959,544 research outputs found

    For Your Eyes Only, Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Case Study

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    Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus is a reactivation of a latent Varicella Zoster Virus that specifically involves the eye. The reactivation often occurs during immunocompromised states which allows latent virus in the dorsal root ganglia of sensory nerves to begin viral replication an d s pread via peripheral axons. Diagnosis is based on two characteristic findings; herpetic lesions on the eyelids, forehead, or elsewhere within the V1 dermatome, and ocular findings. Symptoms can vary but are often quite painful. Some patients experience a prodrome of tingling sensation prior to the appearance of a zoster dermatitis . HZO can also present initially as flu like symptoms before developing into pain over a trigeminal nerve dermatome followed by a zoster rash. The rash manifests as an erythematous macular rash that progresses to raised papules, vesicles, and pustules that eventually rupture. Patients with nasocilliary nerve involvement often develop zoster lesions of the distal nose (Hutchinson’s sign). This subset of patients is at much higher risk of developing involvement of the Ocular pain, edema, conjunctival hyperemia, and photophobia are all suggestive of globe involvement. HZO is considered an ophthalmologic emergency. If the infection is left untreated, keratitis, uveitis, retinitis and permanent and severe irreversible vison loss are all potential complications. The diagnosis of HZO is typically made clinically from history and physical exam. Diagnostic testing is not indicated unless there are complications with the course of disease or atypical symptoms leading to clinical uncertainty. Treatment consists of oral acyclovir or alternate antivirals which have been shown to decrease the adverse outcomes related t o HZO, particularly if started in the first 72 hours of initial onset of symptoms. Additionally, patients with eye involvement should receive topical hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment to promote skin healing an d provide additional analgesia. Steroid therapy comes with potential risks of immunosuppression and worsening ulceration, however, it should always be used in conjunction with antiviral medications and urgent ophthalmology consultation. Finally, attentive pain control with multimodal analgesia is important to help patients manage painful symptoms. In high risk patients, IV acyclovir and emergent ophthalmology consultation are recommended. These patients include immunosuppressed patients, those with involvement of the retina or cornea, and those with superimposed bacterial infection

    Transformed and Transforming: What God Effects through the Presence of Christians in the World

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    (Excerpt) On the model of mystagogy: remember your experience last night at the vigil, please, and recall these words from the eucharistic prayer: God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, open our eyes to see your hand at work in the world about us. Deliver us from the presumption of coming to this table for solace only and not for strength; for pardon only and not for renewal. Let the grace of this Holy Communion make us one body, one spirit in Christ that we may worthily serve the world in his name.\u27 And from Welcome to Christ: Dear Christian friends: Baptized into the priesthood of Christ, we are all called by the Holy Spirit to offer ourselves to the Lord of all creation in thanksgiving for all that God has done and continues to do fur us. It is our privilege to affirm those who are endeavoring to carry out their vocation as Christians in the world.

    Like Mother, Like Daughter

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    My motivation for this piece was to shed light on what it is like growing up with a heritage, knowing it from your experience and family, and yet, having people challenge you your whole life to prove it. No one questions my German, Irish, or Finnish ethnicity, but, since I don’t match the stereotype of a Native American, I am constantly challenged.The image on my painting depicts my twin sister, Indigo, the only one of us five kids to have blonde hair and blue eyes, from my mother’s mother and my father’s mother and father. Having a mother who was not my skin color, raised questions.This is an inevitable part of the multiracial (and also adoption, though this was not my case) experience. I have noticed over the years that even other natives can be prejudiced when it comes to native-only spaces, like pow wows, where there are competitions of different styles of dance. Picking the winner sometimes rests on who looks the best to represent the part, not necessarily based on dance skill

    For your eyes only: Transcendental pragmatism in Ludwik Fleck

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    Prose that begins: You have never seen your face before. Faces, your mother said, are to be hidden. They are secret and ugly things, never to be shown even to yourself. For as long as you can remember,you have worn a mask. The first one you can remember was simple but ornate. Glossy and white, with thorny roses and vines carved into its moon surface. A flash of pink lips and star blue eyes were the only colour splashing your face then; your mother took a risk by allowing your lips to be seen by others

    Sweet Kentucky Lady

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    [Verse 1] Honey, there’s no use in sighing, Someone heard somebody say, I know that you’ve been awf’ly lonely, I’ve been the same my only, only. Your eyes were not made for crying, Crying for me each day, Now that I’m home again dearie, I’ll love your sorrows away. [Chorus] Sweet Kentucky lady, Just dry your little eyes of blue. Skies are dark and shady, But the sun will soon come peeping through. Like the honey bees we’ll build a little honey comb, ‘Neath the moon we’ll spoon with hearts as light as foam, And I’ll never, never leave my dear old Southern home, Sweet Kentucky lady, dry your eyes. [Verse 2] You’re still my rose of Kentucky, No rose is sweeter to me; I’ll make your life so bright and cheery, You know I will, my little dearie. Gee, but I’m awfully lucky To have a girl like you. Song birds are singing of love, dear, Dark skies are changing to blue [Chorus

    Kungfu as a Vehicle for Multimodal Intercultural Communication A Chinese-New Zealand Case Study: Ant Sang’s Shaolin Burning (2011) Preliminary Observations

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    I would argue that in the Chinese-New Zealand case study I am discussing in this article – Ant Sang’s Shaolin Burning (2011) – Kungfu corresponds to a collection of Martial Arts techniques that are similar to the traditional/old-style Kungfu novels. For Example, Sifu, Deadly Plum Blossom’s (the heroin) Kungfu master, once introduced her understanding of Kungfu in Shaolin Burning (2011): “The most important principle to remember is to protect your centreline. This protects your eyes, neck and all your vital organs... It forces your opponent to attack in a circular path, which is an indirect path, and therefore slower […] Control the centreline and you control the fight. Not only do you use the centreline for defence, use it also for attack. My punch is unorthodox. It is deceptively short and direct, but when performed correctly has devastating power.” (SB 51-54) Those are typical guidelines for Martial Arts techniques