316 research outputs found

    Folding Free Energies of 5′-UTRs Impact Post-Transcriptional Regulation on a Genomic Scale in Yeast

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    Using high-throughput technologies, abundances and other features of genes and proteins have been measured on a genome-wide scale in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast, secondary structure in 5′–untranslated regions (UTRs) of mRNA has only been investigated for a limited number of genes. Here, the aim is to study genome-wide regulatory effects of mRNA 5′-UTR folding free energies. We performed computations of secondary structures in 5′-UTRs and their folding free energies for all verified genes in S. cerevisiae. We found significant correlations between folding free energies of 5′-UTRs and various transcript features measured in genome-wide studies of yeast. In particular, mRNAs with weakly folded 5′-UTRs have higher translation rates, higher abundances of the corresponding proteins, longer half-lives, and higher numbers of transcripts, and are upregulated after heat shock. Furthermore, 5′-UTRs have significantly higher folding free energies than other genomic regions and randomized sequences. We also found a positive correlation between transcript half-life and ribosome occupancy that is more pronounced for short-lived transcripts, which supports a picture of competition between translation and degradation. Among the genes with strongly folded 5′-UTRs, there is a huge overrepresentation of uncharacterized open reading frames. Based on our analysis, we conclude that (i) there is a widespread bias for 5′-UTRs to be weakly folded, (ii) folding free energies of 5′-UTRs are correlated with mRNA translation and turnover on a genomic scale, and (iii) transcripts with strongly folded 5′-UTRs are often rare and hard to find experimentally

    Properties of untranslated regions of the S. cerevisiae genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During evolution selection forces such as changing environments shape the architecture of genomes. The distribution of genes along chromosomes and the length of intragenic regions are basic genomic features known to play a major role in the regulation of gene transcription and translation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we perform the first large scale analysis of the length distribution of untranslated regions (promoters, 5' and 3' untranslated regions, terminators) in the genome of the yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>. Our analysis shows that the length of each open reading frame (ORF) and that of its associated regulatory and untranslated regions significantly correlate with each other. Moreover, significant correlations with other features related to gene expression and evolution (number of regulating transcription factors, mRNA and protein abundance, evolutionary rate, etc) were observed. Furthermore, the function of genes seems to have an important role in the evolution of these lengths. Notably, genes that are related to RNA metabolism tend to have shorter untranslated regions and thus tend to be closer to their neighbouring genes while genes coding for cell wall proteins tend to be isolated in the genome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results indicate that genome architecture has a significant role in regulating gene expression, and in shaping the characteristics and functionality of proteins.</p

    Translation initiation events on structured eukaryotic mRNAs generate gene expression noise

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    Gene expression stochasticity plays a major role in biology, creating non-genetic cellular individuality and influencing multiple processes, including differentiation and stress responses. We have addressed the lack of knowledge about posttranscriptional contributions to noise by determining cell-to-cell variations in the abundance of mRNA and reporter protein in yeast. Two types of structural element, a stem–loop and a poly(G) motif, not only inhibit translation initiation when inserted into an mRNA 5΄ untranslated region, but also generate noise. The noise-enhancing effect of the stem–loop structure also remains operational when combined with an upstream open reading frame. This has broad significance, since these elements are known to modulate the expression of a diversity of eukaryotic genes. Our findings suggest a mechanism for posttranscriptional noise generation that will contribute to understanding of the generally poor correlation between protein-level stochasticity and transcriptional bursting. We propose that posttranscriptional stochasticity can be linked to cycles of folding/unfolding of a stem–loop structure, or to interconversion between higher-order structural conformations of a G-rich motif, and have created a correspondingly configured computational model that generates fits to the experimental data. Stochastic events occurring during the ribosomal scanning process can therefore feature alongside transcriptional bursting as a source of noise

    Identification of novel post-transcriptional features in olfactory receptor family mRNAs.

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    Olfactory receptor (Olfr) genes comprise the largest gene family in mice. Despite their importance in olfaction, how most Olfr mRNAs are regulated remains unexplored. Using RNA-seq analysis coupled with analysis of pre-existing databases, we found that Olfr mRNAs have several atypical features suggesting that post-transcriptional regulation impacts their expression. First, Olfr mRNAs, as a group, have dramatically higher average AU-content and lower predicted secondary structure than do control mRNAs. Second, Olfr mRNAs have a higher density of AU-rich elements (AREs) in their 3'UTR and upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in their 5 UTR than do control mRNAs. Third, Olfr mRNAs have shorter 3' UTR regions and with fewer predicted miRNA-binding sites. All of these novel properties correlated with higher Olfr expression. We also identified striking differences in the post-transcriptional features of the mRNAs from the two major classes of Olfr genes, a finding consistent with their independent evolutionary origin. Together, our results suggest that the Olfr gene family has encountered unusual selective forces in neural cells that have driven them to acquire unique post-transcriptional regulatory features. In support of this possibility, we found that while Olfr mRNAs are degraded by a deadenylation-dependent mechanism, they are largely protected from this decay in neural lineage cells

    Characteristic differences between the promoters of intron-containing and intronless ribosomal protein genes in yeast

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>More than two thirds of the highly expressed ribosomal protein (RP) genes in <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>contain introns, which is in sharp contrast to the genome-wide five percent intron-containing genes. It is well established that introns carry regulatory sequences and that the transcription of RP genes is extensively and coordinately regulated. Here we test the hypotheses that introns are innately associated with heavily transcribed genes and that introns of RP genes contribute regulatory TF binding sequences. Moreover, we investigate whether promoter features are significantly different between intron-containing and intronless RP genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that directly measured transcription rates tend to be lower for intron-containing compared to intronless RP genes. We do not observe any specifically enriched sequence motifs in the introns of RP genes other than those of the branch point and the two splice sites. Comparing the promoters of intron-containing and intronless RP genes, we detect differences in number and position of Rap1-binding and IFHL motifs. Moreover, the analysis of the length distribution and the folding free energies suggest that, at least in a sub-population of RP genes, the 5' untranslated sequences are optimized for regulatory function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results argue against the direct involvement of introns in the regulation of transcription of highly expressed genes. Moreover, systematic differences in motif distributions suggest that RP transcription factors may act differently on intron-containing and intronless gene promoters. Thus, our findings contribute to the decoding of the RP promoter architecture and may fuel the discussion on the evolution of introns.</p


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    Arabidopsis thaliana has undergone three whole genome duplications within its ancestry, and these events have dramatically affected its gene complement. Of the most recent whole genome duplication events (&alpha event), there remain 11,452 conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs) that have been retained proximal to &alpha duplicate gene pairs. As functional DNA elements are expected to diverge in sequence at a slower rate than nonfunctional DNA elements, the retained CNSs likely encode gene regulatory function. Within this dissertation I provide evidence for the regulatory role of CNSs within Arabidopsis thaliana. Using a collection of over 5,000 microarray RNA expression profiling datasets, I demonstrate that the presence of CNSs near &alpha duplicate pairs is correlated with changes in average expression intensity (AEI), &alpha duplicate pair co-expression, mRNA stability, and breadth of gene expression. The effects of CNSs on AEI, co-expression, and mRNA stability vary relative to their subgene position, because they are located in nontranscribed (5\u27-upstream and 3\u27-downstream) and transcribed (5\u27-UTR, intronic and 3\u27-UTR) regions. Modeling gene interactions through the generation of co-expression networks, I also demonstrate that a portion of CNSs participate in known gene regulatory networks. Collectively, this body of work demonstrates that CNSs regulate steady-state mRNA levels within Arabidopsis thailiana through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms