10 research outputs found

    On the Automated Synthesis of Enterprise Integration Patterns to Adapt Choreography-based Distributed Systems

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    The Future Internet is becoming a reality, providing a large-scale computing environments where a virtually infinite number of available services can be composed so to fit users' needs. Modern service-oriented applications will be more and more often built by reusing and assembling distributed services. A key enabler for this vision is then the ability to automatically compose and dynamically coordinate software services. Service choreographies are an emergent Service Engineering (SE) approach to compose together and coordinate services in a distributed way. When mismatching third-party services are to be composed, obtaining the distributed coordination and adaptation logic required to suitably realize a choreography is a non-trivial and error prone task. Automatic support is then needed. In this direction, this paper leverages previous work on the automatic synthesis of choreography-based systems, and describes our preliminary steps towards exploiting Enterprise Integration Patterns to deal with a form of choreography adaptation.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2015, arXiv:1512.0694

    Automatic service categorisation through machine learning in emergent middleware

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    The modern environment of mobile, pervasive, evolving services presents a great challenge to traditional solutions for enabling interoperability. Automated solutions appear to be the only way to achieve interoperability with the needed level of flexibility and scalability. While necessary, the techniques used to determine compatibility, as a precursor to interaction, come at a substantial computational cost, especially when checks are performed between systems in unrelated domains. To overcome this, we apply machine learning to extract high-level functionality information through text categorisation of a system's interface description. This categorisation allows us to restrict the scope of compatibility checks, giving an overall performance gain when conducting matchmaking between systems. We have evaluated our approach on a corpus of web service descriptions, where even with moderate categorisation accuracy, a substantial performance benefit can be found. This in turn improves the applicability of our overall approach for achieving interoperability in the Connect project

    Achieving interoperability through semantics-based technologies: the instant messaging case

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    The success of pervasive computing depends on the ability to compose a multitude of networked applications dynamically in order to achieve user goals. However, applications from different providers are not able to interoperate due to incompatible interaction protocols or disparate data models. Instant messaging is a representative example of the current situation, where various competing applications keep emerging. To enforce interoperability at runtime and in a non-intrusive manner, mediators are used to perform the necessary translations and coordination between the heterogeneous applications. Nevertheless, the design of mediators requires considerable knowledge about each application as well as a substantial development effort. In this paper we present an approach based on ontology reasoning and model checking in order to generate correct-by-construction mediators automatically. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach through a prototype tool and show that it synthesises mediators that achieve efficient interoperation of instant messaging applications

    A Model Checking based Converter Synthesis Approach for Embedded Systems

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    Protocol conversion problem involves identifying whether two or more protocols can be composed with or without an intermediary, referred to as a converter, to obtain a pre-specified desired behavior. We investigate this problem in formal setting and propose, for the first time, a temporal logic based automatic solution to the convertibility verification and synthesis. At its core, our technique is based on local model checking technique and determines the existence of the converter and if a converter exists, it is automatically synthesized. A number of key features of our technique distinguishes it from all existing formal and/or informal techniques. Firstly, we handle both data and control mismatches (for the first time), using a single unifying model checking based solution. Secondly, the proposed approach uses temporal logic for the specification of correct behaviors (unlike earlier automaton based specifications) which is both elegant and natural to express event ordering and data-matching requirements. Finally, we have have experimented extensively with the examples available in the existing literature to evaluate the applicability of our technique in wide range of applications

    Application-Layer Connector Synthesis

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    International audienceThe heterogeneity characterizing the systems populating the Ubiquitous Computing environment prevents their seamless interoperability. Heterogeneous protocols may be willing to cooperate in order to reach some common goal even though they meet dynamically and do not have a priori knowledge of each other. Despite numerous e orts have been done in the literature, the automated and run-time interoperability is still an open challenge for such environment. We consider interoperability as the ability for two Networked Systems (NSs) to communicate and correctly coordinate to achieve their goal(s). In this chapter we report the main outcomes of our past and recent research on automatically achieving protocol interoperability via connector synthesis. We consider application-layer connectors by referring to two conceptually distinct notions of connector: coordinator and mediator. The former is used when the NSs to be connected are already able to communicate but they need to be speci cally coordinated in order to reach their goal(s). The latter goes a step forward representing a solution for both achieving correct coordination and enabling communication between highly heterogeneous NSs. In the past, most of the works in the literature described e orts to the automatic synthesis of coordinators while, in recent years the focus moved also to the automatic synthesis of mediators. Within the Connect project, by considering our past experience on automatic coordinator synthesis as a baseline, we propose a formal theory of mediators and a related method for automatically eliciting a way for the protocols to interoperate. The solution we propose is the automated synthesis of emerging mediating connectors (i.e., mediators for short)

    Solution analysis of universal wireless joint point technologies for heterogeneous tactical networks

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    The scope of this thesis is to analyze the feasibility of having different wireless mesh network architectures transfer data to a wired network via a joint (universal) access point (UAP). Additionally this thesis analyzes the feasibility of using similar joint (universal) access point technology to allow heterogeneous wireless mesh network devices in close proximally to the UAP transmit data to/from each other via the UAP. This research also includes evaluating COTS tools for possible implementation of a joint access point as well as seeking partnership with private industry to assist in research efforts and/or the development or joint (universal) access point solution(s). The thesis concludes with a recommendation on application of universal joint point technology, to include recommendations for implementation of such technology in the Tactical Network Topology (TNT) environment.http://archive.org/details/solutionnalysiso109452951Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Dynamic connector synthesis: revised prototype implementation

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    The CONNECT Integrated Project aims at enabling continuous composition of Networked Systems (NSs) to respond to the evolution of functionalities provided to and required from the networked environment. CONNECT aims at dropping the interoperability barrier by adopting a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, synthesizing on-the-fly the connectors via which networked systems communicate. The resulting emergent connectors are effectively synthesized according to the behavioral semantics of application- down to middleware-layer protocols run by the interacting parties

    Finalised dependability framework and evaluation results

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    The ambitious aim of CONNECT is to achieve universal interoperability between heterogeneous Networked Systems by means of on-the-fly synthesis of the CONNECTors through which they communicate. The goal of WP5 within CONNECT is to ensure that the non-functional properties required at each side of the connection going to be established are fulfilled, including dependability, performance, security and trust, or, in one overarching term, CONNECTability. To model such properties, we have introduced the CPMM meta-model which establishes the relevant concepts and their relations, and also includes a Complex Event language to express the behaviour associated with the specified properties. Along the four years of project duration, we have developed approaches for assuring CONNECTability both at synthesis time and at run-time. Within CONNECT architecture, these approaches are supported via the following enablers: the Dependability and Performance analysis Enabler, which is implemented in a modular architecture supporting stochastic verification and state-based analysis. Dependability and performance analysis also relies on approaches for incremental verification to adjust CONNECTor parameters at run-time; the Security Enabler, which implements a Security-by-Contract-with-Trust framework to guarantee the expected security policies and enforce them accordingly to the level of trust; the Trust Manager that implements a model-based approach to mediate between different trust models and ensure interoperable trust management. The enablers have been integrated within the CONNECT architecture, and in particular can interact with the CONNECT event-based monitoring enabler (GLIMPSE Enabler released within WP4) for run-time analysis and verification. To support a Model-driven approach in the interaction with the monitor, we have developed a CPMM editor and a translator from CPMM to the GLIMPSE native language (Drools). In this document that is the final deliverable from WP5 we first present the latest advances in the fourth year concerning CPMM, Dependability&Performance Analysis, Incremental Verification and Security. Then, we make an overall summary of main achievements for the whole project lifecycle. In appendix we also include some relevant articles specifically focussing on CONNECTability that have been prepared in the last period

    Reasoning about and Harmonizing the Interaction Behavior of Networked Systems at Application- and Middleware- Layer

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    The CONNECT Integrated Project aims at enabling continuous composition of networked systems to respond to the evolution of functionalities provided to and required from the networked environment. CONNECT aims at dropping the interoperability barrier by adopting a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, synthesizing on-the-fly the connectors via which networked systems communicate. The resulting emergent connectors are effectively synthesized according to the behavioral semantics of application- down to middleware-layer protocols run by the interacting parties. The role of work package WP3 is to devise automated and compositional approaches to connector synthesis, which can be performed at run-time. Given the respective interaction behavior of networked systems, we want to synthesize the behavior of the connector(s) needed for them to interact. These connectors serve as mediators of the networked systems' interaction at both application and middleware layers. During the project's first year, the work of WP3 led us to achieve the following preliminary results: the formalization of matching and mapping relationships for application-layer interaction protocols; the definition of the corresponding mediator generation algorithm; the analysis of the interoperability problems, and related solutions, that can occur at middleware-layer; and a model-driven approach to the automated elicitation of application-layer protocols from software implementations. All these achievements have been reported in Deliverable D3.1: "Modeling of application- and middleware-layer interaction protocols". In this deliverable, we go a step forward with respect to some of the previous achievements by delivering a unified process, and related artefacts, for the automated synthesis of mediators at both application and middleware layers, code-generation techniques to generate the actual code that implements a synthesized mediator, and a preliminary integration of QoS management in the synthesis process. During year 2, all the work has been validated through its application to several scenarios, in particular as part of WP1 and WP6. By selecting one of them as common scenario, in this deliverable, we also show the different methods/techniques at work on the scenario. All the steps of the devised synthesis process are described in detail and applied to the selected common scenario

    Dynamic Connector Synthesis: Principles, Methods, Tools and Assessment

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    CONNECT adopts a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, onthe- fly synthesis of the connectors via which networked systems communicate. Within CONNECT, the role of the WP3 work package is to devise automated and efficient approaches to the synthesis of such emergent connectors, provided the behavioral specification of the components to be connected. Thanks to WP3 scientific and technology development, emergent connectors can be synthesized on the fly as networked systems get discovered, implementing the necessary mediation between networked systems' protocols, from application down to middleware layers. This document being the final report about WP3 achievements, it outlines both: (i) specific contributions over the reporting period, and (ii) overall contributions in the area of automated, on-the-fly protocol mediation, from theory to supporting tool