9 research outputs found

    Formal Foundations for Hierarchical Safety Cases

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    Safety cases are increasingly being required in many safety-critical domains to assure, using structured argumentation and evidence, that a system is acceptably safe. However, comprehensive system-wide safety arguments present appreciable challenges to develop, understand, evaluate, and manage, partly due to the volume of information that they aggregate, such as the results of hazard analysis, requirements analysis, testing, formal verification, and other engineering activities. Previously, we have proposed hierarchical safety cases, hicases, to aid the comprehension of safety case argument structures. In this paper, we build on a formal notion of safety case to formalise the use of hierarchy as a structuring technique, and show that hicases satisfy several desirable properties. Our aim is to provide a formal, theoretical foundation for safety cases. In particular, we believe that tools for high assurance systems should be granted similar assurance to the systems to which they are applied. To this end, we formally specify and prove the correctness of key operations for constructing and managing hicases, which gives the specification for implementing hicases in AdvoCATE, our toolset for safety case automation. We motivate and explain the theory with the help of a simple running example, extracted from a real safety case and developed using AdvoCATE

    Reducing V&V Cost of Flight Critical Systems: Myth or Reality?

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    This paper presents an overview of NASA research program on the V&V of flight critical systems. Five years ago, NASA started an effort to reduce the cost and possibly increase the effectiveness of V&V for flight critical systems. It is the right time to take a look back and realize what progress has been made. This paper describes our overall approach and the tools introduced to address different phases of the software lifecycle. For example, we have improved testing by developing a statistical learning approach tor defining test cases. The tool automatically identifies possible unsafe conditions by analyzing outliers in output data; using an iterative learning process, it can then generate more test cases that represent potentially unsafe regions of operation. At the code level, we have developed and made available as open source a static analyzer for C and C++ programs called IKOS. We have shown that IKOS is very precise in the analysis of embedded C programs (very few false positives) and a bit less for regular C and C++ code. At the design level, in collaboration with our NRA partners, we have developed a suite of analysis tools for Simulink models. The analysis is done in a compositional framework for scalability

    Towards a Formal Basis for Modular Safety Cases

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    Safety assurance using argument-based safety cases is an accepted best-practice in many safety-critical sectors. Goal Structuring Notation (GSN), which is widely used for presenting safety arguments graphically, provides a notion of modular arguments to support the goal of incremental certification. Despite the efforts at standardization, GSN remains an informal notation whereas the GSN standard contains appreciable ambiguity especially concerning modular extensions. This, in turn, presents challenges when developing tools and methods to intelligently manipulate modular GSN arguments. This paper develops the elements of a theory of modular safety cases, leveraging our previous work on formalizing GSN arguments. Using example argument structures we highlight some ambiguities arising through the existing guidance, present the intuition underlying the theory, clarify syntax, and address modular arguments, contracts, well-formedness and well-scopedness of modules. Based on this theory, we have a preliminary implementation of modular arguments in our toolset, AdvoCATE

    Safety Case Patterns: Theory and Applications

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    We develop the foundations for a theory of patterns of safety case argument structures, clarifying the concepts involved in pattern specification, including choices, labeling, and well-founded recursion. We specify six new patterns in addition to those existing in the literature. We give a generic way to specify the data required to instantiate patterns and a generic algorithm for their instantiation. This generalizes earlier work on generating argument fragments from requirements tables. We describe an implementation of these concepts in AdvoCATE, the Assurance Case Automation Toolset, showing how patterns are defined and can be instantiated. In particular, we describe how our extended notion of patterns can be specified, how they can be instantiated in an interactive manner, and, finally, how they can be automatically instantiated using our algorithm

    Application of Software Engineering Principles to Synthetic Biology and Emerging Regulatory Concerns

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    As the science of synthetic biology matures, engineers have begun to deliver real-world applications which are the beginning of what could radically transform our lives. Recent progress indicates synthetic biology will produce transformative breakthroughs. Examples include: 1) synthesizing chemicals for medicines which are expensive and difficult to produce; 2) producing protein alternatives; 3) altering genomes to combat deadly diseases; 4) killing antibiotic-resistant pathogens; and 5) speeding up vaccine production. Although synthetic biology promises great benefits, many stakeholders have expressed concerns over safety and security risks from creating biological behavior never seen before in nature. As with any emerging technology, there is the risk of malicious use known as the dual-use problem. The technology is becoming democratized and de-skilled, and people in do-it-yourself communities can tinker with genetic code, similar to how programming has become prevalent through the ease of using macros in spreadsheets. While easy to program, it may be non-trivial to validate novel biological behavior. Nevertheless, we must be able to certify synthetically engineered organisms behave as expected, and be confident they will not harm natural life or the environment. Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary engineering domain, and interdisciplinary problems require interdisciplinary solutions. Using an interdisciplinary approach, this dissertation lays foundations for verifying, validating, and certifying safety and security of synthetic biology applications through traditional software engineering concepts about safety, security, and reliability of systems. These techniques can help stakeholders navigate what is currently a confusing regulatory process. The contributions of this dissertation are: 1) creation of domain-specific patterns to help synthetic biologists develop assurance cases using evidence and arguments to validate safety and security of designs; 2) application of software product lines and feature models to the modular DNA parts of synthetic biology commonly known as BioBricks, making it easier to find safety features during design; 3) a technique for analyzing DNA sequence motifs to help characterize proteins as toxins or non-toxins; 4) a legal investigation regarding what makes regulating synthetic biology challenging; and 5) a repeatable workflow for leveraging safety and security artifacts to develop assurance cases for synthetic biology systems. Advisers: Myra B. Cohen and Brittany A. Dunca

    Tool Support for Assurance Case Development

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    Argument-based assurance cases, often represented and organized using graphical argument structures, are increasingly being used in practice to provide assurance to stakeholders, e.g., regulatory authorities, that a system is acceptable for its intended use with respect to dependability and safety concerns. In general, comprehensive system-wide assurance arguments aggregate a substantial amount of diverse information, such as the results of safety analysis, requirements analysis, design, verification and other engineering activities. Although a variety of assurance case tools exist, many desirable argument structure operations such as hierarchical and modular abstraction, argument pattern instantiation, and inclusion extraction of richly structured information have limited to no automation support. Consequently, a considerable amount of time and effort can be spent in creating, understanding, evaluating, and managing argument structures. Over the past three years, we have been developing a toolset for assurance case automation, AdvoCATE, at the NASA Ames Research Center, to close this automation gap. This paper describes how AdvoCATE is being engineered atop formal foundations for assurance case argument structures, to provide unique capabilities for: (a) automated creation and assembly of assurance arguments, (b) integration of formal methods into wider assurance arguments, (c) automated pattern instantiation, (d) hierarchical abstraction, (e) queries and views, and (f) verification of arguments. We (and our colleagues) have used AdvoCATE in real projects for safety and airworthiness assurance, in the context of both manned and unmanned aircraft systems