4 research outputs found

    The role of gamification in end-user development

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    This paper discusses the application of a gamification framework in an end-user development context, in order to investigate a possible solution to the problem of participation and collaboration overload often affecting end-user development activities. Indeed, it has been observed in the literature that when users are required to develop or adapt a system for the sake of other people (belonging or not belonging to the same community) and not just for personal use, motivation mechanisms should be implemented. With the help of an example in the field of ambient intelligence, we propose the integration of end-user development environments with gamification elements. Copyright © 2014 for the individual papers by the papers' authors

    Tendencias de la ingeniería multimedia: una mirada glocal desde el sector educativo

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    This article addresses the analysis of Multimedia Engineering in the global context, with the objective of analyzing trends and their relationship with the solution of industry needs, as well as the development of Multimedia Engineering in Colombia through academic programs; this academic program emerges to meet the growing demand for professionals in information and communication technologies, covering multimedia software, graphic design, audiovisual production, video games, among other emerging fields; globally, leading universities such as Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Northeastern University, Zhejiang University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University offer related programs; in Latin America, trends have been identified in graphic design and multimedia post-production, video games and 3D, and web and mobile applications; universities such as UNIACC, La Salle Noroeste and Universidad de La Rioja reflect this evolution; In Colombia, Multimedia Engineering is aligned with trends such as multimedia content, augmented reality, user-centered systems and web development due to the growth of ICT; there are currently 14 active programs that develop competencies in telecommunications technologies and computer applications to produce and distribute audiovisual content; these programs are offered in classroom and virtual mode; the research was developed through a qualitative documentary approach; The conclusion is that Multimedia Engineering impacts fields such as education, journalism, health and entertainment; providing innovative multimedia solutions in these sectors, such as telemedicine platforms, educational software, virtual reality for training, among others; this article offers a comprehensive view of contemporary trends and the impact of the discipline in the region; it also highlights the relevance of Multimedia Engineering in the current industry and how the training of professionals is decisive for technological progress in Latin America.Este artículo aborda el análisis de la Ingeniería Multimedia en el contexto glocal, con el objetivo de analizar las tendencias y su relación con la solución de necesidades de la industria, así como el desarrollo de la Ingeniería Multimedia en Colombia a través de los programas académicos; este programa académico emerge para satisfacer la creciente demanda de profesionales en tecnologías de la información y comunicación, abarcando software multimedia, diseño gráfico, producción audiovisual, videojuegos, entre otros campos emergentes; a nivel global, universidades líderes como Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Northeastern University, Zhejiang University y Shanghai Jiao Tong University ofrecen programas relacionados; en América Latina se han identificado tendencias en diseño gráfico y posproducción multimedia, videojuegos y 3D, y web y aplicaciones móviles; universidades como UNIACC, La Salle Noroeste y Universidad de La Rioja reflejan esta evolución; en Colombia, la Ingeniería Multimedia se alinea con tendencias como contenidos multimedia, realidad aumentada, sistemas centrados en el usuario y desarrollo web por el crecimiento de las TIC; actualmente existen 14 programas activos que desarrollan competencias en tecnologías de telecomunicaciones y aplicaciones informáticas para producir y distribuir contenidos audiovisuales; estos programas se ofrecen en modalidad presencial y virtual; la investigación se desarrolló mediante el enfoque cualitativo de tipo documental; obteniendo como conclusión que la Ingeniería Multimedia impacta campos como educación, periodismo, salud y entretenimiento; aportando soluciones multimedia innovadoras en estos sectores, como plataformas de telemedicina, software educativo, realidad virtual para entrenamiento, entre otros; este artículo ofrece una visión integral de las tendencias contemporáneas y el impacto de la disciplina en la región; asimismo, destaca la relevancia de la Ingeniería Multimedia en la industria actual y cómo la formación de profesionales  es decisiva para el avance tecnológico en América Latina

    Fostering participation and co-evolution in sentient multimedia systems

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    User diversity and co-evolution of users and systems are two important phenomena usually observed in the design and use of IT artifacts. In recent years, End-User Development (EUD) has been proposed to take into account these phenomena, by providing mechanisms that support people, who are not software professionals, to modify, adapt, and even create IT artifacts according to their specific evolving needs. This is particularly true in the case of sentient multimedia systems, in which the system is called on to interact with multiple sensors and multiple human actors. However, to motivate and sustain these people, a culture of participation is necessary, as well as proper metadesign activities that may promote and maintain it. To this aim, this article first proposes a model for describing interaction and co-evolution in sentient multimedia systems enhanced by EUD features. Then it presents four main roles involved in interaction and co-evolution, including that of maieuta designer, as the “social counterpart” of the metadesigner. Finally, it describes how the maieuta designer is in charge of carrying out all those activities that are necessary to cultivate a culture of participation, by means of proper ways that are briefly introduced in the article