7 research outputs found

    Faktor Pembentuk Brand Love, Word Of Mouth, Dan Repurchase Intention Atas Produk Hedonis: Telaah Pada Pelanggan Produk Gunpla Merek Bandai

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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence brand love, as well as its implications for word of mouth, and repurchase intention. Rooted in the theory of interpersonal love and relationships, this research is an expansion of previous research models by accommodating aspects of brand community, brand experience and price perception. Empirical data was collected through an online survey of 100 samples of Bandai Gunpla consumers living in Indonesia. Hypothesis testing is done through Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. Based on the estimation of the structural model that has been carried out, the results show that self-expressiveness has a positive effect on brand love, brand trust has a positive effect on brand love, brand community has a positive effect on brand love, brand love has a positive effect on WOM and e-WOM, brand love has a positive effect on repurchase intention and brand experience has a positive effect on repurchase intention. Meanwhile, the hypothesis of the positive effect of hedonic products on brand love and price perception on repurchase intention was not proven in this study.   &nbsp

    Love Power: From Identification to Advocacy in Fashion Sportswear in the Social Media Contex

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    There is limited research on how sports fashion brands should develop their strategies to enhance customers’ virtual level of connectedness with companies, taking advantage of the recent expressive growth in social network users. Thus, a new structural model is proposed to analyse the drivers and outcomes of cognitive online brand identification (COBI). This study intends to explore in the sports fashion context (a) the effect of brand prestige and lifestyle congruency on cognitive brand identification, (b) the direct effect of cognitive brand identification on brand advocacy and (c) the indirect effect through brand love. Data were collected using a prolific panel from the United Kingdom and considering individuals that use at least one social media platform to search for and purchase sports fashion clothes (n=304). The findings indicate that online brand prestige and lifestyle congruency are related to COBI and its outcomes. Although the direct relationship between online brand identification and brand advocacy is not significant, brand love mediates this relationship. Thus, a sports fashion customer is able to forgive any mistake and recommend the sports brand to others, and love towards the brand should be part of the process

    Brand engagement in self-concept: a comparative study in Austria, Italy and Poland

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    Purpose The study aims to shed light on cross-country comparisons of brand engagement in self-concept (BESC) among consumers from European countries and to link presumed differences with country-level economic growth and materialism. This study contributes to the literature on the customer-brand relationship and provides implications for international branding strategies. Design/methodology/approach This observation study explored levels of BESC in three European countries. Questionnaire data were collected from consumers of Austria (N= 302), Italy (N= 431) and Poland (N= 410) with the purpose to make cross-country comparisons of BESC among consumers. Findings The results provide evidence for partial scalar invariance of the BESC scale. Cross-country comparisons of latent means reveal that Polish consumers score higher on BESC than consumers from Austria and Italy. Moreover, Austrian consumers score higher on BESC than Italian consumers. Research limitations/implications Culture as a contextual factor of BESC should be studied further. The findings should be replicated with non-convenience samples in additional cultural contexts to improve the generalizability of data. Structural equation modeling could be used to investigate psychological drivers of BESC differences. Practical implications The findings coming from the cross-country comparisons of BESC are of practical relevance to marketing managers: they should tailor their branding and communication strategies accordingly. Originality/value So far, the understanding of cross-cultural and cross-country differences in consumer-brand relationships has remained limited. This study adopts a rigorous approach to cross-cultural research enriching the literature on BESC from a cross-country perspective

    Examining the Role of Social Media Marketing on Brand Love and Its Impact on Brand Centrality: The Study of Local Fashion Brands for the Millennials

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    Purpose: Local fashion brands are an important issue for millennial consumers. To create their love of local fashion brands, social media marketing is necessary.  The study also examines brand love's effects on local fashion brands' centrality. This study also investigates brand love and centrality’s impact on the repurchase intention. Design/ Methodology/Approach: The data were taken using survey methods with questionnaires developed by previous researchers. A partial least squares regression was used to test the hypotheses. Findings: This study shows that social media marketing can create conditions for consumers to develop brand love, but brand love still needs to be able to develop brand centrality. This study also shows that although brand love has yet to create brand centrality, the concept of brand love can influence the repurchase intention. At the same time, brand centrality also affects the repurchase intention. Originality/value: This is the first study analyzing millennials’ brand love toward fashion clothing brands and the analysis of the influence of social media marketing on brand love and its impact on brand centrality

    Közgáz Diáktudós - Felelősség és közösség

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    Sorozatunk tizenharmadik tagjaként mostani kötetünk hívószavai a felelősség és közösség. Elgondolkodunk azon, hogy egy tőzsdei cég vezetője vajon tényleg csak önkifejezési eszközként használja a közösségi médiát, vagy inkább tudatosan befolyásolni igyekszik a befektetőket. Megvizsgáljuk, hogy miért és hogyan hajlandóak az emberek tenni egy jó ügy érdekében, s miként lehet fogyasztói értékteremtésre felhasználni az emberek egymásra hatásának igényét. Megnézzük, milyen pluszt nyújtanak a felelősnek mondott ESG részvények a befektetőknek és azt is, hogy miképpen váltják fel az igazi embereket a virtuális, pusztán számítógéppel alkotott arcok a marketingben. De szó lesz arról is, hogy miért stresszes a karácsony még azoknak a fiataloknak is, akik családalapítás előtt állva még inkább csak a vendégeskedés örömeiben részesülnek az év végi ünnepekkor