10 research outputs found

    Mem Tri: Memory Forensics Triage Tool

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    This work explores the development of MemTri. A memory forensics triage tool that can assess the likelihood of criminal activity in a memory image, based on evidence data artefacts generated by several applications. Fictitious illegal suspect activity scenarios were performed on virtual machines to generate 60 test memory images for input into MemTri. Four categories of applications (i.e. Internet Browsers, Instant Messengers, FTP Client and Document Processors) are examined for data artefacts located through the use of regular expressions. These identified data artefacts are then analysed using a Bayesian Network, to assess the likelihood that a seized memory image contained evidence of illegal activity. Currently, MemTri is under development and this paper introduces only the basic concept as well as the components that the application is built on. A complete description of MemTri coupled with extensive experimental results is expected to be published in the first semester of 2017

    MemTri: A Memory Forensics Triage Tool using Bayesian Network and Volatility

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    This work explores the development of MemTri. A memory forensics triage tool that can assess the likelihood of criminal activity in a memory image, based on evidence data artefacts generated by several applications. Fictitious illegal suspect activity scenarios were performed on virtual machines to generate 60 test memory images for input into MemTri. Four categories of applications (i.e. Internet Browsers, Instant Messengers, FTP Client and Document Processors) are examined for data artefacts located through the use of regular expressions. These identified data artefacts are then analysed using a Bayesian Network, to assess the likelihood that a seized memory image contained evidence of illegal firearms trading activity. MemTri's normal mode of operation achieved a high artefact identification accuracy performance of 95.7% when the applications' processes were running. However, this fell significantly to 60% as applications processes' were terminated. To explore improving MemTri's accuracy performance, a second mode was developed, which achieved more stable results of around 80% accuracy, even after applications processes' were terminated

    Teaching Data Carving Using The Real World Problem of Text Message Extraction From Unstructured Mobile Device Data Dumps

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    Data carving is a technique used in data recovery to isolate and extract files based on file content without any file system guidance. It is an important part of data recovery and digital forensics, but it is also useful in teaching computer science students about file structure and binary encoding of information especially within a digital forensics program. This work demonstrates how the authors teach data carving using a real world problem they encounter in digital forensics evidence processing involving the extracting of text messages from unstructured small device binary extractions. The authors have used this problem for instruction in digital forensics courses and in other computer science courses

    A real-time correlation of host-level events in cyber range service for smart campus

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    Passe-Partout: A General Collection Methodology for Android Devices

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    Convicted by memory: Automatically recovering spatial-temporal evidence from memory images

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    Memory forensics can reveal “up to the minute” evidence of a device’s usage, often without requiring a suspect’s password to unlock the device, and it is oblivious to any persistent storage encryption schemes, e.g., whole disk encryption. Prior to my work, researchers and investigators alike considered data-structure recovery the ultimate goal of memory image forensics. This, however, was far from sufficient, as investigators were still largely unable to understand the content of the recovered evidence, and hence efficiently locating and accurately analyzing such evidence locked in memory images remained an open research challenge. In this dissertation, I propose breaking from traditional data-recovery-oriented forensics, and instead I present a memory forensics framework which leverages program analysis to automatically recover spatial-temporal evidence from memory images by understanding the programs that generated it. This framework consists of four techniques, each of which builds upon the discoveries of the previous, that represent this new paradigm of program-analysis-driven memory forensics. First, I present DSCRETE, a technique which reuses a program’s own interpretation and rendering logic to recover and present in-memory data structure contents. Following that, VCR developed vendor-generic data structure identification for the recovery of in-memory photographic evidence produced by an Android device’s cameras. GUITAR then realized an app-independent technique which automatically reassembles and redraws an app’s GUI from the multitude of GUI data elements found in a smartphone’s memory image. Finally, different from any traditional memory forensics technique, RetroScope introduced the vision of spatial-temporal memory forensics by retargeting an Android app’s execution to recover sequences of previous GUI screens, in their original temporal order, from a memory image. This framework, and the new program analysis techniques which enable it, have introduced encryption-oblivious forensics capabilities far exceeding traditional data-structure recovery

    Forensic triage for mobile phones with DEC0DE

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    We present DEC0DE, a system for recovering information from phones with unknown storage formats, a critical problem for forensic triage. Because phones have myr- iad custom hardware and software, we examine only the stored data. Via flexible descriptions of typical data struc- tures, and using a classic dynamic programming algo- rithm, we are able to identify call logs and address book entries in phones across varied models and manufactur- ers. We designed DEC0DE by examining the formats of one set of phone models, and we evaluate its performance on other models. Overall, we are able to obtain high performance for these unexamined models: an average recall of 97% and precision of 80% for call logs; and average recall of 93% and precision of 52% for address books. Moreover, at the expense of recall dropping to 14%, we can increase precision of address book recovery to 94% by culling results that don’t match between call logs and address book entries on the same phone