7,797 research outputs found

    Dimensionality reduction and unsupervised learning techniques applied to clinical psychiatric and neuroimaging phenotypes

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    Unsupervised learning and other multivariate analysis techniques are increasingly recognized in neuropsychiatric research. Here, finite mixture models and random forests were applied to clinical observations of patients with major depression to detect and validate treatment response subgroups. Further, independent component analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering were combined to build a brain parcellation solely on structural covariance information of magnetic resonance brain images. Übersetzte Kurzfassung: Unüberwachtes Lernen und andere multivariate Analyseverfahren werden zunehmend auf neuropsychiatrische Fragestellungen angewendet. Finite mixture Modelle wurden auf klinische Skalen von Patienten mit schwerer Depression appliziert, um Therapieantwortklassen zu bilden und mit Random Forests zu validieren. Unabhängigkeitsanalysen und agglomeratives hierarchisches Clustering wurden kombiniert, um die strukturelle Kovarianz von Magnetresonanz­tomographie-Bildern für eine Hirnparzellierung zu nutzen

    Personalized Web-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Treatments for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury : Cluster Analysis

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    Funding: This study was partially funded by the INNOBRAIN project: New Technologies for Innovation in Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation (COMRDI15-1-0017). ACCIÓ-Comunitat RIS3CAT d'innovació en salut NEXTHEALTH (COM15-1-0004) cofinanced this project under the FEDER Catalonia 2014-2020 Operational ProgramTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. TBI is a highly heterogeneous disease, which makes it complex for effective therapeutic interventions. Cluster analysis has been extensively applied in previous research studies to identify homogeneous subgroups based on performance in neuropsychological baseline tests. Nevertheless, most analyzed samples are rarely larger than a size of 100, and different cluster analysis approaches and cluster validity indices have been scarcely compared or applied in web-based rehabilitation treatments. The aims of our study were as follows: (1) to apply state-of-the-art cluster validity indices to different cluster strategies: hierarchical, partitional, and model-based, (2) to apply combined strategies of dimensionality reduction by using principal component analysis and random forests and perform stability assessment of the final profiles, (3) to characterize the identified profiles by using demographic and clinically relevant variables, and (4) to study the external validity of the obtained clusters by considering 3 relevant aspects of TBI rehabilitation: Glasgow Coma Scale, functional independence measure, and execution of web-based cognitive tasks. This study was performed from August 2008 to July 2019. Different cluster strategies were executed with Mclust, factoextra, and cluster R packages. For combined strategies, we used the FactoMineR and random forest R packages. Stability analysis was performed with the fpc R package. Between-group comparisons for external validation were performed using 2-tailed t test, chi-square test, or Mann-Whitney U test, as appropriate. We analyzed 574 adult patients with TBI (mostly severe) who were undergoing web-based rehabilitation. We identified and characterized 3 clusters with strong internal validation: (1) moderate attentional impairment and moderate dysexecutive syndrome with mild memory impairment and normal spatiotemporal perception, with almost 66% (111/170) of the patients being highly educated (P <.05); (2) severe dysexecutive syndrome with severe attentional and memory impairments and normal spatiotemporal perception, with 49.2% (153/311) of the patients being highly educated (P <.05); (3) very severe cognitive impairment, with 45.2% (42/93) of the patients being highly educated (P <.05). We externally validated them with severity of injury (P =.006) and functional independence assessments: cognitive (P <.001), motor (P <.001), and total (P <.001). We mapped 151,763 web-based cognitive rehabilitation tasks during the whole period to the 3 obtained clusters (P <.001) and confirmed the identified patterns. Stability analysis indicated that clusters 1 and 2 were respectively rated as 0.60 and 0.75; therefore, they were measuring a pattern and cluster 3 was rated as highly stable. Cluster analysis in web-based cognitive rehabilitation treatments enables the identification and characterization of strong response patterns to neuropsychological tests, external validation of the obtained clusters, tailoring of cognitive web-based tasks executed in the web platform to the identified profiles, thereby providing clinicians a tool for treatment personalization, and the extension of a similar approach to other medical conditions

    Learning to Predict with Highly Granular Temporal Data: Estimating individual behavioral profiles with smart meter data

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    Big spatio-temporal datasets, available through both open and administrative data sources, offer significant potential for social science research. The magnitude of the data allows for increased resolution and analysis at individual level. While there are recent advances in forecasting techniques for highly granular temporal data, little attention is given to segmenting the time series and finding homogeneous patterns. In this paper, it is proposed to estimate behavioral profiles of individuals' activities over time using Gaussian Process-based models. In particular, the aim is to investigate how individuals or groups may be clustered according to the model parameters. Such a Bayesian non-parametric method is then tested by looking at the predictability of the segments using a combination of models to fit different parts of the temporal profiles. Model validity is then tested on a set of holdout data. The dataset consists of half hourly energy consumption records from smart meters from more than 100,000 households in the UK and covers the period from 2015 to 2016. The methodological approach developed in the paper may be easily applied to datasets of similar structure and granularity, for example social media data, and may lead to improved accuracy in the prediction of social dynamics and behavior