6,511 research outputs found

    Information Surfaces in Systems Biology and Applications to Engineering Sustainable Agriculture

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    Systems biology of plants offers myriad opportunities and many challenges in modeling. A number of technical challenges stem from paucity of computational methods for discovery of the most fundamental properties of complex dynamical systems. In systems engineering, eigen-mode analysis have proved to be a powerful approach. Following this philosophy, we introduce a new theory that has the benefits of eigen-mode analysis, while it allows investigation of complex dynamics prior to estimation of optimal scales and resolutions. Information Surfaces organizes the many intricate relationships among "eigen-modes" of gene networks at multiple scales and via an adaptable multi-resolution analytic approach that permits discovery of the appropriate scale and resolution for discovery of functions of genes in the model plant Arabidopsis. Applications are many, and some pertain developments of crops that sustainable agriculture requires.Comment: 24 Pages, DoCEIS 1

    Detection of hidden structures on all scales in amorphous materials and complex physical systems: basic notions and applications to networks, lattice systems, and glasses

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    Recent decades have seen the discovery of numerous complex materials. At the root of the complexity underlying many of these materials lies a large number of possible contending atomic- and larger-scale configurations and the intricate correlations between their constituents. For a detailed understanding, there is a need for tools that enable the detection of pertinent structures on all spatial and temporal scales. Towards this end, we suggest a new method by invoking ideas from network analysis and information theory. Our method efficiently identifies basic unit cells and topological defects in systems with low disorder and may analyze general amorphous structures to identify candidate natural structures where a clear definition of order is lacking. This general unbiased detection of physical structure does not require a guess as to which of the system properties should be deemed as important and may constitute a natural point of departure for further analysis. The method applies to both static and dynamic systems.Comment: (23 pages, 9 figures

    Community detection for correlation matrices

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    A challenging problem in the study of complex systems is that of resolving, without prior information, the emergent, mesoscopic organization determined by groups of units whose dynamical activity is more strongly correlated internally than with the rest of the system. The existing techniques to filter correlations are not explicitly oriented towards identifying such modules and can suffer from an unavoidable information loss. A promising alternative is that of employing community detection techniques developed in network theory. Unfortunately, this approach has focused predominantly on replacing network data with correlation matrices, a procedure that tends to be intrinsically biased due to its inconsistency with the null hypotheses underlying the existing algorithms. Here we introduce, via a consistent redefinition of null models based on random matrix theory, the appropriate correlation-based counterparts of the most popular community detection techniques. Our methods can filter out both unit-specific noise and system-wide dependencies, and the resulting communities are internally correlated and mutually anti-correlated. We also implement multiresolution and multifrequency approaches revealing hierarchically nested sub-communities with `hard' cores and `soft' peripheries. We apply our techniques to several financial time series and identify mesoscopic groups of stocks which are irreducible to a standard, sectorial taxonomy, detect `soft stocks' that alternate between communities, and discuss implications for portfolio optimization and risk management.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication on PR

    The detection of gear noise computed by integrating the Fourier and Wavelet methods

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    This paper presents a new gearbox noise detection algorithm based on analyzing specific points of vibration signals using the Wavelet Transform. The proposed algorithm is compared with a previouslydeveloped algorithm associated with the Fourier decomposition using Hanning windowing. Simulation carried on real data demonstrate that the WT algorithm achieves a comparable accuracy while having a lower computational cost. This makes the WT algorithm an appropriate candidate for fast processing of noise gear box

    Resolving Structure in Human Brain Organization: Identifying Mesoscale Organization in Weighted Network Representations

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    Human brain anatomy and function display a combination of modular and hierarchical organization, suggesting the importance of both cohesive structures and variable resolutions in the facilitation of healthy cognitive processes. However, tools to simultaneously probe these features of brain architecture require further development. We propose and apply a set of methods to extract cohesive structures in network representations of brain connectivity using multi-resolution techniques. We employ a combination of soft thresholding, windowed thresholding, and resolution in community detection, that enable us to identify and isolate structures associated with different weights. One such mesoscale structure is bipartivity, which quantifies the extent to which the brain is divided into two partitions with high connectivity between partitions and low connectivity within partitions. A second, complementary mesoscale structure is modularity, which quantifies the extent to which the brain is divided into multiple communities with strong connectivity within each community and weak connectivity between communities. Our methods lead to multi-resolution curves of these network diagnostics over a range of spatial, geometric, and structural scales. For statistical comparison, we contrast our results with those obtained for several benchmark null models. Our work demonstrates that multi-resolution diagnostic curves capture complex organizational profiles in weighted graphs. We apply these methods to the identification of resolution-specific characteristics of healthy weighted graph architecture and altered connectivity profiles in psychiatric disease.Comment: Comments welcom

    Graph Signal Processing: Overview, Challenges and Applications

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    Research in Graph Signal Processing (GSP) aims to develop tools for processing data defined on irregular graph domains. In this paper we first provide an overview of core ideas in GSP and their connection to conventional digital signal processing. We then summarize recent developments in developing basic GSP tools, including methods for sampling, filtering or graph learning. Next, we review progress in several application areas using GSP, including processing and analysis of sensor network data, biological data, and applications to image processing and machine learning. We finish by providing a brief historical perspective to highlight how concepts recently developed in GSP build on top of prior research in other areas.Comment: To appear, Proceedings of the IEE

    A Replica Inference Approach to Unsupervised Multi-Scale Image Segmentation

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    We apply a replica inference based Potts model method to unsupervised image segmentation on multiple scales. This approach was inspired by the statistical mechanics problem of "community detection" and its phase diagram. Specifically, the problem is cast as identifying tightly bound clusters ("communities" or "solutes") against a background or "solvent". Within our multiresolution approach, we compute information theory based correlations among multiple solutions ("replicas") of the same graph over a range of resolutions. Significant multiresolution structures are identified by replica correlations as manifest in information theory overlaps. With the aid of these correlations as well as thermodynamic measures, the phase diagram of the corresponding Potts model is analyzed both at zero and finite temperatures. Optimal parameters corresponding to a sensible unsupervised segmentation correspond to the "easy phase" of the Potts model. Our algorithm is fast and shown to be at least as accurate as the best algorithms to date and to be especially suited to the detection of camouflaged images.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figure
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