360 research outputs found

    Information Processor

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    How computational technology start to take place and gradually become being heavily involved/implemented in the design process of architectural design. In the architecture domain, not only the proportion of the assistance from computational techniques has been increasing exponentially, but also, the role they play has been gradually shifting from a supporting one to a generative one. No longer limited to being a complex mathematics calculator, computers, have become a ubiquitous necessity in our daily life and even influence the way we live. This, is especially true for the young generation who were born in this digital world, mainly referred to as the “Generation Z”. Business Insider, a fast-growing business media website, mentioned that “Gen Z-ers are digitally over-connected. They multitask across at least five screens daily and spend 41% of their time outside of school with computers or mobile devices, compared to 22% 10 years ago, according to theSparks & Honey report.” When Alan Turing first invented the room-sized “Turing Machine” to decipher Nazi codes, he couldn’t have expected that this giant machine could one day be put into one’s pocket and efficiently compute a million times more data. As compared to the era of tools, such as paper and pen, the computer, in today’s context has been heavily utilized and relied upon as a powerful instrument. This change is remarkable, considering the relatively short period of time, especially after 1981 when the first IBM personal computer was released (Mitchell, 1990). Architecture Design cannot be excluded from this inevitable technological tendency. Even the most conservative architecture firms are now required to deliver digital technical drawings to communicate amongst designers, clients, and construction firms in the present scenario. Incorporating computer technology in today’s context also provides young designers the opportunity to experiment with creating relatively complex geometry based architectural space. But before applying this powerful technology in architectural design, the crucial knowledge behind it that architects had to understand and realize was the manner and procedure of “Processing of Information”. Without information, the computer would be just lying on one’s desk as a useless cube, like a vehicle without a driver, or a body without a soul. The shifting roles of computer technology in architectural design are obviously defined by the manner of how designers interpret, digest and operate/process the streams of information flow

    Final Report to NSF of the Standards for Facial Animation Workshop

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    The human face is an important and complex communication channel. It is a very familiar and sensitive object of human perception. The facial animation field has increased greatly in the past few years as fast computer graphics workstations have made the modeling and real-time animation of hundreds of thousands of polygons affordable and almost commonplace. Many applications have been developed such as teleconferencing, surgery, information assistance systems, games, and entertainment. To solve these different problems, different approaches for both animation control and modeling have been developed

    HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

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    This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using “Computationâ€, “Embodimentâ€, and “Biology†to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital era, the research dares to challenge the Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas of the traditional architectural Weltanschauung, and rejects them by adopting the novel notion that architecture should be dynamic, fluid, and interactive. This project reflects a trajectory from the 1960’s with the advent of the avant-garde architectural design group, Archigram, and its numerous intriguing and pioneering visionary projects. Archigram’s non-standard, mobile, and interactive projects profoundly influenced a new generation of architects to explore the connection between technology and their architectural projects. This research continues this trend of exploring novel design thinking and the framework of Interactive Architecture by discovering the interrelationship amongst three major topics: “Computationâ€, “Embodimentâ€, and “Biologyâ€. The project aims to elucidate pioneering research combining these three topics in one discourse: “Bio-inspired digital architectural designâ€. These three major topics will be introduced in this Summary. “Computationâ€, is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and nonarithmetical steps and follows a well-defined model understood and described as, for example, an algorithm. But, in this research, refers to the use of data storage, parametric design application, and physical computing for developing informed architectural designs. “Form†has always been the most critical focus in architectural design, and this focus has also been a major driver behind the application computational design in Architecture. Nonetheless, this research will interpret the term “Form†in architecture as a continual “information processor†rather than the result of information processing. In other words, “Form†should not be perceived only as an expressive appearance based computational outcome but rather as a real-time process of information processing, akin to organic “Formationâ€. Architecture embodying kinetic ability for adjusting or changing its shape with the ability to process the surroundings and feedback in accordance with its free will with an inherent interactive intelligent movement of a living body. Additionally, it is also crucial to address the question of whether computational technologies are being properly harnessed, if they are only used for form-generating purposes in architecture design, or should this be replaced with real-time information communication and control systems to produce interactive architectures, with embodied computation abilities? “Embodiment†in the context of this research is embedded in Umberto Eco’s vision on Semiotics, theories underlying media studies in Marshall McLuhan’s “Body Extension†(McLuhan, 1964), the contemporary philosophical thought of “Body Without Organs†(Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1983), the computational Logic of ‘Swarm Behavior’ and the philosophical notion of “Monadology†proposed by Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 1714). Embodied computation and design are predominant today within the wearable computing and smart living domains, which combine Virtual and Real worlds. Technical progress and prowess in VR development also contribute to advancing 3D smart architectural design and display solutions. The proposed ‘Organic body-like architectural spaces’ emphasize upon the realization of a body-like interactive space. Developing Interactive Architecture will imply eliciting the collective intelligence prevalent in nature and the virtual world of Big Data. Interactive Architecture shall thus embody integrated Information exchange protocols and decision-making systems in order to possess organic body-like qualities. “Biologyâ€, in this research explores biomimetic principles intended to create purposedriven kinetic and organic architecture. This involves a detailed study/critique of organic architecture, generating organic shapes, performance optimization based digital fabrication techniques and kinetic systems. A holistic bio-inspired architecture embodies multiple performance criteria akin to natural systems, which integrate structural, infrastructure performances throughout the growth of an organic body. Such a natural morphogenesis process of architectural design explores what Janine M. Benyus described as “learning the natural processâ€. Profoundly influenced by the processes behind morphogenesis, the research further explores Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo) explaining how embryological regulation strongly affect the resulting formations. Evo-Devo in interactive architecture implies the development of architecture based on three fundamental principles: “Simple to Complexâ€, “Geometric Information Distributionâ€, and “On/Off Switch and Trigger.†The research seeks to create a relatively intelligent architectural body, and the tactile interactive spatial environment by applying the extracted knowledge from the study of the aforementioned principles of Evo-Devo in the following fashion: A. Extract a Self-Similar Componential Systembased approach from the “Simple to Complex†principle of Evo-Devo B. Extract the idea of “Collective Intelligence†from “Geometric information Distribution†principle of Evo-Devo C. Extract the principle of “Assembly Regulation†from “On/Off switch and trigger†principle of Evo-Devo The “HyperCell†research, through an elaborate investigation on the three aforementioned topics, develops a design framework for developing real-time adaptive spatial systems. HyperCell does this, by developing a system of transformable cubic elements which can self-organize, adapt and interact in real-time. These Hypercells shall comprise an organic space which can adjust itself in relation to our human bodies. The furniture system is literally reified and embodied to develop an intra-active space that proactively provokes human movement. The space thus acquires an emotive dimension and can become your pet, partner, or even friend, and might also involve multiple usabilities of the same space. The research and its progression were also had actively connected with a 5-year collaborative European Culture project: “MetaBodyâ€. The research thus involves exploration of Interactive Architecture from the following perspectives: architectural design, digital architectural history trajectory, computational technology, philosophical discourse related to the embodiment, media and digital culture, current VR and body-related technology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. “HyperCell†will encourage young architects to pursue interdisciplinary design initiatives via the fusion of computational design, embodiment, and biology for developing bio-inspired organic architectures

    HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Framework for Real-time Interactive Architectures

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    This pioneering research focuses on Biomimetic Interactive Architecture using “Computation”, “Embodiment”, and “Biology” to generate an intimate embodied convergence to propose a novel rule-based design framework for creating organic architectures composed of swarm-based intelligent components. Furthermore, the research boldly claims that Interactive Architecture should emerge as the next truly Organic Architecture. As the world and society are dynamically changing, especially in this digital era, the research dares to challenge the Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas of the traditional architectural Weltanschauung, and rejects them by adopting the novel notion that architecture should be dynamic, fluid, and interactive. This project reflects a trajectory from the 1960’s with the advent of the avant-garde architectural design group, Archigram, and its numerous intriguing and pioneering visionary projects. Archigram’s non-standard, mobile, and interactive projects profoundly influenced a new generation of architects to explore the connection between technology and their architectural projects. This research continues this trend of exploring novel design thinking and the framework of Interactive Architecture by discovering the interrelationship amongst three major topics: “Computation”, “Embodiment”, and “Biology”. The project aims to elucidate pioneering research combining these three topics in one discourse: “Bio-inspired digital architectural design”. These three major topics will be introduced in this Summary.   “Computation”, is any type of calculation that includes both arithmetical and nonarithmetical steps and follows a well-defined model understood and described as, for example, an algorithm. But, in this research, refers to the use of data storage, parametric design application, and physical computing for developing informed architectural designs. “Form” has always been the most critical focus in architectural design, and this focus has also been a major driver behind the application computational design in Architecture. Nonetheless, this research will interpret the term “Form” in architecture as a continual “information processor” rather than the result of information processing. In other words, “Form” should not be perceived only as an expressive appearance based computational outcome but rather as a real-time process of information processing, akin to organic “Formation”. Architecture embodying kinetic ability for adjusting or changing its shape with the ability to process the surroundings and feedback in accordance with its free will with an inherent interactive intelligent movement of a living body. Additionally, it is also crucial to address the question of whether computational technologies are being properly harnessed, if they are only used for form-generating purposes in architecture design, or should this be replaced with real-time information communication and control systems to produce interactive architectures, with embodied computation abilities?   “Embodiment” in the context of this research is embedded in Umberto Eco’s vision on Semiotics, theories underlying media studies in Marshall McLuhan’s “Body Extension” (McLuhan, 1964), the contemporary philosophical thought of “Body Without Organs” (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1983), the computational Logic of ‘Swarm Behavior’ and the philosophical notion of “Monadology” proposed by Gottfried Leibniz (Leibniz, 1714). Embodied computation and design are predominant today within the wearable computing and smart living domains, which combine Virtual and Real worlds. Technical progress and prowess in VR development also contribute to advancing 3D smart architectural design and display solutions. The proposed ‘Organic body-like architectural spaces’ emphasize upon the realization of a body-like interactive space. Developing Interactive Architecture will imply eliciting the collective intelligence prevalent in nature and the virtual world of Big Data. Interactive Architecture shall thus embody integrated Information exchange protocols and decision-making systems in order to possess organic body-like qualities.   “Biology”, in this research explores biomimetic principles intended to create purposedriven kinetic and organic architecture. This involves a detailed study/critique of organic architecture, generating organic shapes, performance optimization based digital fabrication techniques and kinetic systems. A holistic bio-inspired architecture embodies multiple performance criteria akin to natural systems, which integrate structural, infrastructure performances throughout the growth of an organic body. Such a natural morphogenesis process of architectural design explores what Janine M. Benyus described as “learning the natural process”. Profoundly influenced by the processes behind morphogenesis, the research further explores Evolutionary Development Biology (Evo-Devo) explaining how embryological regulation strongly affect the resulting formations. Evo-Devo in interactive architecture implies the development of architecture based on three fundamental principles: “Simple to Complex”, “Geometric Information Distribution”, and “On/Off Switch and Trigger.” The research seeks to create a relatively intelligent architectural body, and the tactile interactive spatial environment by applying the extracted knowledge from the study of the aforementioned principles of Evo-Devo in the following fashion: A. Extract a Self-Similar Componential System based approach from the “Simple to Complex” principle of Evo-Devo B. Extract the idea of “Collective Intelligence” from “Geometric information Distribution” principle of Evo-Devo C. Extract the principle of “Assembly Regulation” from “On/Off switch and trigger” principle of Evo-Devo The “HyperCell” research, through an elaborate investigation on the three aforementioned topics, develops a design framework for developing real-time adaptive spatial systems. HyperCell does this, by developing a system of transformable cubic elements which can self-organize, adapt and interact in real-time. These Hypercells shall comprise an organic space which can adjust itself in relation to our human bodies. The furniture system is literally reified and embodied to develop an intra-active space that proactively provokes human movement. The space thus acquires an emotive dimension and can become your pet, partner, or even friend, and might also involve multiple usabilities of the same space. The research and its progression were also had actively connected with a 5-year collaborative European Culture project: “MetaBody”. The research thus involves exploration of Interactive Architecture from the following perspectives: architectural design, digital architectural history trajectory, computational technology, philosophical discourse related to the embodiment, media and digital culture, current VR and body-related technology, and Evolutionary Developmental Biology. “HyperCell” will encourage young architects to pursue interdisciplinary design initiatives via the fusion of computational design, embodiment, and biology for developing bio-inspired organic architectures

    Dynamic Maps: Representations of Change in Geospatial Modeling and Visualization

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    By coining the descriptive phrase ―user-centric geographic cosmology, Goodchild (1998), challenges the geographically oriented to address GIS in the broadest imaginable context: as interlocutor between persons and geo-phenomena. This investigation responds both in a general way, and more specifically, to the representations of change in GIS modeling and visualization leading to dynamic mapping. The investigation, consisting of a report and a series of experiments, explores and demonstrates prototype workarounds that enhance GIS capabilities by drawing upon ideas, techniques, and components from agent-based modeling and visualization software, and suggests shifts at the conceptual, methodological, and technical levels. The workarounds and demonstrations presented here are four-dimensional visualizations, representing changes and behaviors of different types of entities such as living creatures, mobile assets, features, structures, and surfaces, using GIS, agent-based modeling and animation techniques. In a typical case, a creature begins as a point feature in GIS, becomes a mobile and interactive object in agent-based modeling, and is fleshed out to three dimensions in an animated representation. In contrast, a land surface remains much the same in all three stages. The experiments address change in location, orientation, shape, visual attributes, viewpoint, scale, and speed in applications representing predator-prey, search and destroy, sense and locate and urban sprawl. During the experiments, particular attention is paid to factors of modeling and visualization involved in engaging human sensing and cognitive abilities

    The Meaning of Movement: Using Motion Design to Enrich Words for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

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    This thesis aims to address challenging areas of vocabulary for deaf and hard of hearing children by developing an open resource for students, parents, teachers, and content creators that utilizes motion to enhance written words for deaf and hard of hearing children. This research seeks to study the means of nonverbal communication such as body language expression and paralinguistic prosody (i.e., tone, intonation, volume, and pitch) qualities within the framework of graphic design through motion design. Body movement and expression are essential during face-to-face communication, but written language lacks such context clues. Additionally, the hard of hearing may not fully detect prosody within their range of hearing. This lack of information gathered through body language and paralanguage can be replicated with animated movement, which adds greater context to otherwise static text, enhancing insight into the meaning or use of a word. Seeing how a word in written form correlates with enhanced meaning through movement provides greater understanding and retention. This enhancement promotes improved communication in the world through graphic design. Motion design, specifically kinetic typography, offers a promising tool to help aid with language learning for continued exploration and development

    Long Walk in Flight School

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    Long Walk in Flight School is a document intended to complement a body of artwork that includes photographs, giclee prints, animation, and a twenty two page book of images. The main focus of the text is to discuss two types of exchange; my energy with tools in exchange for an object or event, which is then exchanged in the imagination of the audience for something else, a hybrid thing. These exchanges are part of the performance or presentation of the work. Beginning with a brief description of intent at the start of graduate school, it traces my development as an artist over a two year period, highlighting shifts in my thinking and activity during that time. Finally, it describes my thesis artwork as a set of potential narratives that are conceptually related but visually diverse

    Volume CXLIII, Number 16, March 1, 2024

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