi for Ă„ fremme et bestemt mĂ„l eller en sak og gi alternative plattformer for undertrykte samfunn. Imidlertid forblir virkningen og konsekvensene av sosiale medier i samfunn der maktbalansen forrykkes gjennom fundamentale endringer et bekymringsfullt fenomen. Radikaliserte individer og grupper har ogsĂ„ hevdet sin tilstedevĂŠrelse pĂ„ sosiale medieplattformer gjennom Ă„ fremme fordommer, hat og vold. Ekstremistiske grupper bruker ulike taktikker for Ă„ utĂžve makten sin pĂ„ disse plattformene. Bekjempelsen av voldelig ekstremisme pĂ„ sosiale medieplattformer blir som regel ikke koordinert av aktuelle aktĂžrer som regjeringer, sosiale medieselskaper, FN eller andre private organisasjoner. I tillegg har fremdeles ikke forsĂžk pĂ„ Ă„ konstituere AI til bekjempelse av voldelig ekstremisme blitt gjennomfĂžrt, men lovende resultater har blitt oppnĂ„dd gjennom noen initiativer. Prosjektet som en ‘case study’ ser pĂ„ den nylige reformen i Etiopia som ble gjennomfĂžrt av Nobels fredsprisvinner 2019 Abiy Ahmed etter at han tiltrĂ„dte som statsminister i Etiopia i april 2018. Etter flere tiĂ„r med undertrykkelse har den nye maktovertakelsen der det politiske rommet ble Ă„pnet opp og ytringsfrihet ble tillatt, uventet fĂžrt til et skred av etniske gruppers polarisering. Nye etno-ekstremister har dukket frem fra alle kriker og kroker av landet og ogsĂ„ fra sin tilvĂŠrelse i diaspora. Studien ser videre pĂ„ hvilken rolle sosiale medier til tider spiller ved direkte Ă„ presse pĂ„ for Ă„ pĂ„virke til og dermed forĂ„rsake voldelige handlinger pĂ„ grasrota.Ved Ă„ bruke en kvalitativ forskningsmetode for ustrukturerte intervjuer med etiopiske brukere av sosiale medier, journalister og aktivister, identifiserer studien kjerneaspektene ved konfliktene og foreslĂ„r initiativer som kan brukes til Ă„ motvirke voldelig etnisk ekstremisme. Ved Ă„ bruke relevant litteratur ser prosjektet videre pĂ„ innarbeidelsen av kunstig intelligens (AI) i «moralske handlinger» pĂ„ sosiale medier og hvordan den kan utformes slik at den av seg selv kan ta i bruk moralske beslutningsevner i nettverket. I tillegg ser studien pĂ„ mulighetene videre for bekjempelse av voldelig ekstremisme og skisserer den spesifikke rollen ikke menneskelige aktĂžrer som profesjonelle troll og bots pĂ„ sosiale medier bĂžr spille for Ă„ slĂ„ss mot radikalisering som kan fĂžre til voldelige handlinger.Mastergradsoppgave i digital kulturMAHF-DIKULDIKULT35

    Conflict Resolution Satisfaction and IS Program Effectiveness: Constructive Controversy Theory

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    Conflict occurrence during information systems (IS) development/implementation is an unavoidable phenomenon. Conflict strains interactions and trust, leads to further conflict, and has a negative effect on system implementation success. Therefore, resolving conflict that arises during the IS implementation process has been a crucial issue for decades. Unfortunately, the existing empirical evidences were not consistent with this conventional wisdom and lacking of a theoretical explanation. We argue that the integrative conflict management is an effective mechanism for conflict resolution under the multi-project system development context. We construct a model using controversy conflict theory in order to explain the effect of conflict resolution on IT projects implementation effectiveness. We test the model using data from 183 large-scale IT implementation projects. Our model and findings support our theory that integrative conflict management supports effective conflict resolution and program outcomes
