21 research outputs found

    Special Issue Editorial: Introduction to Design Science Education

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    We propose conceptualizing design science education in the information systems (IS) discipline. While design science has become a robust research paradigm, well-recognized in solving practical problems, how design science should be taught is a question that IS scholars, academia, and practitioners are only now addressing. We do so by considering design science education as a pedagogical tool that engages IS students in design knowledge creation and authentic learning. We conceptualize design science education as three intersections: research-education, research-practice, and education-practice. We further use this conceptualization to introduce six new studies in design science education

    Applying Evaluations While Building the Artifact - Experiences from the Development of Process Model Complexity Metrics

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    The Design Science Research method is decisive for the quality of the resulting solution. Thus, many discussions focus the evaluation of the solution at the end of the Design Science cycle. But design, implementation and evaluation of artifacts are laborious and need to be repeated if the artifact does not meet the evaluation criteria. Thus, recent works have proposed to conduct additional evaluations early in the Design Science process to po ssibly reduce the number of repetitions of the research process. However, such early evaluations may also be an unnecessary burden. Therefore, this work presents a case where these additional evaluations are applied ex-post in a practical research project which developed process model complexity metrics and the outcomes are compared. Once compared, benefits and limitations of early evaluations are discussed

    Understanding the Why, What, and How of Theories in IS Research

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    Researchers have emphasized theory’s pivotal importance in the information systems (IS) discipline since its inception. As in many science disciplines, IS scholars’ ability to understand and contribute to theory is an important qualification in research practice. As a discipline, we require solid foundations for why we engage with theory, what theory is for us, and how we work with theory. We synthesize and reflect on the debates on theories and theorizing in the IS discipline. In doing so, we inform (particularly new) authors about the current state of the IS discipline’s debate on theory and theorizing and help them identify opportunities in theorizing to put theory to work. We do not intend to advocate or cement that status quo we portray but rather, through informing the community about it, to support early efforts to further develop and move beyond the current state of the debate on theory and theorizing in IS research

    Design science research: scientific research linked to artifact design

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    Na Educação, desenvolvemos artefatos: aulas, recursos didáticos e práticas educacionais. É possível inter-relacionar o desenvolvimento de um artefato com a produção de conhecimento teórico, sendo Design Science Research (DSR) a abordagem que apresentamos neste texto para a realização de pesquisas científicas atreladas ao desenvolvimento de artefatos. Nessa abordagem, objetiva-se projetar uma realidade diferente, modificada por artefatos projetados para resolver problemas em determinados contextos, sendo o conhecimento científico resultado da investigação do uso do artefato numa determinada situação. A DSR é uma abordagem ainda em discussão; neste artigo apresentamos como temos nos apropriado de DSR. Em particular, apresentamos o Modelo-DSR em que sintetizamos as principais lições aprendidas por nosso grupo. Para exemplificar o uso do Modelo-DSR, apresentamos a pesquisa sobre os Tapetes Musicais Inteligentes. Consideramos que o Modelo-DSR tem ajudado a tornar as pesquisas de nosso grupo mais rigorosas em termos teórico-epistemológico-metodológico e, assim, mais relevantes em termos científicos. Apresentamos esse modelo por considera-lo um instrumento útil para apoiar outros pesquisadores que desejam pensar-fazer DSR.In Education, we develop artifacts: classes, didactic resources and educational practices. It is possible to interrelate the development of an artifact with the production of theoretical knowledge, and Design Science Research (DSR) is the approach we present on this article, used to do scientific research connected to the development of artifacts. Through this approach, the goal is to design a different reality, modified by artifacts designed to solve problems in given contexts, with the scientific knowledge being the result of the investigation of the use of the artifact in a given situation. DSR is an approach that is still under discussion; in this article, we show how our research group has been appropriating DSR. In particular, we present the DSR Model in which we synthesized the main lessons learned by our group. In order to exemplify the use of the DSR Model, we present the research on Smart Musical Mats. We consider that the DSR Model has been helping make our group’s researches more rigorous in theoretical, epistemological and methodological terms and, thus, more relevant in scientific terms. We present this model because we consider it to be a useful instrument to support other researchers that want to consider and use DSR.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Virtuelle Gedächtnispaläste: Der Einfluss der Gestaltung auf die Erinnerungsleistung

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    This paper is dedicated to the study of an innovative learning software that combines modern technology with an ancient learning method. The introduction briefly describes the current situation on education in the digital transformation and explains how an ancient mnemonic technique, the loci method (or "memory palace"), is being revived in current research. In the traditional version, one must imagine a familiar environment, which then serves as a memory palace. In this memory palace, the learning content is memorized along a route with unusual images. This process is repeated until one is able to walk through the memory palace again in one's mind and "pick up" the contents. The software-supported variant of the loci method is called "virtual memory palace". Here, the training is no longer done in thought, but with the help of a virtual environment, for example on a computer screen. The introduction is followed by theoretical basics on the topics of learning, the loci method, and the aspect of design. This is followed by a structured literature review, which leads to the research question of whether the design of a virtual memory palace has an influence on memory performance. An appropriate research methodology is then evaluated. The argument derives a design-oriented approach used to investigate a research model with multiple cycles and three identified design-relevant domains. The results of the research show that the design of a virtual memory palace does indeed have a significant impact on memory performance. The following implications, hints for future research projects on this topic, as well as a general conclusion are described in the last chapter.Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung einer innovativen Lern-Software, die moderne Technologie mit einer antiken Lernmethode verknüpft. Die Einleitung beschreibt in Kürze die aktuelle Situation zum Thema Bildung in der digitalen Transformation und erklärt wie eine antike Mnemotechnik, die Loci-Methode (oder auch „Gedächtnispalast“), in der aktuellen Forschung wiederbelebt wird. In der traditionellen Variante muss man sich eine gewohnte Umgebung vorstellen, die dann als Gedächtnispalast dient. Die Lerninhalte werden in diesem Gedächtnispalast entlang einer Route mit ungewöhnlichen Bildern eingeprägt. Dieser Vorgang wird wiederholt, bis man in der Lage ist seinen Gedächtnispalast in Gedanken erneut abzulaufen, und die Inhalte „abzuholen“. Die softwaregestützte Variante der Loci- Methode nennt sich „virtueller Gedächtnispalast“. Hierbei erfolgt das Training nicht mehr in Gedanken, sondern mithilfe einer virtuellen Umgebung, zum Beispiel an einem Computer Bildschirm. Nach der Einleitung folgen theoretische Grund- lagen zu den Themen Lernen, der Loci-Methode und dem Aspekt Design. Daraufhin wird eine strukturierte Literaturanalyse beschrieben, die in der Forschungsfrage mündet, ob das Design eines virtuellen Gedächtnispalastes einen Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung hat. Danach wird eine passende Forschungsmethodik evaluiert. Die Argumentation leitet eine gestaltungsorientierte Herangehensweise her, die dazu dient ein Forschungsmodell mit mehreren Zyklen und drei identifizierten gestaltungsrelevanten Bereichen zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Gestaltung eines virtuellen Gedächtnispalastes tatsächlich signifikanten Einfluss auf die Erinnerungsleistung hat. Daraus folgende Implikationen, Hinweise für zukünftige Forschungsvorhaben in diesem Thema, als auch eine allgemeine Schlussfolgerung werden im letzten Kapitel beschrieben

    Computational thinking problem framing artefacts in design science research methodology for Malaysian small and medium enterprises

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    Computational thinking (CT) is a fundamental skill for the 21st century and can be learned by anyone. However, there are very few studies on how CT can be used to solve real-world problems. In line with the need to understand and solve the problem, the research is based on Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) to guide the design process, where the artefact's development is the research's main outcome. It started with an interview conducted with the key informant involved in the Public-Private Research Network (PPRN) workshop, where the researcher wanted to test the applicability of CT to solve a real problem. The purpose of the interview was to find out how CT could be applied to the problems of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). During the interview, the key informant explained that SMEs understood their problems well but could not frame them and were totally dependent on facilitators' help. This was because some SMEs lack problem framing skills, which are crucial for clarifying and expressing their main problem. Hence, the aim of this study was to develop artefacts that would enable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to formulate the problem and develop solutions that focused on process innovation. The first artefact involved the development of a method that focused on the internal process between CT and the Work System Method (WSM). The second artefact was an instantiation presented in the form of a guidebook. Therefore, to build the artefacts, the researcher adapted the DSRM by identifying the CT elements and processes that could be used in the artefacts, merging them with the WSM and adapting the Work System Snapshot (WSS) as the basis for presenting the results of these artefacts. Meanwhile, Situational Method Engineering (SMEng) was used to develop the attributes and elements of the artefacts. The method was evaluated by experts, who were CT experts and academics. Meanwhile, two exploratory focus group studies (EFG) and two confirmatory focus group studies (CFG) were conducted with nine SMEs from different food industries to test the applicability of the guidebook. As a result, this study contributed to the improvement of DSRM, where the researcher has improved the phases of problem identification and motivation, objectives of the solution, design and development, demonstration and evaluation. Each phase was outlined with methods and processes within each iteration to ensure a rigorous development and evaluation process for the artefacts. The main outcome of this research is the development of a guidebook based on the CT problem framing process in DSRM that can be used by SMEs to find new solutions and ways to innovate their business processes