4 research outputs found

    Following Newton direction in Policy Gradient with parameter exploration

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    This paper investigates the use of second-order methods to solve Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Despite the popularity of second-order methods in optimization literature, so far little attention has been paid to the extension of such techniques to face sequential decision problems. Here we provide a model-free Reinforcement Learning method that estimates the Newton direction by sampling directly in the parameter space. In order to compute the Newton direction we provide the formulation of the Hessian of the expected return, a technique for variance reduction in the sample-based estimation and a finite sample analysis in the case of Normal distribution. Beside discussing the theoretical properties, we empirically evaluate the method on an instructional linear-quadratic regulator and on a complex dynamical quadrotor system

    Compatible Reward Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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    International audienceInverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) is an effective approach to recover a reward function that explains the behavior of an expert by observing a set of demonstrations. This paper is about a novel model-free IRL approach that, differently from most of the existing IRL algorithms, does not require to specify a function space where to search for the expert's reward function. Leveraging on the fact that the policy gradient needs to be zero for any optimal policy, the algorithm generates a set of basis functions that span the subspace of reward functions that make the policy gradient vanish. Within this subspace, using a second-order criterion, we search for the reward function that penalizes the most a deviation from the expert's policy. After introducing our approach for finite domains, we extend it to continuous ones. The proposed approach is empirically compared to other IRL methods both in the (finite) Taxi domain and in the (continuous) Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) and Car on the Hill environments