20,344 research outputs found

    Routinisation and memorisation of tasks inside a workshop: the case of the introduction of ISO norms

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    Changing routines and creating new routinization processes are difficult tasks involving both cognitive and political mechanisms. In this paper we use Defial- a French meet proessing firm- in order to illustrate some of the problems involved in creating a new procedural memory in a workshop and in applying the concept of 'routine'. We discuss some methodological implications resulting from our various observations and the choice we made. In our case study, the complexity arose partly from the many different factors that affect the production process, such as stress and the overload syndrome. We show that time and hierachical pressure cannot alone ensure the success of memorization of a task. The routinization process is only truly sucessful when a new state of condidence towards management has been established, a confidence that helps overcome the socio-emotional issues arising from the changes that are taking place and that paves the way for the acceptance of change in both declarative and procedural memory.

    The effectiveness of "Learning by doing" as a strategy that uses the elaboration of didactic material done by the learners

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    Tesis (Pedagogía en Inglés)Nowadays, the instruction of vocabulary on the acquisition and learning of English as a second language is important and it has been recognized as a relevant aspect by academics and theoreticians of the area. The aim of this study is to prove, through a concrete and an experimental form, the effectiveness of the constructivist strategy that uses the elaboration of didactic material as an improvement manner for the acquisition and learning of explicit vocabulary that, at the same time, may be meaningful to the pupils. The “Learning by Doing” strategy has been built under the perspective of the theory of constructivism, which has been adapted to be applied on two different educational establishments; both subsidized. The first school is located in El Belloto and the second school institution located in Villa Alemana. Accordingly, the thesis study was carried out on 5 different courses with a final average of 132 students. This inquiry has a quantitative nature with a quasi – experimental design that has as a sample a paired – dependent kind, which took into account the control subunits and the experimental subunits from each EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom where the strategy previously mentioned was conducted. As described on the previous paragraph, the results were analyzed using a mathematical – statistical type of measurement denominated “T – Test” table. These demonstrated that the constructivist strategy namely “Learning by Doing” improve the learning of explicit vocabulary on those grades belonging to the primary education. Nowadays, the instruction of vocabulary on the acquisition and learning of English as a second language is important and it has been recognized as a relevant aspect by academics and theoreticians of the area. The aim of this study is to prove, through a concrete and an experimental form, the effectiveness of the constructivist strategy that uses the elaboration of didactic material as an improvement manner for the acquisition and learning of explicit vocabulary that, at the same time, may be meaningful to the pupils. The “Learning by Doing” strategy has been built under the perspective of the theory of constructivism, which has been adapted to be applied on two different educational establishments; both subsidized. The first school is located in El Belloto and the second school institution located in Villa Alemana. Accordingly, the thesis study was carried out on 5 different courses with a final average of 132 students. This inquiry has a quantitative nature with a quasi – experimental design that has as a sample a paired – dependent kind, which took into account the control subunits and the experimental subunits from each EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom where the strategy previously mentioned was conducted. As described on the previous paragraph, the results were analyzed using a mathematical – statistical type of measurement denominated “T – Test” table. These demonstrated that the constructivist strategy namely “Learning by Doing” improve the learning of explicit vocabulary on those grades belonging to the primary education.En la actualidad, la instrucción del vocabulario es importante para la adquisición y aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua. Esto ha sido reconocido como un aspecto relevante por académicos y teóricos del área. El objetivo de esta investigación es probar a través de una forma concreta y experimental la efectividad de una estrategia que usa la elaboración de material didáctico como manera de mejorar la adquisición y el aprendizaje del vocabulario explícito, y que éste a su vez sea significativo para el alumno. La estrategia “Learning by Doing” ha sido construida bajo la perspectiva de la teoría del constructivismo, la cual ha sido adaptada para ser aplicada en dos establecimientos educacionales diferentes, ambos subvencionados. El primero situado en El Belloto y el segundo ubicado en Villa Alemana. Por consiguiente, esta investigación se realizó en 5 cursos diferentes con un promedio final de 132 alumnos. Esta investigación tiene una naturaleza cuantitativa con un diseño cuasi – experimental y tiene como muestra un tipo dependiente y pareado, la cual tomó en consideración las subunidades controles y las subunidades experimentales de cada clase “EFL” en donde la estrategia previamente mencionada fue llevada a cabo. Según lo descrito en el párrafo anterior, los resultados fueron analizados usando un tipo de medición matemático – estadística denominada tabla “T – Test”. Éstos demostraron que la estrategia constructivista nombrada “Learning by Doing” mejoró el aprendizaje de vocabulario explícito en aquellos cursos pertenecientes a la educación general básica. Sin embargo, el curso perteneciente a la enseñanza media no mostró ninguna señal de mejoramiento cuando la estrategia que usa la elaboración de material didáctico llegó a su fin

    カイワ ダイアログ アンショウ ニ ジュウジ サセル ガイコクゴ シドウホウ ガ スピーキングジ ノ テイケイ ヒョウゲン ノ シヨウ ト アンキ ガクシュウ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ニ カンスル キソ ケンキュウ

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    PDF/A formatsAccess: via World Wide Web東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科博士 (学術) 論文 (2016年4月)Author's thesis (Ph.D)--Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2016博甲第214号Bibliography: p. 183-195Summary in English and Japanese東京外国語大学 (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)博士 (学術

    Humanities in transition : liberation of knowledge in Central Asia and the potential role of the European Union

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    Concluding this article, the importance of the rational discourse in modern classes and local forums in contemporary Central Asia should be mentioned again. The liberation of knowledge should be a permanent part of educational initiatives in this region, which is on its long journey from one party autocratic system to the democratic pluralistic one. During this transition some few things should be central. 1. All innovations on education, including the revising role of humanities should be based on the indigenous traditions and the long history of the region including Islamic, Jadid’s tradition, but also soviet experiences in the last century (historically inherited German system). Furthermore, the modern international experiences on humanities should be not only superficially implemented from outside, but thoroughly integrated. The development of independent and creative thinking of the learners (students) should be always central for reform initiatives. 2. The revised concept of knowledge and cognitive system has to be based on new epistemology with broader perspective, including all the types of knowledge. These different types of knowledge include not just so called “rationalistic” one, which in fact often serves the interests of ruling classes, but also the experiences of all slices of societies, as well as the cross-civilization approaches, which open the way of dialog and communication with others. 3. It should be suggested to remove the dominating dichotomy type of thinking, escape Manichean dualistic concepts in order develop new bodies and research areas of humanities, based on pluralism (but not on secularism only). Communication and collaboration with the educational and research institutions of developed countries like EU and US would be essential for achievement of the desired goals and implementation of projects. During a conference on higher education in developing countries with focus on Muslim regions organised by the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization AKU ISMC in February - March 2005 in London one participant pointed out the importance of mentioning the indigenous Islamic educational heritage like memorization in Central Asian education. Regarding this remark, the questions arises, whether the memorization is the only real indigenous Islamic heritage in education. In this case what is the role of memorization in Muslim philosophy, arts, sciences, other creative professions? Was memorization essential for such Muslim scholars and encyclopaedists from the10th to the15th centuries like Avicenna, Abu Raikhan Biruni, Nasiriddin Tusi and Mirzo Ulughbek, artists like Kamaliddin Behzod or esoteric teachers such as Sufis like Jalaliddin Rumi etc.? Memorizing was not the only learning method in Muslim culture. According to his autobiography, Avicenna read Aristotle´s ‘Metaphysics’ time, but not only for the sake of memorization, but mostly to find its adequate meaning. Every time time, when he understood the meaning of this book with help of Abu Nasr Farabi´s comments, he celebrated this event by sending charity to the people in mosque. The memorization would be essential, if one accepts Islam only as religion, but not as culture and civilization. Of course, memorization has an important role in education, but only at the beginning, in elementary and secondary schools, but not at the universities. It is a useful tool for teaching and performing of religious rituals, for poetry and other humanities, as well as for medicine (for example, the formulation of the treatments in poetic form as in Urjuza fi-t-tib,Ibn Sina). Memorization in Muslim culture was the way to refer to the other sources, as scholars used to cite by memory, not by direct copying of the sources. It is well-known fact, that humanities have played an important role in Muslim civilisations (Goodman, 2003) and they had a strong impact on other cultures, especially, western European. Many scholars agree with the statement, that Muslim humanistic traditions was transformed by Europeans and served as one of the sources of humanism and renaissance. Recent scientific works on humanities have redefined the disciplinary organization of teaching and research and have introduced wider variety and new areas, such as gender or minoritie issues, studies of cultural diversities etc. However, many American scholars nowadays are worrying about the decline of humanistic research (Kernan, 1997) and about the shift of curriculum from university to “multiversity” and to “demoversity”. It is necessary to analyse, rethink and spread the positive experiences of Jadids and AKHP, as well as to motivate and encourage humanities teachers for innovations. Central Asian scientists in humanities have wide field for new research area. There are so many unknown (unthought) slices of culture (formal, informal), which never have become the object of research because of the political correctness, ideology, religious, ethnics or gender superstitions. Central Asian universities need to develop new research programs in humanities, similar to the well-known works by Martha C. Nussbaum (2000, 2004), Peter N. Stearns (1993) and others in USA. However, these kinds of works depend on investments, which cannot be provided by the current central state budget due to corruption, turbulent financial crisis and economic stagnation. Regarding this issue, one should think about new projects for collaboration and integration with EU. The courses in humanities with new approaches in arts, literature, sociology, philosophy, religions, political sciences, research in gender, cultural, religious and minorities issues, as well as analysis of such human behaviour like disgust, shame or hatred are important for liberation of thinking process in order to develop new generation of leaders in the region. Only the modern values, based on indigenous roots can help to build new and good society. However, this should not be implemented artificially. Currently several educational programs organised by EU for Central Asian countries, like Tempus, Erasmus Mundus etc. are working in the region. Last years the majority of Central Asian countries joined Bologna-process of education. The dialog between higher education institutions is important and the communicative ethics (the notion of J. Habermas) play a central role in this exchange. More effective support in form of scholarships, research programs, training projects for teachers and the students will have a very positive influence on Central Asia with regard to the broader mutual understanding and democracy promotion

    A psychology literature study on modality related issues for multimodal presentation in crisis management

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    The motivation of this psychology literature study is to obtain modality related guidelines for real-time information presentation in crisis management environment. The crisis management task is usually companied by time urgency, risk, uncertainty, and high information density. Decision makers (crisis managers) might undergo cognitive overload and tend to show biases in their performances. Therefore, the on-going crisis event needs to be presented in a manner that enhances perception, assists diagnosis, and prevents cognitive overload. To this end, this study looked into the modality effects on perception, cognitive load, working memory, learning, and attention. Selected topics include working memory, dual-coding theory, cognitive load theory, multimedia learning, and attention. The findings are several modality usage guidelines which may lead to more efficient use of the user’s cognitive capacity and enhance the information perception

    Cognitive load in the multi-player prisoner's dilemma game

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    We find that differences in the ability to devote cognitive resources to a strategic interaction imply differences in strategic behavior. In our experiment, we manipulate the availability of cognitive resources by applying a differential cognitive load. In cognitive load experiments, subjects are directed to perform a task which occupies cognitive resources, in addition to making a choice in another domain. The greater the cognitive resources required for the task implies that fewer such resources will be available for deliberation on the choice. Although much is known about how subjects make decisions under a cognitive load, little is known about how this affects behavior in strategic games. We run an experiment in which subjects play a repeated multi-player prisoner's dilemma game under two cognitive load treatments. In one treatment, subjects are placed under a high cognitive load (given a 7 digit number to recall) and subjects in the other are placed under a low cognitive load (given a 2 digit number). We find that the behavior of the subjects in the low load condition converges to the Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium prediction at a faster rate than those in the high load treatment. However, we do not find the corresponding relationship involving outcomes in the game. Specifically, there is no evidence of a significantly different convergence of game outcomes across treatments. As an explanation of these two results, we find evidence that low load subjects are better able to condition their behavior on the outcomes of previous periods.cognitive resources; experimental economics; experimental game theory; public goods game

    Play and Cognitive Development: Formal Operational Perspective of Piaget’s Theory

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    Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving and decision making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Play contributes to cognitive development in a number of ways. It helps children to develop imaginary and memory which is essential for thinking about past, present and future. The main purpose of the study was to find out the role of play regarding cognitive development of children. This study was quantitative in nature. Survey method was used to collect data. A sample of three hundred students was selected from both public and private sector schools of Lahore city. A five point Likert scale was used to collect data. Mean, t-test, One Way ANOVA and percentages were applied to analyze the data. The major finding of the study indicated that students feel curiosity to explore new things, new ideas by play. Keywords: Play, Cognitive development, Formal operational stag