14 research outputs found

    Uniqueness and minimal obstructions for tree-depth

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    A k-ranking of a graph G is a labeling of the vertices of G with values from {1,...,k} such that any path joining two vertices with the same label contains a vertex having a higher label. The tree-depth of G is the smallest value of k for which a k-ranking of G exists. The graph G is k-critical if it has tree-depth k and every proper minor of G has smaller tree-depth. We establish partial results in support of two conjectures about the order and maximum degree of k-critical graphs. As part of these results, we define a graph G to be 1-unique if for every vertex v in G, there exists an optimal ranking of G in which v is the unique vertex with label 1. We show that several classes of k-critical graphs are 1-unique, and we conjecture that the property holds for all k-critical graphs. Generalizing a previously known construction for trees, we exhibit an inductive construction that uses 1-unique k-critical graphs to generate large classes of critical graphs having a given tree-depth.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Minor-Obstructions for Apex-Pseudoforests

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    A graph is called a pseudoforest if none of its connected components contains more than one cycle. A graph is an apex-pseudoforest if it can become a pseudoforest by removing one of its vertices. We identify 33 graphs that form the minor-obstruction set of the class of apex-pseudoforests, i.e., the set of all minor-minimal graphs that are not apex-pseudoforests

    Forbidding Kuratowski Graphs as Immersions

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    The immersion relation is a partial ordering relation on graphs that is weaker than the topological minor relation in the sense that if a graph GG contains a graph HH as a topological minor, then it also contains it as an immersion but not vice versa. Kuratowski graphs, namely K5K_{5} and K3,3K_{3,3}, give a precise characterization of planar graphs when excluded as topological minors. In this note we give a structural characterization of the graphs that exclude Kuratowski graphs as immersions. We prove that they can be constructed by applying consecutive ii-edge-sums, for i3i\leq 3, starting from graphs that are planar sub-cubic or of branch-width at most 10

    On the tree-depth and tree-width in heterogeneous random graphs

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    In this note, we investigate the tree-depth and tree-width in a heterogeneous random graph obtained by including each edge eij (i≠j) of a complete graph Kn over n vertices independently with probability pn(eij). When the sequence of edge probabilities satisfies some density assumptions, we show both tree-depth and tree-width are of linear size with high probability. Moreover, we extend the method to random weighted graphs with non-identical edge weights and capture the conditions under which with high probability the weighted tree-depth is bounded by a constant

    Forbidding Kuratowski graphs as immersions

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    The immersion relation is a partial ordering relation on graphs that is weaker than the topological minor relation in the sense that if a graph G contains a graph H as a topological minor, then it also contains it as an immersion but not vice versa. Kuratowski graphs, namely K 5 and K 3,3 , give a precise characterization of planar graphs when excluded as topological minors. In this note we give a structural characterization of the graphs that exclude Kuratowski graphs as immersions. We prove that they can be constructed by applying consecutive i-edge-sums, for i ≤ 3, starting from graphs that are planar sub-cubic or of branchwidth at most 10

    Efficient fully dynamic elimination forests with applications to detecting long paths and cycles

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    We present a data structure that in a dynamic graph of treedepth at most dd, which is modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, maintains an optimum-height elimination forest. The data structure achieves worst-case update time 2O(d2)2^{{\cal O}(d^2)}, which matches the best known parameter dependency in the running time of a static fpt algorithm for computing the treedepth of a graph. This improves a result of Dvo\v{r}\'ak et al. [ESA 2014], who for the same problem achieved update time f(d)f(d) for some non-elementary (i.e. tower-exponential) function ff. As a by-product, we improve known upper bounds on the sizes of minimal obstructions for having treedepth dd from doubly-exponential in dd to dO(d)d^{{\cal O}(d)}. As applications, we design new fully dynamic parameterized data structures for detecting long paths and cycles in general graphs. More precisely, for a fixed parameter kk and a dynamic graph GG, modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, our data structures maintain answers to the following queries: - Does GG contain a simple path on kk vertices? - Does GG contain a simple cycle on at least kk vertices? In the first case, the data structure achieves amortized update time 2O(k2)2^{{\cal O}(k^2)}. In the second case, the amortized update time is 2O(k4)+O(klogn)2^{{\cal O}(k^4)} + {\cal O}(k \log n). In both cases we assume access to a dictionary on the edges of GG.Comment: 74 pages, 5 figure