4,073 research outputs found

    Project of building a restaurant in Kiev to study the foundation

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    In the difficult work, the project of an Project of building a restaurant in Kiev to study the foundation. The three-dimensional planning and engineering and design solutions are proposed. A durable calculation of basic load-bearing structures. The thermotechnical calculation of the nails of the enclosing structures was performed. The technological map for erection of one floor of a reinforced concrete monolithic frame of a building with a flat floor, a calendar schedule, a construction master plan is developed. Analysis performed and so Yeghnik-economic comparison of the types of foundations for a multi-storey building on a site with a gradient. The measures on labor protection, resilience building to shock and protect the inhabitants of the house of emergencies. The role of energy saving in solving environmental problems has been established

    Project of building a restaurant in Kiev to study the foundation

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    У проекті будівлі ресторану в Києві з дослідженням фундаменту запропоновано тривимірне планування та інженерно-конструкторські рішення. Розрахунок основних несучих конструкцій. Проведено термотехнічний розрахунок огороджувальних конструкцій. Розроблено технологічну карту зведення одного поверху залізобетонного монолітного каркаса будинку з плоскою підлогою, генеральний план будівництва. Проведений аналіз і порівняння типів фундаментів багатоповерхівки.In the difficult work, the project of an Project of building a restaurant in Kiev to study the foundation. The three-dimensional planning and engineering and design solutions are proposed. A durable calculation of basic load-bearing structures. The thermotechnical calculation of the nails of the enclosing structures was performed. The technological map for erection of one floor of a reinforced concrete monolithic frame of a building with a flat floor, a calendar schedule, a construction master plan is developed. Analysis performed and so Yeghnik-economic comparison of the types of foundations for a multi-storey building on a site with a gradient. The measures on labor protection, resilience building to shock and protect the inhabitants of the house of emergencies. The role of energy saving in solving environmental problems has been established.Section – 1 Design department... 1.1.1- Geographical location of the land... 1.1.2-Climatic Conditions... 1.1.3-Engineering - geological and hydrogeological conditions of the site... 1.2-Main plan and general plan... 1.3.1-Define and verify the preference of structural structures... 1.3.2-Identify and verify preferences of fencing designs... 1.3.3-The materials used in the building or for the assembly of the building... Section – 2 Architectural part... 2.1 Architectural-planning solutions... 2.1.1 Natural and climatic characteristics of the construction area... 2.1.2 Collection of loads on the GFGS farm according to the series... 2.1.3 Bill of quantities... Section -3 Calculation and design of the column base... 3.1 Calculation of Anchor Bolts... 3.1.1 Steel for building type... 3.1.2 The specification of the crossbars.... 3.1.3 Calculation and design of the truss truss... 3.2 Calculation of the top belt of the farm... 3.3 Brace calculation... Section -4 Technological... 4.1 Introduction... 4.2 Designing a Routing Chart for masonry and installation process... 4.2.1 The size of the plots.... 4.2.2 Masonry of external walls... 4.2.3 Organization of the workplace when laying outer... 4.2.4 Investigation of the stress-strain state of a physical model... 4.3 Investigation of the stress-strain state of a physical model of a welded farm.... Section -5 The economic... 5.1 Rules for determining the cost of construction... 5.2 Summary statement... 5.3 Object estimate... 5.4 Local estimate... Section -6 results and generalizations... 6.1 Investigation generalizations... 6.2 Prime results generalizations... Section – 7 Labor and environment protection... 7.1 A common part... 7.2 Measures for engineering support of the building.... 7.3 Designing and installation of water supply system.... Section -8 Special part... 8.1 Feasibility comparison of transverse frame layout options..

    Seismic Response of a Platform-Frame System with Steel Columns

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    Timber platform-frame shear walls are characterized by high ductility and diffuse energy dissipation but limited in-plane shear resistance. A novel lightweight constructive system composed of steel columns braced with oriented strand board (OSB) panels was conceived and tested. Preliminary laboratory tests were performed to study the OSB-to-column connections with self-drilling screws. Then, the seismic response of a shear wall was determined performing a quasi-static cyclic-loading test of a full-scale specimen. Results presented in this work in terms of force-displacement capacity show that this system confers to shear walls high in-plane strength and stiffness with good ductility and dissipative capacity. Therefore, the incorporation of steel columns within OSB bracing panels results in a strong and stiff platform-frame system with high potential for low- and medium-rise buildings in seismic-prone areas

    Robustness of Multistory Buildings with Masonry Infill

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    Seismology and seismic hazard

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    Kashmir Pakistand Earthquake of October 8 2005. A Field Report by EEFIT

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    Landslides and Geotechnical Aspects

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    Experimental and Numerical Studies on Setback Buildings Considering the SSI Effect under Seismic Response

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    From the previous studies it is observed that due to the effect of the earthquake, several irregular buildings failed vulnerably. Further the effect of sub soil conditions where these buildings have been founded also play an important role on the seismic response of these buildings. In the past, experimental studies on the seismic response of different setback building configurations have not been carried out. Therefore, in the present study the seismic behaviour of setback buildings considering Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) has been evaluated by conducting experimental and numerical investigations. Buildings with various setback configurations were considered and are designed as pile foundation supported structures. The irregularity index of these building configurations have been determined as per the existing codal provisions. These piles supported buildings representing the prototype structure have been scaled down according to geometric, kinematic and dynamic scaling laws. The scaled building models are subjected to vibrations beyond resonant frequencies using shake table facility. A comparison of the results has been made between experimental and numerical investigations. Based on the study it has been observed that storey displacements of building with regular configurations are higher in comparison with the setback buildings. It is also found that asymmetrical and symmetrical setback buildings having different irregularity indices as per IS:1893-2016 indicate nearly the same displacements at resonant frequencies. Doi: 10.28991/cej-2021-03091664 Full Text: PD

    Shear Wall Provision Influence on Medium Rise Multi-Storey Framed Building in Maiduguri

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    This study compares the aerodynamic behaviour of medium rise multi-storey frame structures with and without shear walls using the local wind gust of Maiduguri (47m/s) as primary data. The wind assessment was carried out in accordance with recommendations of British Standard and other relevant specifications. Analysis of the structural system was carried out using Extended Three-dimensional Analysis of Building System (ETABS) software; where the forces, maximum floor drifts and stresses are obtained and compared. The result shows that, the displacement fora 15 storey building with shear wall was 91.44% less than same without shear walls while with increasing storey height, the differences reduce; for example, the displacement for 20 storey building with shear wall showed 81.5% lesser than same building without shear wall. This signifies that building with shear wall resist aerodynamic load more efficiently principally due to the influences of the rigidity and strategic locations of the shear wall in the building. The shear walls are usually effective in stabilizing displacements on medium rise multi-storey buildings subjected to lateral forces from wind, seismic and explosive to satisfy serviceability criteria of H/500 stipulated by most conventional standard