6 research outputs found

    INTERACT 2015 Adjunct Proceedings. 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 14-18 September 2015, Bamberg, Germany

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    INTERACT is among the world’s top conferences in Human-Computer Interaction. Starting with the first INTERACT conference in 1990, this conference series has been organised under the aegis of the Technical Committee 13 on Human-Computer Interaction of the UNESCO International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). This committee aims at developing the science and technology of the interaction between humans and computing devices. The 15th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2015 took place from 14 to 18 September 2015 in Bamberg, Germany. The theme of INTERACT 2015 was "Connection.Tradition.Innovation". This volume presents the Adjunct Proceedings - it contains the position papers for the students of the Doctoral Consortium as well as the position papers of the participants of the various workshops

    Easing the Creation Process of Mobile Applications for Non-Technical Users

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    In this day and age, the mobile phone is becoming one of the most indispensable personal computing device. People no longer use it just for communication (i.e. calling, sending messages) but also for other aspects of their lives as well. Because of this rise in demand for different and innovative applications, mobile companies (i.e. mobile handset manufacturers and mobile network providers) and organizations have realized the power of collaborative software development and have changed their business strategy. Instead of hiring specific organizations to do programming, they are now opening up their APIs and tools to allow ordinary people create their own mobile applications either for personal use or for profit. However, the problem with this approach is that there are people who might have nice ideas of their own but do not possess the technical expertise in order to create applications implementing these ideas. The goal of this research is to find ways to simplify the creation of mobile applications for non-technical people by applying model-driven software development particularly domain-specific modeling combined with techniques from the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) particularly iterative, user-centered system design. As proof of concept, we concentrate on the development of applications in the domain of mHealth and use the Android Framework as the target platform for code generation. The iterative user-centered design and development of the front-end tool which is called the Mobia Modeler, led us to eventually create a tool that features a configurable-component based design and integrated modeless environment to simplify the different development tasks of end-users. The Mobia models feature both constructs specialized for specific domains (e.g. sensor component, special component ), and also those that are applicable to any type of domain (e.g. structure component, basic component ). In order to accommodate different needs of end-users, a clear separation between the front-end tools (i.e. Mobia Modeler ) and the underlying code generator (i.e. Mobia Processor ) is recommended as long as there is a consistent model in between, that serves as a bridge between the different tools

    Easing the Creation Process of Mobile Applications for Non-Technical Users

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    In this day and age, the mobile phone is becoming one of the most indispensable personal computing device. People no longer use it just for communication (i.e. calling, sending messages) but also for other aspects of their lives as well. Because of this rise in demand for different and innovative applications, mobile companies (i.e. mobile handset manufacturers and mobile network providers) and organizations have realized the power of collaborative software development and have changed their business strategy. Instead of hiring specific organizations to do programming, they are now opening up their APIs and tools to allow ordinary people create their own mobile applications either for personal use or for profit. However, the problem with this approach is that there are people who might have nice ideas of their own but do not possess the technical expertise in order to create applications implementing these ideas. The goal of this research is to find ways to simplify the creation of mobile applications for non-technical people by applying model-driven software development particularly domain-specific modeling combined with techniques from the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) particularly iterative, user-centered system design. As proof of concept, we concentrate on the development of applications in the domain of mHealth and use the Android Framework as the target platform for code generation. The iterative user-centered design and development of the front-end tool which is called the Mobia Modeler, led us to eventually create a tool that features a configurable-component based design and integrated modeless environment to simplify the different development tasks of end-users. The Mobia models feature both constructs specialized for specific domains (e.g. sensor component, special component ), and also those that are applicable to any type of domain (e.g. structure component, basic component ). In order to accommodate different needs of end-users, a clear separation between the front-end tools (i.e. Mobia Modeler ) and the underlying code generator (i.e. Mobia Processor ) is recommended as long as there is a consistent model in between, that serves as a bridge between the different tools

    Comunicación ibero-americana: los desafíos de la internacionalización: libro de actas del II Congreso Mundial de la Comunicación iberoamericana

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    (Excerto da Nota Introdutória) Com uma tradição académica que remonta a meados do século XX, os estudos de comunicação têm acompanhado as principais transformações sociais e culturais operadas sob o signo dos média e por efeito de uma organização cada vez mais tecnológica da vida em sociedade. Ao analisarem as dinâmicas discursivas de um tempo marcado pelo convívio com meios de comunicação igualmente dinâmicos e mutantes, as ciências da comunicação prestam-se a uma compreensão mais vasta dos processos de socialização e manifestação cultural. É por isso que esta é uma área tão recetiva à interdisciplinaridade e, ao mesmo tempo, tão sensível à expressão nas diversas línguas que servem a comunicação. Dedicando-se a um objeto de estudo que nada tem de estável, as ciências da comunicação partilham com todas as outras áreas científicas o repto de internacionalização do conhecimento. À semelhança do que tem acontecido com outros grupos disciplinares, também as ciências da comunicação estão hoje organizadas numa lógica de globalização da ciência. A partir da década de 1950, começaram a ser criadas associações internacionais, como a International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), lançada em 1957, e a International Communication Association (ICA), criada em 1950 como National Society for the Study of Communication (NSSC), a que se sucederam muitas outras de âmbitos mais especializados ou regionalizados. Por iniciativa destas associações, passaram a realizar-se periodicamente congressos internacionais que depressa concorreram para instituir o Inglês como uma espécie de língua oficial.(Nota introdutória no completa) Con una tradición académica que se remonta a mediados del siglo XX, los estudios de comunicación han sido capaces de acompañar los principales cambios sociales y culturales en el marco de los medios de comunicación social, una consecuencia que resulta de una organización cada vez más tecnológica de la vida en sociedad. Mediante el análisis científico de las dinámicas discursivas de nuestro tiempo, caracterizado por la existencia de múltiples medios de comunicación igualmente dinámicos y cambiantes, las ciencias de la comunicación se proponen comprender los procesos de socialización y las diversas manifestaciones culturales. Es quizás por eso que dicha área científica es tan receptiva tanto a la interdisciplinariedad como a la muy sensible expresión en diversas lenguas que sirven de base a la comunicación. Aunque su objeto de estudio se caracterice por la inestabilidad, las ciencias de la comunicación comparten con todas las áreas científicas el gran reto de la internacionalización del conocimiento. Tal y como ha pasado con otros grupos disciplinares, también las ciencias de la comunicación se presentan hoy más organizadas en la lógica de globalización de la ciencia. En este sentido, a partir de la década de 1950 se han creado asociaciones internacionales como la AIECS (Asociación Internacional de Estudios de Comunicación Social), en 1957, y la ICA (Asociación de Comunicación Internacional), fundada en 1950 como Sociedad Nacional para el Estudio de la Comunicación (NSSC), a las cuáles les han seguido numerosas asociaciones más de ámbitos más especializados o más regionalizados. Como resultado de este proceso, se han organizado con gran frecuencia congresos internacionales que casi han convertido a la lengua inglesa en el idioma oficial de dichos encuentros científicos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT