796 research outputs found

    Self-Organised Schools

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    Self-Organised Schools: Educational Leadership and Innovative Learning Environments describes the results of the research we carried out at fourteen Italian schools that highlight how there is a positive correlation between the capabilities of school self-organization and the innovativeness of learning environments: in other words, the more self-organized schools are, the more innovative learning environments are. The results of this work are part of the strand of research of bottom-up emergency and self-organization, an extremely fruitful trend as shown by Sugata Mitra, the founder of the Self-Organized Learning Environments, according to whom, "education is a self-organized system where learning is an emerging phenomenon". This book gives new insights on self-organization studies, and most of all, to the idea that change - organizational and educational innovation - sparks from the bottom. This book is aimed specifically at school principals of all levels, scholastic reformers, educational scholars, organisation and management consultants who want to innovate learning and management of learning. These actors will benefit drawing useful examples from more than thirty different learning environments worldwide, fourteen examples of schools that self-organize, two frameworks - and two ready-to-use questionnaires - measuring the innovativeness of a learning environment, and the capability of a school to self-organize. Self-organization is the most fascinating future of innovative principal

    “Between a child who wants to tell and an adult who does not want to hear”. Arts Therapists’ Dilemmas in the Application of Arts Therapy with Children from Arab Society Who Suffered Abuse

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    Amani Mussa, “Between a child who wants to tell and an adult who does not want to hear”. Arts Therapists’ Dilemmas in the Application of Arts Therapy with Children from Arab Society Who Suffered Abuse. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 25, Poznań 2019. Pp. 373-401. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.25.16. The Arab education system in Israel together with the ethics and legal regulations are found to indicate reports of maltreated and sexually abused children. The problem of viewed in this paper is connected with the reporting of children who had experienced maltreatment and sexual abuse. The article aspires to present the work and dilemmas of art therapists using arts therapy when working within educational and therapeutic frameworks in Israeli Arab society. Today, the field of arts therapy in the Arab society is in its initial stages in contrast to the seniority this field has gained in the Jewish society and more traditional therapies such as psychology and psychotherapy. In the Arab society, mental therapy is uncommon. The field of therapy as a whole is undeveloped and conducted secretly largely due to shame, stigma and prejudices associating mental therapy with mental illnesses or disorders (Masarwa & Bruno, 2018). Until recently, arts therapy has not been practiced at all in Israeli in the Arab society. In comparison to psychological treatment, arts therapy carries an extra value because of its non-verbal work methodology, and enables can the client to make projection and reduction of social and personal objections in face of the therapeutic process. In recent years, implementation of this field of knowledge has gained momentum in therapeutic frameworks in general and at schools in particular, slowly becoming an integral part of the education system. However, this field is still in its early stages and it is oriented towards special education students and those with special needs (Nachum, 2007; Moriah, 2000).Amani Mussa, “Between a child who wants to tell and an adult who does not want to hear”. Arts Therapists’ Dilemmas in the Application of Arts Therapy with Children from Arab Society Who Suffered Abuse. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 25, Poznań 2019. Pp. 373-401. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.25.16. The Arab education system in Israel together with the ethics and legal regulations are found to indicate reports of maltreated and sexually abused children. The problem of viewed in this paper is connected with the reporting of children who had experienced maltreatment and sexual abuse. The article aspires to present the work and dilemmas of art therapists using arts therapy when working within educational and therapeutic frameworks in Israeli Arab society. Today, the field of arts therapy in the Arab society is in its initial stages in contrast to the seniority this field has gained in the Jewish society and more traditional therapies such as psychology and psychotherapy. In the Arab society, mental therapy is uncommon. The field of therapy as a whole is undeveloped and conducted secretly largely due to shame, stigma and prejudices associating mental therapy with mental illnesses or disorders (Masarwa & Bruno, 2018). Until recently, arts therapy has not been practiced at all in Israeli in the Arab society. In comparison to psychological treatment, arts therapy carries an extra value because of its non-verbal work methodology, and enables can the client to make projection and reduction of social and personal objections in face of the therapeutic process. In recent years, implementation of this field of knowledge has gained momentum in therapeutic frameworks in general and at schools in particular, slowly becoming an integral part of the education system. However, this field is still in its early stages and it is oriented towards special education students and those with special needs (Nachum, 2007; Moriah, 2000)

    The Future of Theory

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    INVALSI data: methodologies and results

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    Over the years, interest in data has always grown and, aware of their centrality, many institutions, both public and private, share their data to facilitate the work of all those who wish to use them to interpret phenomena. In the education field, the data produced by INVALSI undoubtedly have a leading role, both at a sample and census level. The availability of data on learning achievements and living conditions of students (the so-called “context data”), as well as on the professional and operational conditions of teachers and School Managers, collected through specific questionnaires, is a valuable source of information based on which it is possible not only to plan improvement interventions in the didactic field, but also to undertake stimulating paths of educational research. This volume hosts four research papers, presented within the III Seminar “INVALSI data: a research tool”, which took place in Bari from 26 to 28 October 2018. Thanks to the INVALSI data, the authors conducted interesting in depth analysis of various aspects relating to the Italian education system

    INVALSI data: methodologies and results

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    Over the years, interest in data has always grown and, aware of their centrality, many institutions, both public and private, share their data to facilitate the work of all those who wish to use them to interpret phenomena. In the education field, the data produced by INVALSI undoubtedly have a leading role, both at a sample and census level. The availability of data on learning achievements and living conditions of students (the so-called “context data”), as well as on the professional and operational conditions of teachers and School Managers, collected through specific questionnaires, is a valuable source of information based on which it is possible not only to plan improvement interventions in the didactic field, but also to undertake stimulating paths of educational research. This volume hosts four research papers, presented within the III Seminar “INVALSI data: a research tool”, which took place in Bari from 26 to 28 October 2018. Thanks to the INVALSI data, the authors conducted interesting in-depth analysis of various aspects relating to the Italian education system

    Unmet goals of tracking: within-track heterogeneity of students' expectations for

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    Educational systems are often characterized by some form(s) of ability grouping, like tracking. Although substantial variation in the implementation of these practices exists, it is always the aim to improve teaching efficiency by creating homogeneous groups of students in terms of capabilities and performances as well as expected pathways. If students’ expected pathways (university, graduate school, or working) are in line with the goals of tracking, one might presume that these expectations are rather homogeneous within tracks and heterogeneous between tracks. In Flanders (the northern region of Belgium), the educational system consists of four tracks. Many students start out in the most prestigious, academic track. If they fail to gain the necessary credentials, they move to the less esteemed technical and vocational tracks. Therefore, the educational system has been called a 'cascade system'. We presume that this cascade system creates homogeneous expectations in the academic track, though heterogeneous expectations in the technical and vocational tracks. We use data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY), gathered during the 2013-2014 school year from 2354 pupils of the tenth grade across 30 secondary schools in the city of Ghent, Flanders. Preliminary results suggest that the technical and vocational tracks show more heterogeneity in student’s expectations than the academic track. If tracking does not fulfill the desired goals in some tracks, tracking practices should be questioned as tracking occurs along social and ethnic lines, causing social inequality

    A Critical Review of Economic Analyses of Religion

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    Recent years have seen increasing interest in economic analyses of religion. We carry out a critical review of Economics of Religion (EoR) in this review essay. We find that on the one hand EoR has made a significant contribution to enhance our understanding of secular trappings of religion and to break the stranglehold of non-rational approach to religion. On the other it has failed systematically to address the core of religion, namely, belief in its purportedly supernatural basis. Furthermore the methodological foundations of EoR are far from settled. We identify the shortcomings of the literature and suggest remedial measures, wherever possible.Church, Credence Goods, Economic Methodology, Inscrutable Markets, Religion

    A Critical review of economic analyses of religion

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    Recent years have seen increasing interest in economic analyses of religion. We carry out a critical review of Economics of Religion (EoR) in this review essay. We find that on the one hand EoR has made a significant contribution to enhance our understanding of secular trappings of religion and to break the stranglehold of non-rational approach to religion. On the other it has failed systematically to address the core of religion, namely, belief in its purportedly supernatural basis. Furthermore the methodological foundations of EoR are far from settled. We identify the shortcomings of the literature and suggest remedial measures, wherever possible.Church, Credence Goods, Economic Methodology, Inscrutable Markets, Religion

    INVALSI data: methodologies and results

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    Over the years, interest in data has always grown and, aware of their centrality, many institutions, both public and private, share their data to facilitate the work of all those who wish to use them to interpret phenomena. In the education field, the data produced by INVALSI undoubtedly have a leading role, both at a sample and census level. The availability of data on learning achievements and living conditions of students (the so-called “context data”), as well as on the professional and operational conditions of teachers and School Managers, collected through specific questionnaires, is a valuable source of information based on which it is possible not only to plan improvement interventions in the didactic field, but also to undertake stimulating paths of educational research. This volume hosts four research papers, presented within the III Seminar “INVALSI data: a research tool”, which took place in Bari from 26 to 28 October 2018. Thanks to the INVALSI data, the authors conducted interesting in-depth analysis of various aspects relating to the Italian education system