5,963 research outputs found

    Spotting Agreement and Disagreement: A Survey of Nonverbal Audiovisual Cues and Tools

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    While detecting and interpreting temporal patterns of non–verbal behavioral cues in a given context is a natural and often unconscious process for humans, it remains a rather difficult task for computer systems. Nevertheless, it is an important one to achieve if the goal is to realise a naturalistic communication between humans and machines. Machines that are able to sense social attitudes like agreement and disagreement and respond to them in a meaningful way are likely to be welcomed by users due to the more natural, efficient and human–centered interaction they are bound to experience. This paper surveys the nonverbal cues that could be present during agreement and disagreement behavioural displays and lists a number of tools that could be useful in detecting them, as well as a few publicly available databases that could be used to train these tools for analysis of spontaneous, audiovisual instances of agreement and disagreement

    Automatic emotional state detection using facial expression dynamic in videos

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    In this paper, an automatic emotion detection system is built for a computer or machine to detect the emotional state from facial expressions in human computer communication. Firstly, dynamic motion features are extracted from facial expression videos and then advanced machine learning methods for classification and regression are used to predict the emotional states. The system is evaluated on two publicly available datasets, i.e. GEMEP_FERA and AVEC2013, and satisfied performances are achieved in comparison with the baseline results provided. With this emotional state detection capability, a machine can read the facial expression of its user automatically. This technique can be integrated into applications such as smart robots, interactive games and smart surveillance systems

    Who's afraid of job interviews? Definitely a question for user modelling

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    We define job interviews as a domain of interaction that can be modelled automatically in a serious game for job interview skills training. We present four types of studies: (1) field-based human-to-human job interviews, (2) field-based computer-mediated human-to-human interviews, (3) lab-based wizard of oz studies, (4) field-based human-to agent studies. Together, these highlight pertinent questions for the user modelling eld as it expands its scope to applications for social inclusion. The results of the studies show that the interviewees suppress their emotional behaviours and although our system recognises automatically a subset of those behaviours, the modelling of complex mental states in real-world contexts poses a challenge for the state-of-the-art user modelling technologies. This calls for the need to re-examine both the approach to the implementation of the models and/or of their usage for the target contexts

    The Perception of Emotion from Acoustic Cues in Natural Speech

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    Knowledge of human perception of emotional speech is imperative for the development of emotion in speech recognition systems and emotional speech synthesis. Owing to the fact that there is a growing trend towards research on spontaneous, real-life data, the aim of the present thesis is to examine human perception of emotion in naturalistic speech. Although there are many available emotional speech corpora, most contain simulated expressions. Therefore, there remains a compelling need to obtain naturalistic speech corpora that are appropriate and freely available for research. In that regard, our initial aim was to acquire suitable naturalistic material and examine its emotional content based on listener perceptions. A web-based listening tool was developed to accumulate ratings based on large-scale listening groups. The emotional content present in the speech material was demonstrated by performing perception tests on conveyed levels of Activation and Evaluation. As a result, labels were determined that signified the emotional content, and thus contribute to the construction of a naturalistic emotional speech corpus. In line with the literature, the ratings obtained from the perception tests suggested that Evaluation (or hedonic valence) is not identified as reliably as Activation is. Emotional valence can be conveyed through both semantic and prosodic information, for which the meaning of one may serve to facilitate, modify, or conflict with the meaning of the other—particularly with naturalistic speech. The subsequent experiments aimed to investigate this concept by comparing ratings from perception tests of non-verbal speech with verbal speech. The method used to render non-verbal speech was low-pass filtering, and for this, suitable filtering conditions were determined by carrying out preliminary perception tests. The results suggested that nonverbal naturalistic speech provides sufficiently discernible levels of Activation and Evaluation. It appears that the perception of Activation and Evaluation is affected by low-pass filtering, but that the effect is relatively small. Moreover, the results suggest that there is a similar trend in agreement levels between verbal and non-verbal speech. To date it still remains difficult to determine unique acoustical patterns for hedonic valence of emotion, which may be due to inadequate labels or the incorrect selection of acoustic parameters. This study has implications for the labelling of emotional speech data and the determination of salient acoustic correlates of emotion

    Come on Baby, Light My Fire

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    Automatic Detection of Reflective Thinking in Mathematical Problem Solving based on Unconstrained Bodily Exploration

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    For technology (like serious games) that aims to deliver interactive learning, it is important to address relevant mental experiences such as reflective thinking during problem solving. To facilitate research in this direction, we present the weDraw-1 Movement Dataset of body movement sensor data and reflective thinking labels for 26 children solving mathematical problems in unconstrained settings where the body (full or parts) was required to explore these problems. Further, we provide qualitative analysis of behaviours that observers used in identifying reflective thinking moments in these sessions. The body movement cues from our compilation informed features that lead to average F1 score of 0.73 for binary classification of problem-solving episodes by reflective thinking based on Long Short-Term Memory neural networks. We further obtained 0.79 average F1 score for end-to-end classification, i.e. based on raw sensor data. Finally, the algorithms resulted in 0.64 average F1 score for subsegments of these episodes as short as 4 seconds. Overall, our results show the possibility of detecting reflective thinking moments from body movement behaviours of a child exploring mathematical concepts bodily, such as within serious game play
