137,149 research outputs found

    Effect of user experience on technology acceptance: the case of foss

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    Free and open source software (FOSS) movement essentially arises like answer to the evolution occurred in the market from the software, characterized by the closing of the source code. Furthermore, some FOSS characteristics, such as (1) the advance of this movement and (2) the attractiveness that contributes the voluntary and cooperative work, have increased the interest of the users towards free software. Traditionally, research in FOSS has focused on identifying individual personal motives for participating in the development of a FOSS project, analyzing specific FOSS solutions, or the FOSS movement itself. Nevertheless, the advantages of the FOSS for users and the effect of the demographic dimensions on user acceptance for FOSS have been two research topics with little attention. Specifically, this paper’s aim is to focus on the influence of the user experience with FOSS the FOSS acceptance. Based on the literature, user experience is an essential demographic dimension for explaining the Information Systems acceptance. With this purpose, the authors have developed a research model based on the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM).El movimiento asociado al software de código abierto (FOSS) surge como una respuesta a la evolución acontecida en el mercado del software, caracterizado por el cierre del código fuente. Además, algunas características del FOSS como (1) el avance de este movimiento y (2) el atractivo que suscita debido a que se construye bajo la filosofía de trabajo voluntario y cooperativo, ha incrementado el interés de los usuarios hacia FOSS. Tradicionalmente las investigaciones en FOSS han estado centradas en identificar las motivaciones personales de participar en el desarrollo de un proyecto FOSS. Mientras que las ventajas del FOSS para los usuarios y el efecto de las dimensiones demográficas en la aceptación de FOSS han sido dos tópicos de investigación con poca atención. Concretamente, este artículo se centra en analizar la influencia de la experiencia con FOSS en la propia aceptación de FOSS. Basado en la literatura, la experiencia del usuario es una dimensión demográfica esencial para explicar la aceptación de los Sistemas de Información. Con este propósito, los autores han desarrollado un modelo de investigación basado en el Metamodelo de Aceptación de la Tecnología (TAM)

    Free and open source software development of IT systems

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    IT system development, integration, deployment, and administration benefit significantly from free and open source software (FOSS) tools and services. Affordability has been a compelling reason for adopting FOSS in computing curricula and equipping computing labs with support infrastructure. Using FOSS systems and services, however, is just the first step in taking advantage of how FOSS development principles and practices can impact student learning in IT degree programs. Above all, FOSS development of IT systems requires changes to how students, instructors, and other contributors work collaboratively and openly and get involved and invested in project activities. In this paper I examine the challenges to engage students in FOSS development projects proposed by real clients. A six-week course project revealed problems with adopting FOSS development and collaboration across different activities and roles that student team members have assumed. Despite these problems, students have showed a genuine and strong interest in gaining more practice with FOSS development. FOSS development teaching was further refined in two other courses to learn about adequate teaching strategies and the competencies that students achieve when they participate in FOSS development of IT systems

    Omnibus, October 7, 1986

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    This is the concert program of the Omnibus performance on Tuesday, October 7, 1986 at 8:00 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Hums and Songs of Winnie the Pooh by Theodore Antoniou, Epigrams by T. Antoniou, Round a Common Center by Lukas Foss, Curriculum Vitae with Time Bomb by L. Foss, and Introductions and Good-Byes by L. Foss. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Free and open source software in computing education

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    Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) exemplifies the merit and successes of open content, understood broadly as creative work that explicitly allows sharing and further changes by anyone, whether an individual or organization. Although the benefits of improving computing education with open source practices are largely acknowledged, transforming teaching to create effective learning environments has many challenges. The panelists will bring different perspectives on teaching strategies and curricular content they have used in their classrooms. These perspectives will exemplify key issues with FOSS-based education and FOSS-based IT systems. The developer and user communities established around FOSS-based IT systems are of particular interest to the IT discipline because of its focus on user centeredness and advocacy for advancing professional practices in authentic environments

    An Interactive Web-based Application as Educational Tool for SCM Course by Using FOSS

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    This paper presents the application of free/open source software (FOSS) for teaching and learning one specific topic in Supply Chain Management (SCM) course. In the last few years, there is abundant FOSS for educational tools. However, educator still faces problems to implement such an education FOSS for improving the quality of education i.e. customizing of software function, developing of a specific educational media, and illustrating of a course content. The purpose of this research is to design an educational tool for increasing efficiency in conveying subject matter especially distribution problem. It has a module of real distribution problem in commodity paddy was captured. We crated an interactive Web-based application by using WSDL, PHP and My SQL, and SOAP. The result of the research will be able to improve the pedagogic approach for learning of SCM course. Keywords: Educational tool, FOSS, interactive media, SCM course

    Foss Festival Concert and Faculty and Student Chamber Music, November 20, 2002

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    This is the concert program of the Foss Festival Concert and Faculty and Student Chamber Music performance on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 8:00 p.m., at the Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Three American Pieces for Violin and Piano by Lukas Foss, Capriccio for Cello and Piano by L. Foss, Piano Quartet in G Minor, K. 478 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, "Dal Dosai," Sonata for Flute and Piano by Matthew Van Brink, and Duo for Violin and Cello, Op. 7 by Zoltán Kodály. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Towards maintainer script modernization in FOSS distributions

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    Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) distributions are complex software systems, made of thousands packages that evolve rapidly, independently, and without centralized coordination. During packages upgrades, corner case failures can be encountered and are hard to deal with, especially when they are due to misbehaving maintainer scripts: executable code snippets used to finalize package configuration. In this paper we report a software modernization experience, the process of representing existing legacy systems in terms of models, applied to FOSS distributions. We present a process to define meta-models that enable dealing with upgrade failures and help rolling back from them, taking into account maintainer scripts. The process has been applied to widely used FOSS distributions and we report about such experiences

    Coupling any number of balls in the infinite-bin model

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    The infinite-bin model, introduced by Foss and Konstantopoulos, describes the Markovian evolution of configurations of balls placed inside bins, obeying certain transition rules. We prove that we can couple the behaviour of any finite number of balls, provided at least two different transition rules are allowed. This coupling makes it possible to define the regeneration events needed by Foss and Zachary to prove convergence results for the distribution of the balls.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Difusion of Free/Opensource Software as Innovation: A Case Study of METU

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    In this research, the diffusion of free and open source software (FOSS) on desktop PCs at Middle East Technical University in Ankara (METU) is investigated within the framework of the diffusion of innovation theory. This work aims to propose some policies for the migration to FOSS on desktop PCs at METU. The research is conducted through two similar web-based surveys. The first survey was held during 27-28 September 2003 after the examination of exemption for the IS100 course. The second survey was held between 23 March and 24 May 2004 in the whole of the METU campus. This survey was open to all students and academic and non-academic staff with a METU network account. There were 402 participants in the first survey and 1224 in the second. As expected, Microsoft OS rules the desktop PCs within the METU campus. According to the surveys, there is a rather large PC user base which could potentially migrate to GNU/Linux system. In addition to a large amount of data, it has been found out that a migration to FOSS is welcomed greatly by the users if the process is explained on the basis of public economic gains. However personal migration is still difficult if the user is left alone to install any new OS. Activities which will eventually increase the awareness for FOSS at METU, change in the curriculum of the IS100 course, collaboration among METU FOSS users and creation of a software catalog with possible FOSS equivalent for METU courses are some of the propositions which will eventually help the migration process. Furthermore, different innovation-decision models are discussed based on the research findings.

    Dynamic Learning Media to Improve the Pedagogic Experience in Conveying of SCM Course

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    Abstract This paper presents the application of free/open source software (FOSS) for developing educational in Supply Chain Management (SCM) course. There were abundant educational tools based F applications. However, lecturer still faces problems to implement such an learning media for impro the pedagogic experience i.e. customizing of software function, developing of a specific educat media, and illustrating of a SCM course content. The purpose of this research is to design dyn learning media for increasing efficiency in conveying subject matter of SCM course. We combin mobile and/or web devices with FOSS of web service to design dynamic learning media. It has a mo of real distribution problem in commodity paddy was captured. We design an interactive Web-based Mobile-based application by using WSDL, PHP and My SQL, and SOAP. The result of the resea Mobile & Web SCM application as dynamic learning media- will be able to improve the pedag experience to students. Keywords: Educational tool, FOSS, dynamic learning media, SCM course, the pedagogic approach