3 research outputs found

    Formal Design of Cloud Computing Systems in Maude

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    Cloud computing systems are complex distributed systems whose design is challenging for two main reasons: (1) since they are distributed systems, a correct design is very hard to achieve by testing alone; and (2) cloud computing applications have high availability and performance requirements; but these are hard to measure before implementation and hard to compare between different implementations. This paper summarizes our experience in using formal specification in Maude and model checking analysis to quickly explore the design space of a cloud computing system to achieve a high quality design that: (1) has verified correctness guarantees; (2) has better performance properties than other design alternatives so explored; (3) can be achieved before an actual implementation; and (4) can be used for both rapid prototyping and for automatic code generation.Ope

    Read Atomic Transactions with Prevention of Lost Updates: ROLA and its Formal Analysis

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    Designers of distributed database systems face the choice between stronger consistency guarantees and better performance. A number of applications only require read atomicity (RA) (either all or none of a transaction's updates are visible to other transactions) and prevention of lost updates (PLU). Existing distributed transaction systems that meet these requirements also provide additional stronger consistency guarantees (such as causal consistency), but this comes at the price of lower performance. In this paper we propose a new distributed transaction protocol, ROLA, that targets application scenarios where only RA and PLU are needed. We formally specify ROLA in Maude. We then perform model checking to analyze both the correctness and the performance of ROLA. For correctness, we use standard model checking to analyze ROLA's satisfaction of RA and PLU. To analyze performance we: (a) perform statistical model checking to analyze key performance properties; and (b) compare these performance results with those obtained by also modeling and analyzing in Maude the well-known protocols Walter and Jessy that also guarantee RA and PLU. Our statistical model checking results show that ROLA outperforms both Walter and Jessy.Ope

    Design, verification and automatic implementation of correct-by-construction distributed transaction systems in Maude

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    Designing, verifying, and implementing highly reliable distributed systems is at present a hard and very labor-intensive task. Cloud-based systems have further increased this complexity due to the desired consistency, availability, scalability, and disaster tolerance. This dissertation addresses this challenge in the context of distributed transaction systems (DTSs) from two complementary perspectives: (i) designing DTSs with high assurance such that they satisfy desired correctness and performance requirements; and (ii) transforming verified system designs into correct-by-construction distributed implementations. Regarding correctness requirements, we provide an object-based framework for formally modeling DTSs in Maude, explain how such models can be automatically instrumented to record relevant events during a run, formally define a wide range of consistency properties on such histories of events, and implement a tool which fully automates the entire specification instrumentation and model checking process. Regarding performance requirements, we propose a general, though not yet automated, method that transforms the untimed, non-probabilistic, and nondeterministic formal Maude models of DTSs into probabilistic rewrite theories, explain how we can monitor the system executions of such probabilistic theories, and shows how we can evaluate the performance of the DTS designs based on the recorded log for different performance parameters and workloads by statistical model checking. To bridge the formality gap between verified designs and distributed implementations we present a correct-by-construction automatic transformation mapping a verified formal specification of an actor-based distributed system design in Maude to a distributed implementation enjoying the same safety and liveness properties as the original formal design. Two case studies, applying this automatic transformation to state-of-the-art DTSs analyzed within the same formal framework for both logical and performance properties, show that high-quality implementations with acceptable performance and meeting performance predictions can be automatically generated in this way