205,745 research outputs found

    Response solutions for arbitrary quasi-periodic perturbations with Bryuno frequency vector

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    We study the problem of existence of response solutions for a real-analytic one-dimensional system, consisting of a rotator subjected to a small quasi-periodic forcing. We prove that at least one response solution always exists, without any assumption on the forcing besides smallness and analyticity. This strengthens the results available in the literature, where generic non-degeneracy conditions are assumed. The proof is based on a diagrammatic formalism and relies on renormalisation group techniques, which exploit the formal analogy with problems of quantum field theory; a crucial role is played by remarkable identities between classes of diagrams.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Existence of periodic solutions for the periodically forced SIR model

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    We prove that the seasonally-forced SIR model with a T-periodic forcing has a periodic solution with period T whenever the basic reproductive number R0>1. The proof uses the Leray-Schauder degree theory. We also describe some numerical results in which we compute the T-periodic solution, where in order to obtain the T-periodic solution when the behavior of the system is subharmonic or chaotic, we use a Galerkin scheme

    Lattice initial segments of the hyperdegrees

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    We affirm a conjecture of Sacks [1972] by showing that every countable distributive lattice is isomorphic to an initial segment of the hyperdegrees, Dh\mathcal{D}_{h}. In fact, we prove that every sublattice of any hyperarithmetic lattice (and so, in particular, every countable locally finite lattice) is isomorphic to an initial segment of Dh\mathcal{D}_{h}. Corollaries include the decidability of the two quantifier theory of % \mathcal{D}_{h} and the undecidability of its three quantifier theory. The key tool in the proof is a new lattice representation theorem that provides a notion of forcing for which we can prove a version of the fusion lemma in the hyperarithmetic setting and so the preservation of ω1CK\omega _{1}^{CK}. Somewhat surprisingly, the set theoretic analog of this forcing does not preserve ω1\omega _{1}. On the other hand, we construct countable lattices that are not isomorphic to an initial segment of Dh\mathcal{D}_{h}

    Realizability algebras: a program to well order R

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    The theory of classical realizability is a framework in which we can develop the proof-program correspondence. Using this framework, we show how to transform into programs the proofs in classical analysis with dependent choice and the existence of a well ordering of the real line. The principal tools are: The notion of realizability algebra, which is a three-sorted variant of the well known combinatory algebra of Curry. An adaptation of the method of forcing used in set theory to prove consistency results. Here, it is used in another way, to obtain programs associated with a well ordering of R and the existence of a non trivial ultrafilter on N

    Extracting Herbrand trees in classical realizability using forcing

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    International audienceKrivine presented in [Kri10] a methodology to combine Cohen's forcing with the theory of classical realizability and showed that the forcing condition can be seen as a reference that is not subject to backtracks. The underlying classical program transformation was then analyzed by Miquel [Miq11] in a fully typed setting in classical higher-order arithmetic (PAω⁺). As a case study of this methodology, we present a method to extract a Herbrand tree from a classical realizer of inconsistency, following the ideas underlying the compactness theorem and the proof of Herbrand's theorem. Unlike the traditional proof based on König's lemma (using a fixed enumeration of atomic formulas), our method is based on the introduction of a particular Cohen real. It is formalized as a proof in PAω⁺, making explicit the construction of generic sets in this framework in the particular case where the set of forcing conditions is arithmetical. We then analyze the algorithmic content of this proof