3 research outputs found

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Ketransmigrasian di Dinas Tenagakerja Transmigrasi dan Kependudukan Provinsi Jawa Timur Periode 2009-2014

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    Apolicy of democratization and decentralization of development post-Orde Baru in Indonesia. Policies that result in deregulation in all sectors of the Indonesian government is bringing new value changes in the bureaucracy and the public. The potential for conflict of interest, the social and the clash of value systems in recipient community development agents and different backgrounds gave dynamics consequence such as a conflict between migrants with the local population. In practice there is ambivalence policy sector development transmigration, on one side of Pancasila as the ideal basic, the Undang-Undang 1945 contains the values of National unity and togetherness becomes the basis for public policy itself, but on the other hand precisely into contention for the benefit of the Local Government following each value, traditions and culture of different peoples. A discrepancy between the situation of communities and local government conditions sender with the community and the local government transmigration, formulated: 1.How is the Implementation of Transmigration Sector Development Policy in East Java Province, 2.How to model the Implementation of Transmigration Sector Development Policy in East Java Province. Design methods of research used a qualitative descriptive data mining technique documents, interviews, and observations to the location of transmigration.Â

    Extended role-based access control model for enterprise systems and web services

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    This thesis intends to develop application-level access control models to address several major security issues in enterprise environments. The first goal is to provide simple and efficient authorization specifications to reduce the complexity of security management. The second goal is to provide dynamic access control for Web service applications. The third goal is to provide an access control framework for Semantic Web services. In this thesis, an Authorization-Function-Based Role-based Access Control (FB-RBAC) model is proposed for controlling enterprise systems at the application level. The unique features of the proposed model are authorization-function-based access control and constraint-based finegrained access control. This model significantly simplifies the management of an access control system by adopting roles and authorization-functions in authorization specifications. An extension of FB-RBAC, Extended FB-RBAC (ERBAC), is applied to Web service applications. New features such as credential-based access control and dynamic role assignment are added to FB-RBAC in order to address user heterogeneity and dynamicity in the Web environment. The proposed ERBAC model is then extended to support Semantic Web services. Each component of the ERBAC model is described by security ontologies. These correlated security ontologies are integrated with Semantic Web services to form a complete ontology network. Ontology-based role assignment is facilitated so that security information can be queries and discovered through a network of ontologies