4 research outputs found

    Formal support for model driven development with graph transformation techniques

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) In this paper we give an overview of our approach for Model Driven Development (MDD), based on graph transformation techniques. In MDD, models are the primary assets in the development process. They are not only used for documentation, but also for analysis, simulation, code and test cases generation. Thus, model transformation becomes a central activity. As models can be formally described as attributed, typed graphs, we can use formal graph transformation techniques for their manipulation. In this paper, we give an overview of the different kinds of model transformation and suitable graph transformation techniques. Moreover, graph transformation can be combined with meta-modelling for further expressivity. Some of these techniques have been recently implemented in the Metamodelling tool AToM3. We use the tool to introduce an example in the component-based modelling and simulation area

    De arquitecturas organizacionais em i* para arquitecturas baseadas em agentes: uma abordagem orientada a modelos

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    Os requisitos dizem, normalmente, o que um sistema deve fazer, por oposição a como fazê-lo. O contexto organizacional justifica e ajuda a compreender os porquês que levam à necessidade de certos requisitos importantes para um sistema de software ser bem sucedido. As técnicas de modelação de requisitos oferecem o conhecimento que permite a análise necessária nesta fase inicial do desenvolvimento. Contudo, a maioria das técnicas de requisitos são mais adequadas para uma fase posterior do processo da engenharia de requisitos. O desenvolvimento de software orientado a agentes procura preencher esta lacuna, mas é um paradigma relativamente recente. Para a consolidação deste novo paradigma, o projecto Tropos está a desenvolver uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento orientado a Agentes que se baseia nos conceitos sociais e intencionais oferecidos pela abordagem de modelação organizacional i*. No entanto, o uso do i* não é suficientemente expressivo como uma linguagem de descrição arquitectural. Reconhecendo no UML a capacidade de actuar como linguagem de descrição arquitectural, esta dissertação especifica as transformações necessárias dos modelos arquitecturais organizacionais descritos em i*, para os modelos arquitecturais descritos no perfil de Agência do UML utilizado para modelar sistemas multi-agente, através de uma abordagem orientada a modelos

    Designing Round-Trip Systems by Change Propagation and Model Partitioning

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    Software development processes incorporate a variety of different artifacts (e.g., source code, models, and documentation). For multiple reasons the data that is contained in these artifacts does expose some degree of redundancy. Ensuring global consistency across artifacts during all stages in the development of software systems is required, because inconsistent artifacts can yield to failures. Ensuring consistency can be either achieved by reducing the amount of redundancy or by synchronizing the information that is shared across multiple artifacts. The discipline of software engineering that addresses these problems is called Round-Trip Engineering (RTE). In this thesis we present a conceptual framework for the design RTE systems. This framework delivers precise definitions for essential terms in the context of RTE and a process that can be used to address new RTE applications. The main idea of the framework is to partition models into parts that require synchronization - skeletons - and parts that do not - clothings. Once such a partitioning is obtained, the relations between the elements of the skeletons determine whether a deterministic RTE system can be built. If not, manual decisions may be required by developers. Based on this conceptual framework, two concrete approaches to RTE are presented. The first one - Backpropagation-based RTE - employs change translation, traceability and synchronization fitness functions to allow for synchronization of artifacts that are connected by non-injective transformations. The second approach - Role-based Tool Integration - provides means to avoid redundancy. To do so, a novel tool design method that relies on role modeling is presented. Tool integration is then performed by the creation of role bindings between role models. In addition to the two concrete approaches to RTE, which form the main contributions of the thesis, we investigate the creation of bridges between technical spaces. We consider these bridges as an essential prerequisite for performing logical synchronization between artifacts. Also, the feasibility of semantic web technologies is a subject of the thesis, because the specification of synchronization rules was identified as a blocking factor during our problem analysis. The thesis is complemented by an evaluation of all presented RTE approaches in different scenarios. Based on this evaluation, the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches are identified. Also, the practical feasibility of our approaches is confirmed w.r.t. the presented RTE applications