100 research outputs found

    Importance Sampling Variance Reduction for the Fokker-Planck Rarefied Gas Particle Method

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    Models and methods that are able to accurately and efficiently predict the flows of low-speed rarefied gases are in high demand, due to the increasing ability to manufacture devices at micro and nano scales. One such model and method is a Fokker-Planck approximation to the Boltzmann equation, which can be solved numerically by a stochastic particle method. The stochastic nature of this method leads to noisy estimates of the thermodynamic quantities one wishes to sample when the signal is small in comparison to the thermal velocity of the gas. Recently, Gorji et al have proposed a method which is able to greatly reduce the variance of the estimators, by creating a correlated stochastic process which acts as a control variate for the noisy estimates. However, there are potential difficulties involved when the geometry of the problem is complex, as the method requires the density to be solved for independently. Importance sampling is a variance reduction technique that has already been shown to successfully reduce the noise in direct simulation Monte Carlo calculations. In this paper we propose an importance sampling method for the Fokker-Planck stochastic particle scheme. The method requires minimal change to the original algorithm, and dramatically reduces the variance of the estimates. We test the importance sampling scheme on a homogeneous relaxation, planar Couette flow and a lid-driven-cavity flow, and find that our method is able to greatly reduce the noise of estimated quantities. Significantly, we find that as the characteristic speed of the flow decreases, the variance of the noisy estimators becomes independent of the characteristic speed

    A kinetic Fokker–Planck approach for modeling variable hard-sphere gas mixtures

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    Kinetic Fokker-Planck (FP) methods for modeling rarefied gas flows have received increasing attention over the last few years. However, formulating such models for realistic multi-species gases is still an open subject of research. Therefore, in this letter, we develop a kinetic FP model for describing gas mixtures with particles interacting according to the variable hard-sphere interaction potential. In accordance with the kinetic FP framework, a stochastic solution algorithm is employed in order to solve the model on a particle level. Different test cases are carried out, and the performance of the proposed method is compared with the direct simulation Monte Carlo algorithm

    Direct simulation Monte Carlo schemes for Coulomb interactions in plasmas

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    We consider the development of Monte Carlo schemes for molecules with Coulomb interactions. We generalize the classic algorithms of Bird and Nanbu-Babovsky for rarefied gas dynamics to the Coulomb case thanks to the approximation introduced by Bobylev and Nanbu (Theory of collision algorithms for gases and plasmas based on the Boltzmann equation and the Landau-Fokker-Planck equation, Physical Review E, Vol. 61, 2000). Thus, instead of considering the original Boltzmann collision operator, the schemes are constructed through the use of an approximated Boltzmann operator. With the above choice larger time steps are possible in simulations; moreover the expensive acceptance-rejection procedure for collisions is avoided and every particle collides. Error analysis and comparisons with the original Bobylev-Nanbu (BN) scheme are performed. The numerical results show agreement with the theoretical convergence rate of the approximated Boltzmann operator and the better performance of Bird-type schemes with respect to the original scheme

    Development of a polyatomic particle Fokker-Planck method for modeling of rarefied gas flows based on direct modeling

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    To provide a significant speedup in modeling rarefied gas flows, the collision operator in the Boltzmann equation is approximated by a Fokker-Planck operator in velocity space. A polyatomic extension of the diatomic direct modeling approach in the Fokker-Planck framework is carried out in this thesis. The model extension is verified by a code to code comparison, using DSMC data of the SPARTA code and PICLas code. Diatomic tests are performed using N2 and polyatomic tests using CO2. Temperature relaxation tests also include CH4 tests to show the capability of predicting the correct temperatures for degenerate energy modes, such as they occur in vibrtional modes in CH4. The model is verified by heat bath tests to show correct temporal relaxation into equilibrium temperatures for diatomic and polyatomic species. Two dimensional hypersonic flow tests around a cylinder investigate the particle number density as well as thermal and internal temperatures of the flow field. The relaxation of the energy for different timestep sizes and runtime efficiency for small Knudsen numbers are investigated. The diatomar relaxation process of translational and internal temperatures using N2 show very good agreement with the reference data and theoretical prediction. The polyatomic relaxation processes of the temperatures are investigated using CO2 and CH4. All relaxation tests predict the equilibrium temperature and temporal relaxations accurately. Further tests investigate the flow fields of a hypersonic flow around a cylinder by 2D simulations. The direct Fokker-Planck modeling is compared with DSMC and a FP master equation approach. The particle number density field and the temperature field is analyzed with investigations on translational, rotational and vibrational energies. The diatomic flow fields show only small deviations. The polyatomic extension approximates the shock and the overall flow field well, but shows deviations in the wake region, where the flow is rarefied. The FP direct model may be improved for rarefied regions in future works but in the context of a hybrid coupling, these regions may not use the FP direct model anyway. Finally, investigations of runtime improvements of the new modeling are made by showing a computationally more efficient model for smaller Knudsen numbers and the ability to resolve the temporal relaxation with larger timestep sizes very accurately

    A kinetic Fokker-Planck algorithm for simulating multiscale gas flows

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    Numerical, aerodynamic analysis of spacecraft requires the modeling of rarefied hypersonic flows. Such flow regimes are usually dominated by broad shock waves and strong expansion flows. In such areas of the flow the gas is far from its equilibrium state and therefore conventional modeling approaches such as the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations cannot be used. Instead, non-equilibrium modeling approaches must be applied. While most non-equilibrium flow solvers are computationally expensive, a recently introduced kinetic Fokker-Planck (FP) method shows the potential of describing non-equilibrium flows with satisfactory accuracy and, at the same time, significantly reducing computational costs. However, the application of kinetic FP solvers was so far still limited to simple, single species gases. The aim of this study is to extend the capabilities of the kinetic FP approach for describing complex gas flows. Particular attention is paid to the modeling of non-equilibrium aerodynamics, as it is relevant for describing spacecraft related gas flows. Methods for describing polyatomic species as well as gas mixtures within the kinetic FP framework are constructed. All models are intensively validated by comparison to already established numerical methods, as well as in comparison to experimental studies. Excited energy states are modeled by a stochastic jump process described by a master equation. This approach allows the description of both continuous and discrete energy levels. Gas mixtures are modeled based on the hard-sphere and variable hard-sphere collision potentials. For both cases, FP models are constructed for an arbitrary number of species. The efficiency of the described models is investigated and different strategies are proposed to use kinetic FP methods efficiently. The expansion of synthetic air from an axially symmetric orifice is numerically reproduced using the developed models and results are compared with experimental measurements. Although the numerical simulations capture several magnitudes of Knudsen numbers, from the continuum flow in the reservoir up to the free-molecular far field, good agreement between simulation and experiment is seen
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