
Qualitätsvergleich zwischen panierten Filetportionen aus einfach- und doppelgefrorenen TK-Blöcken


Single and double frozen fillet blocks of Alaska pollack and cod both commercially processed of unknown shelf life were further processed to breaded battered portions. The quality of these fillet portions were compared using sensory (QDA), physical and chemical methods. It was difficult to differentiate between SF and DF fillets by sensory method because of the absence of differences in flavour attributes. While no differences could to be found in the texture of cod fillets, in Alaska pollack fillets some texture attributes were significantly different. These differences could not be verified by instrumental texture measurement. In all cases the lightness was different between SF and DF fillets. Probably, after having fixed L* values for SF fillets of commercially important fish species as limit this could be employed in the future to differentiate between single and double frozen products. Due to the unknown shelf life it is difficult to evaluate the results. Therefore, the investigation of the influence of double freezing on the quality needs a special sample preparation. The use of randomly taken commercially processed samples seems not to be useful

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