26,685 research outputs found

    Big data for monitoring educational systems

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    This report considers “how advances in big data are likely to transform the context and methodology of monitoring educational systems within a long-term perspective (10-30 years) and impact the evidence based policy development in the sector”, big data are “large amounts of different types of data produced with high velocity from a high number of various types of sources.” Five independent experts were commissioned by Ecorys, responding to themes of: students' privacy, educational equity and efficiency, student tracking, assessment and skills. The experts were asked to consider the “macro perspective on governance on educational systems at all levels from primary, secondary education and tertiary – the latter covering all aspects of tertiary from further, to higher, and to VET”, prioritising primary and secondary levels of education

    Improving Competitiveness Through Cooperation: Assessing The Benefits Of Cooperative Education Partnerships In Gaming Management

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    Cooperative education partnerships between industries and universities are becoming increasingly common in response to fundamental challenges facing both sectors. Theoretically, many benefits for both partners are espoused. This paper explores these benefits and then assesses whether and how these have occurred in a leading gaming management course in Australia. It was found that benefits for industry comprised enhanced industry professionalism and legitimacy; increased professional status; better public image; control of abstract knowledge and improved industry competitiveness. For the university, key benefits have included improved educational offerings; enhanced university reputation in the discipline and for cooperative education partnerships; additional student fees and economies of scale; and funds for discipline development and research and consultancy opportunities. However, precautions need to be taken in cooperative education partnerships if a university\u27s social contract is to remain intact in a climate of increased commercialization, and if it is to deliver expected benefits to industry

    Data analytics 2016: proceedings of the fifth international conference on data analytics

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    Predictive Analysis of Students’ Learning Performance Using Data Mining Techniques: A Comparative Study of Feature Selection Methods

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    The utilization of data mining techniques for the prompt prediction of academic success has gained significant importance in the current era. There is an increasing interest in utilizing these methodologies to forecast the academic performance of students, thereby facilitating educators to intervene and furnish suitable assistance when required. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal methods for feature engineering and selection in the context of regression and classification tasks. This study compared the Boruta algorithm and Lasso regression for regression, and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) and Random Forest Importance (RFI) for classification. According to the findings, Gradient Boost for the regression part of this study had the least Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of 12.93 and 18.28, respectively, in the case of the Boruta selection method. In contrast, RFI was found to be the superior classification method, yielding an accuracy rate of 78% in the classification part. This research emphasized the significance of employing appropriate feature engineering and selection methodologies to enhance the efficacy of machine learning algorithms. Using a diverse set of machine learning techniques, this study analyzed the OULA dataset, focusing on both feature engineering and selection. Our approach was to systematically compare the performance of different models, leading to insights about the most effective strategies for predicting student success

    Capacity planning and management

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    Towards More Nuanced Patient Management: Decomposing Readmission Risk with Survival Models

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    Unplanned hospital readmissions are costly and associated with poorer patient outcomes. Overall readmission rates have also come to be used as performance metrics in reimbursement in healthcare policy, further motivating hospitals to identify and manage high-risk patients. Many models predicting readmission risk have been developed to facilitate the equitable measurement of readmission rates and to support hospital decision-makers in prioritising patients for interventions. However, these models consider the overall risk of readmission and are often restricted to a single time point. This work aims to develop the use of survival models to better support hospital decision-makers in managing readmission risk. First, semi-parametric statistical and nonparametric machine learning models are applied to adult patients admitted via the emergency department at Gold Coast University Hospital (n = 46,659) and Robina Hospital (n = 23,976) in Queensland, Australia. Overall model performance is assessed based on discrimination and calibration, as measured by time-dependent concordance and D-calibration. Second, a framework based on iterative hypothesis development and model fitting is proposed for decomposing readmission risk into persistent, patient-specific baselines and transient, care-related components using a sum of exponential hazards structure. Third, criteria for patient prioritisation based on the duration and magnitude of care-related risk components are developed. The extensibility of the framework and subsequent prioritisation criteria are considered for alternative populations, such as outpatient admissions and specific diagnosis groups, and different modelling techniques. Time-to-event models have rarely been applied for readmission modelling but can provide a rich description of the evolution of readmission risk post-discharge and support more nuanced patient management decisions than simple classification models

    Predicting the Price of Cryptocurrency Using Machine Learning Algorithm

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    It is proposed to conduct a project aimed at forecasting cryptocurrency price values. The concept of cryptocurrencies refers to computerized money that is used for a variety of transactions as well as for long-term investments. The most common cryptocurrency that most of the systems use to conduct their transactions is the Ethereum cryptocurrency. However, it needs to be noted that there are many other well-known crypto currencies other than ethereum as well. We propose to use Machine Learning for this project, which will be trained from the available cryptocurrency price data, to gain intelligence, and then use this knowledge to make accurate predictions. Trading cryptocurrency prices is one of the most popular exchanges right now. It is suggested that both day traders and investors can benefit greatly from using the suggested approach
