14 research outputs found

    Berpikir Komputasi Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan studi tentang proses berpikir komputasi pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Data yang diperoleh adalah publikasi artikel penelitian dalam jurnal ilmiah. Analisis data mencakup tiga tahap: mengatur, mensintesis, dan mengidentifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa matematika adalah pelajaran yang dapat memperkenalkan dan mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir komputasi kepada siswa

    Computational Thinking Concepts for Grade School

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    Early education has classically introduced reading, writing, and mathematics. Recent literature discusses the importance of adding “computational thinking” as a core ability that every child must learn. The goal is to develop students by making them equally comfortable with computational thinking as they are with other core areas of early education. Computational thinking does not come naturally and requires training and guidance. This paper argues for the inclusion of computational thinking in tandem with mathematics. As an example, the paper demonstrates spreadsheet applications that can be utilized concurrently with early mathematical concepts. It demonstrates that at this time, spreadsheets are the best medium for inculcating computational thinking but recognizes that advances in technology may favor other digital approaches in time

    Modeling as a New Literacy

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    Computer Programming Effects in Elementary: Perceptions and Career Aspirations in STEM

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    The development of elementary-aged students’ STEM and computer science (CS) literacy is critical in this evolving technological landscape, thus, promoting success for college, career, and STEM/CS professional paths. Research has suggested that elementary- aged students need developmentally appropriate STEM integrated opportunities in the classroom; however, little is known about the potential impact of CS programming and how these opportunities engender positive perceptions, foster confidence, and promote perseverance to nurture students’ early career aspirations related to STEM/CS. The main purpose of this mixed-method study was to examine elementary-aged students’ (N = 132) perceptions of STEM, career choices, and effects from pre- to post-test intervention of CS lessons (N = 183) over a three-month period. Findings included positive and significant changes from students’ pre- to post-tests as well as augmented themes from 52 student interviews to represent increased enjoyment of CS lessons, early exposure, and its benefits for learning to future careers

    Rigorous Thinking in Mathematics Modelling for Slow Learners

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    Rigorous questions in discussion learning method plays a dominant role in the successful delivery of lessons for slow learners at higher education. This study aims to propose a framework to achieve good critical thinking for slow learners through Rigorous Mathematics computational Thinking (RMcT) model. This study used qualitative approach to describe slow learner’s critical thinking by using RMcT model. The instruments used in this study were test instrument, critical thinking questionnaire, and interview guideline as supporting instrument to describe slow learner’s critical thinking through RMcT model. The subjects were college students in mathematics modelling course in mathematics education department. Based on critical thinking test results, slow learners could divide variable used in mathematics modelling. Based on questionnaire results, slow learner students build their own understanding and solve the problem based on their experience while answering the given question during learning process. In addition, the interview they feel that the instructor can mediated the problem by giving analogy to the other material. In summary, RMcT could mediate slow learner’s critical thinking as its characteristics (by using Rigorous questions). Findings are useful for designers, service providers and policy makers of special needs higher school when implementing teaching strategy to mediated real-life problems into mathematics modelling for slow learners

    Investigating the effects of gender and scaffolding in developing preschool children’s computational thinking during problem-solving with Bee-Bots

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    The research community has embraced computational thinking as an essential skill to develop in school and academic settings. Many researchers argue that computational thinking should be developed in the context of programming and robotic activities in all educational levels of education, starting from early childhood education. However, the factors related to developing computational thinking in preschool education are still under study. Furthermore, not too many empirical investigations provide evidence about the development of computational thinking in young children. The present study examined the effects of scaffolding and gender in developing young children’s sequencing and decomposition skills - two of the five skills that constitute computational thinking. The results indicated statistically significant effects about the type of scaffolding on children’s computational thinking in favor of the children assigned to the experimental groups. Lastly, boys outperformed girls on all occasions, indicating that gender effects exist. The authors conclude that researchers need to design teaching interventions in such a way so they have mathemagenic outcomes for all learners irrespective of gender. Finally, the authors conclude with implications and future research directions