6 research outputs found

    Modeling communication network requirements for an integrated clinical environment in the Prototype Verification System

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    Health care practices increasingly rely on complex technological infrastructure, and new approaches to the integration of information and communication technology in those practices lead to the development of such concepts as integrated clinical environments and smart intensive care units. These concepts refer to hospital settings where therapy relies heavily on inter-operating medical devices, supervised by clinicians assisted by advanced monitoring and co-ordinating software. In order to ensure safety and effectiveness of patient care, it is necessary to specify the requirements of such socio-technical systems in the most rigorous and precise way. This paper presents an approach to the formalization of system requirements for communication networks deployed in integrated clinical environment, based on the higher-order logic language of a theorem-proving environment, the Prototype Verification System

    Design patterns for models of interactive systems

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    Building models of safety-critical interactive systems (in healthcare, transport, avionics and finance, to name but a few) as part of the design process is essential. It is also advised for non-safety critical interactive systems if we want to be certain they will behave as intended in all circumstances. However, modelling interactive systems is also challenging. The levels of complexity in modern user interfaces and the wealth of interaction possibilities means that modelling at a suitable level of abstraction is crucial to ensure our models remain reasonably sized, readable, and therefore usable. The decisions we make about how to abstract the system to retain enough detail to be able to reason about it without running into known modelling problems (state-explosion, verbosity, unread ability) are complex, even for experienced modellers. We have identified a number of commonly seen problems in such models based on occurrences of common properties of interactive systems, and in order to help both experienced and novice modellers we propose model-patterns as a solution to this

    A PVS-Simulink Integrated Environment for Model-Based Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    This paper presents a methodology, with supporting tool, for formal modeling and analysis of software components in cyber-physical systems. Using our approach, developers can integrate a simulation of logic-based specifications of software components and Simulink models of continuous processes. The integrated simulation is useful to validate the characteristics of discrete system components early in the development process. The same logic-based specifications can also be formally verified using the Prototype Verification System (PVS), to gain additional confidence that the software design complies with specific safety requirements. Modeling patterns are defined for generating the logic-based specifications from the more familiar automata-based formalism. The ultimate aim of this work is to facilitate the introduction of formal verification technologies in the software development process of cyber-physical systems, which typically requires the integrated use of different formalisms and tools. A case study from the medical domain is used to illustrate the approach. A PVS model of a pacemaker is interfaced with a Simulink model of the human heart. The overall cyber-physical system is co-simulated to validate design requirements through exploration of relevant test scenarios. Formal verification with the PVS theorem prover is demonstrated for the pacemaker model for specific safety aspects of the pacemaker design

    Verification templates for the analysis of user interface software design

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    The paper describes templates for model-based analysis of usability and safety aspects of user interface software design. The templates crystallize general usability principles commonly addressed in user-centred safety requirements, such as the ability to undo user actions, the visibility of operational modes, and the predictability of user interface behavior. These requirements have standard forms across different application domains, and can be instantiated as properties of specific devices. The modeling and analysis process is carried out using the Prototype Verification System (PVS), and is further facilitated by structuring the specification of the device using a format that is designed to be generic across interactive systems. A concrete case study based on a commercial infusion pump is used to illustrate the approach. A detailed presentation of the automated verification process using PVS shows how failed proof attempts provide precise information about problematic user interface software features.This work has been funded by the EPSRC research grant EP/G059063/1: CHI+ MED (Computer-Human Interaction for Medical Devices). We are grateful to Harold Thimbleby's team at Swansea University, part of the CHI+ MED project, and especially Patrick Oladimeji who developed the infusion pump simulation that helped us develop the models. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for valuable feedback. Jose C. Campos and Paolo Masci were funded by project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000016, financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Model-Based Usability Analysis of Safety-Critical Systems: A Formal Methods Framework

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    Complex, safety-critical systems are designed with a broad range of automated and configurable components, and usability problems often emerge for the end user during setup, operation, and troubleshooting procedures. Usability evaluations should consider the entire human-device interface including displays, controls, hardware configurations, and user documentation/procedures. To support the analyst, human factors researchers have developed a set of methods and measures for evaluating human-system interface usability, while formal methods researchers have developed a set of model-based technologies that enable mathematical verification of desired system behaviors. At the intersection of these disciplines, an evolving set of model-based frameworks enable highly automated verification of usability early in the design cycle. Models can be abstracted to enable broad coverage of possible problems, while measures can be formally verified to "prove" that the system is usable. Currently, frameworks cover a subset of the target system and user behaviors that must be modeled to ensure usability: procedures, visual displays, user controls, automation, and possible interactions among them. Similarly, verification methodologies focus on a subset of potential usability problems with respect to modeled interactions. This work provides an integrated formal methods framework enabling the holistic modeling and verification of safety-critical system usability. Building toward the framework, a set of five, novel approaches extend the capabilities of extant frameworks in different ways. Each approach is demonstrated in a medical device case study to show how the methods can be employed to identify potential usability problems in existing systems. A formal approach to documentation navigation models an end user navigating through a printed or electronic document and verifies page reachability. A formal approach to procedures in documentation models an end user executing steps as written and aids in identifying problems involving what device components are identified in task descriptions, what system configurations are addressed, and what temporal orderings of procedural steps could be improved. A formal approach to hardware configurability models end-user motor capabilities, relationships among the user and device components in the spatial environment, and opportunities for the user to physically manipulate components. An encoding tool facilitates the modeling process, while a verification methodology aids in ensuring that configurable hardware supports correct end- user actions and prevents incorrect ones. A formal approach to interface understandability models what information is provided to the end user through visual, audible, and haptic sensory channels, including explanations provided in accompanying documentation. An encoding tools facilitates the development of models and specifications, while the verification methodology aids in ensuring that what is displayed on the device is consistent; and, if needed, an explanation of what is displayed is provided in documentation. A formal approach to controlled actuators leverages an existing modeling technique and data collected from other engineering activities to model actuator dynamics mapping to referent data. An encoding tool facilitates model development, and a verification methodology aids in validating the model with respect to source data. Finally, new methodologies are combined within the integrated framework. A model architecture supports the analyst in representing a broad range of interactions among constituent framework models, and a set of ten specifications is developed to enable holistic usability verification. An implementation of the framework is demonstrated within a case study based on a medical device under development. This application shows how the framework could be utilized early in the design of a safety-critical system, without the need for a fully implemented device or a team of human evaluators.Ph.D., Biomedical Science -- Drexel University, 201