40 research outputs found

    Relation between TMAOase activity and content of formaldehyde in fillet minces and bellyflap minces from gadoid fishes

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    Minced fish is a significant component of a number of frozen fishery products like fish fingers, cakes and patties. Predominately minced fish is produced from gadoid species (Alaska pollack, cod, saithe, hake and others) possessing the enzyme trimethylamine oxide demethylase (TMAOase, E.C. (Rehbein and Schreiber 1984). TMAOase catalyses the degradation of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) to formaldehyde (FA) and dimethylamine (DMA), preferentially during frozen storage of products (Hultin 1992). In most gadoid species light muscle contains only low activity of TMAOase, the activity of red muscle and bellyflaps being somewhat higher. In contrast, the TMAOase activity in blood, kidney and other tissues, residues of which may contaminate minced fish flesh, may be higher for several orders of magnitude (Rehbein and Schreiber 1984)

    Abteilung 223, Biologie

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    Qualitätsvergleich zwischen panierten Filetportionen aus einfach- und doppelgefrorenen TK-Blöcken

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    Single and double frozen fillet blocks of Alaska pollack and cod both commercially processed of unknown shelf life were further processed to breaded battered portions. The quality of these fillet portions were compared using sensory (QDA), physical and chemical methods. It was difficult to differentiate between SF and DF fillets by sensory method because of the absence of differences in flavour attributes. While no differences could to be found in the texture of cod fillets, in Alaska pollack fillets some texture attributes were significantly different. These differences could not be verified by instrumental texture measurement. In all cases the lightness was different between SF and DF fillets. Probably, after having fixed L* values for SF fillets of commercially important fish species as limit this could be employed in the future to differentiate between single and double frozen products. Due to the unknown shelf life it is difficult to evaluate the results. Therefore, the investigation of the influence of double freezing on the quality needs a special sample preparation. The use of randomly taken commercially processed samples seems not to be useful

    Abteilung 212, Textil-Chemie

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    A study of allergic responses of formaldehyde in first year MBBS students

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    Background: Formaldehyde has been used as embalming fluid for cadavers’ in various medical colleges since decades, often alone but sometimes also with methyl alcohol, thymol crystals, glycerin and water. During dissection hours (average 6 hours per week), formaldehyde being an irritant can cause severe allergic responses in students of first year.  Majorly the allergic symptoms are related to eyes, respiratory tract and skin.Methods: A case control study of 400 MBBS students was performed in Gujarat from April 2017-June 2017. The study included 200 case students who had been exposed to formaldehyde on 3 days of the week during anatomy dissection hours, also 200 final year students who were not exposed to formaldehyde regularly.Results: In our study, we have found the following positive responses to formaldehyde- general discomfort, sneezing, redness of eyes, itching of nostrils, irritation and itching of eyes, tears, blurring of vision, discharge from nostrils, and itching of skin while the following factors were found negative-vomiting, giddiness, drowsiness, nausea and difficulty in breathing.Conclusions: As, formaldehyde is commonly used and students are frequently exposed to it, it can be a cause of major concern and an alternative less toxic solution for embalming should be researched for

    6. Freiberger Ledertage - Abstractband: 21. und 22. Juni 2017, Oisterwijk/NL

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    Der Verein für Gerberei-Chemie und -Technik (VGCT) wurde 1949 zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher und technischer Forschung, zum Zwecke des fachlichen Erfahrungsaustausches sowie zur Förderung des beruflichen Nachwuchses gegründet. Gegenwärtig hat er ca. 300 Mitglieder, welche sowohl einzelne Personen als auch Firmen sind. Im VGCT treffen sich Ledertechniker, Maschinenbauer, Chemiker und andere am „Ledermachen“ interessierte Menschen zum Austausch und zu gemeinsamer Arbeit. Der Verein bietet eine Plattform für den fachlichen Austausch indem er jährliche Fachtagungen und fachliche Kooperationen in firmenübergreifenden Arbeitsgruppen (Kommissionen) organisiert, technische Veröffentlichungen in der Fachpresse mit eigenen Seiten fördert und sich aktiv an Umweltschutz, Arbeitssicherheit sowie Gesundheitsschutz beteiligt.The Association for Chemistry and Technology in Tanning (VGCT) was founded in 1949 in order to facilitate scientifi c and technical research and exchange of professional experience as well as to promote young talents. Currently it has some 300 members – single persons as well as enterprises. In the VGCT, leather technologists, mechanical engineers, chemists and other people interested in “making leather” meet in order to exchange ideas and work together. The association offers a platform for sharing professional experience by organizing annual meetings and professional co-operations in groups from across various companies (commissions), by facilitating technical publications in specialist press with own pages and actively participating in environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection