22 research outputs found

    Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus, and Minor-Free Graphs

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    A (1 + eps)-approximate distance oracle for a graph is a data structure that supports approximate point-to-point shortest-path-distance queries. The most relevant measures for a distance-oracle construction are: space, query time, and preprocessing time. There are strong distance-oracle constructions known for planar graphs (Thorup, JACM'04) and, subsequently, minor-excluded graphs (Abraham and Gavoille, PODC'06). However, these require Omega(eps^{-1} n lg n) space for n-node graphs. We argue that a very low space requirement is essential. Since modern computer architectures involve hierarchical memory (caches, primary memory, secondary memory), a high memory requirement in effect may greatly increase the actual running time. Moreover, we would like data structures that can be deployed on small mobile devices, such as handhelds, which have relatively small primary memory. In this paper, for planar graphs, bounded-genus graphs, and minor-excluded graphs we give distance-oracle constructions that require only O(n) space. The big O hides only a fixed constant, independent of \epsilon and independent of genus or size of an excluded minor. The preprocessing times for our distance oracle are also faster than those for the previously known constructions. For planar graphs, the preprocessing time is O(n lg^2 n). However, our constructions have slower query times. For planar graphs, the query time is O(eps^{-2} lg^2 n). For our linear-space results, we can in fact ensure, for any delta > 0, that the space required is only 1 + delta times the space required just to represent the graph itself

    Replacement Paths via Row Minima of Concise Matrices

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    Matrix MM is {\em kk-concise} if the finite entries of each column of MM consist of kk or less intervals of identical numbers. We give an O(n+m)O(n+m)-time algorithm to compute the row minima of any O(1)O(1)-concise n×mn\times m matrix. Our algorithm yields the first O(n+m)O(n+m)-time reductions from the replacement-paths problem on an nn-node mm-edge undirected graph (respectively, directed acyclic graph) to the single-source shortest-paths problem on an O(n)O(n)-node O(m)O(m)-edge undirected graph (respectively, directed acyclic graph). That is, we prove that the replacement-paths problem is no harder than the single-source shortest-paths problem on undirected graphs and directed acyclic graphs. Moreover, our linear-time reductions lead to the first O(n+m)O(n+m)-time algorithms for the replacement-paths problem on the following classes of nn-node mm-edge graphs (1) undirected graphs in the word-RAM model of computation, (2) undirected planar graphs, (3) undirected minor-closed graphs, and (4) directed acyclic graphs.Comment: 23 pages, 1 table, 9 figures, accepted to SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematic

    New Parameterized Algorithms for APSP in Directed Graphs

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    All Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) is a classic problem in graph theory. While for general weighted graphs there is no algorithm that computes APSP in O(n^{3-epsilon}) time (epsilon > 0), by using fast matrix multiplication algorithms, we can compute APSP in O(n^{omega}*log(n)) time (omega < 2.373) for undirected unweighted graphs, and in O(n^{2.5302}) time for directed unweighted graphs. In the current state of matters, there is a substantial gap between the upper bounds of the problem for undirected and directed graphs, and for a long time, it is remained an important open question whether it is possible to close this gap. In this paper we introduce a new parameter that measures the symmetry of directed graphs (i.e. their closeness to undirected graphs), and obtain a new parameterized APSP algorithm for directed unweighted graphs, that generalizes Seidel\u27s O(n^{omega}*log(n)) time algorithm for undirected unweighted graphs. Given a directed unweighted graph G, unless it is highly asymmetric, our algorithms can compute APSP in o(n^{2.5}) time for G, providing for such graphs a faster APSP algorithm than the state-of-the-art algorithms for the problem

    A Randomized Algorithm for Single-Source Shortest Path on Undirected Real-Weighted Graphs

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    In undirected graphs with real non-negative weights, we give a new randomized algorithm for the single-source shortest path (SSSP) problem with running time O(mlognloglogn)O(m\sqrt{\log n \cdot \log\log n}) in the comparison-addition model. This is the first algorithm to break the O(m+nlogn)O(m+n\log n) time bound for real-weighted sparse graphs by Dijkstra's algorithm with Fibonacci heaps. Previous undirected non-negative SSSP algorithms give time bound of O(mα(m,n)+min{nlogn,nloglogr})O(m\alpha(m,n)+\min\{n\log n, n\log\log r\}) in comparison-addition model, where α\alpha is the inverse-Ackermann function and rr is the ratio of the maximum-to-minimum edge weight [Pettie & Ramachandran 2005], and linear time for integer edge weights in RAM model [Thorup 1999]. Note that there is a proposed complexity lower bound of Ω(m+min{nlogn,nloglogr})\Omega(m+\min\{n\log n, n\log\log r\}) for hierarchy-based algorithms for undirected real-weighted SSSP [Pettie & Ramachandran 2005], but our algorithm does not obey the properties required for that lower bound. As a non-hierarchy-based approach, our algorithm shows great advantage with much simpler structure, and is much easier to implement.Comment: 17 page