29,468 research outputs found

    Deep Eyes: Binocular Depth-from-Focus on Focal Stack Pairs

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    Human visual system relies on both binocular stereo cues and monocular focusness cues to gain effective 3D perception. In computer vision, the two problems are traditionally solved in separate tracks. In this paper, we present a unified learning-based technique that simultaneously uses both types of cues for depth inference. Specifically, we use a pair of focal stacks as input to emulate human perception. We first construct a comprehensive focal stack training dataset synthesized by depth-guided light field rendering. We then construct three individual networks: a Focus-Net to extract depth from a single focal stack, a EDoF-Net to obtain the extended depth of field (EDoF) image from the focal stack, and a Stereo-Net to conduct stereo matching. We show how to integrate them into a unified BDfF-Net to obtain high-quality depth maps. Comprehensive experiments show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in both accuracy and speed and effectively emulates human vision systems

    The virtual magic lantern: an interaction metaphor for enhanced medical data inspection

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    In this paper we present the Virtual Magic Lantern (VML), an interaction tool tailored to facilitate volumetric data inspection. It behaves like a lantern whose virtual illumination cone provides the focal region which is visualized using a secondary transfer function or different rendering style. This may be used for simple visual inspection, surgery planning, or injure diagnosis. The VML is a particularly friendly and intuitive interaction tool suitable for an immersive Virtual Reality setup with a large screen, where the user moves a Wanda device, like a lantern pointing to the model. We show that this inspection metaphor can be efficiently and easily adapted to a GPU ray casting volume visualization algorithm. We also present the Virtual Magic Window (VMW) metaphor as an efficient collateral implementation of the VML, that can be seen as a restricted case where the lantern illuminates following the viewing direction, through a virtual window created as the intersection of the virtual lantern (guided by the Wanda device) and the bounding box of the volume.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    FocalDreamer: Text-driven 3D Editing via Focal-fusion Assembly

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    While text-3D editing has made significant strides in leveraging score distillation sampling, emerging approaches still fall short in delivering separable, precise and consistent outcomes that are vital to content creation. In response, we introduce FocalDreamer, a framework that merges base shape with editable parts according to text prompts for fine-grained editing within desired regions. Specifically, equipped with geometry union and dual-path rendering, FocalDreamer assembles independent 3D parts into a complete object, tailored for convenient instance reuse and part-wise control. We propose geometric focal loss and style consistency regularization, which encourage focal fusion and congruent overall appearance. Furthermore, FocalDreamer generates high-fidelity geometry and PBR textures which are compatible with widely-used graphics engines. Extensive experiments have highlighted the superior editing capabilities of FocalDreamer in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.Comment: Project website: https://focaldreamer.github.i

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computing

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    dissertationThe aim of direct volume rendering is to facilitate exploration and understanding of three-dimensional scalar fields referred to as volume datasets. Improving understanding is done by improving depth perception, whereas facilitating exploration is done by speeding up volume rendering. In this dissertation, improving both depth perception and rendering speed is considered. The impact of depth of field (DoF) on depth perception in direct volume rendering is evaluated by conducting a user study in which the test subjects had to choose which of two features, located at different depths, appeared to be in front in a volume-rendered image. Whereas DoF was expected to improve perception in all cases, the user study revealed that if used on the back feature, DoF reduced depth perception, whereas it produced a marked improvement when used on the front feature. We then worked on improving the speed of volume rendering on distributed memory machines. Distributed volume rendering has three stages: loading, rendering, and compositing. In this dissertation, the focus is on image compositing, more specifically, trying to optimize communication in image compositing algorithms. For that, we have developed the Task Overlapped Direct Send Tree image compositing algorithm, which works on both CPU- and GPU-accelerated supercomputers, which focuses on communication avoidance and overlapping communication with computation; the Dynamically Scheduled Region-Based image compositing algorithm that uses spatial and temporal awareness to efficiently schedule communication among compositing nodes, and a rendering and compositing pipeline that allows both image compositing and rendering to be done on GPUs of GPU-accelerated supercomputers. We tested these on CPU- and GPU-accelerated supercomputers and explain how these improvements allow us to obtain better performance than image compositing algorithms that focus on load-balancing and algorithms that have no spatial and temporal awareness of the rendering and compositing stages

    Context Preserving Focal Probes for Exploration of Volumetric Medical Datasets

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    During real-time medical data exploration using volume rendering, it is often difficult to enhance a particular region of interest without losing context information. In this paper, we present a new illustrative technique for focusing on a user-driven region of interest while preserving context information. Our focal probes define a region of interest using a distance function which controls the opacity of the voxels within the probe, exploit silhouette enhancement and use non-photorealistic shading techniques to improve shape depiction.187-19


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    Flow visualization plays an important role in many scientific and engineering disciplines such as climate modeling, turbulent combustion, and automobile design. The most common method for flow visualization is to display integral flow lines such as streamlines computed from particle tracing. Effective streamline visualization should capture flow patterns and display them with appropriate density, so that critical flow information can be visually acquired. In this dissertation, we present several approaches that facilitate expressive flow field visualization and exploration. First, we design a unified information-theoretic framework to model streamline selection and viewpoint selection as symmetric problems. Two interrelated information channels are constructed between a pool of candidate streamlines and a set of sample viewpoints. Based on these information channels, we define streamline information and viewpoint information to select best streamlines and viewpoints, respectively. Second, we present a focus+context framework to magnify small features and reduce occlusion around them while compacting the context region in a full view. This framework parititions the volume into blocks and deforms them to guide streamline repositioning. The desired deformation is formulated into energy terms and achieved by minimizing the energy function. Third, measuring the similarity of integral curves is fundamental to many tasks such as feature detection, pattern querying, streamline clustering and hierarchical exploration. We introduce FlowString that extracts shape invariant features from streamlines to form an alphabet of characters, and encodes each streamline into a string. The similarity of two streamline segments then becomes a specially designed edit distance between two strings. Leveraging the suffix tree, FlowString provides a string-based method for exploratory streamline analysis and visualization. A universal alphabet is learned from multiple data sets to capture basic flow patterns that exist in a variety of flow fields. This allows easy comparison and efficient query across data sets. Fourth, for exploration of vascular data sets, which contain a series of vector fields together with multiple scalar fields, we design a web-based approach for users to investigate the relationship among different properties guided by histograms. The vessel structure is mapped from the 3D volume space to a 2D graph, which allow more efficient interaction and effective visualization on websites. A segmentation scheme is proposed to divide the vessel structure based on a user specified property to further explore the distribution of that property over space