7 research outputs found

    Flipped Classroom Method for the Teacher Training for Secondary Education: A Case Study in the University of Granada, Spain

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    Flipped Classroom methodology has strongly introduced in the classrooms of different educational levels, but above all in the University. This methodolo-gy could be defined as the reversal of roles in the classroom, where the stu-dent acquires theoretical knowledge outside of the classroom and becomes a space for resolving doubts and cooperative work. Thus, this paper analyzes the experience carried out at the University of Granada with students of the Master's Degree in Secondary School Training where Flipped Classroom methodology has been applied. The research methodology used is quantita-tive, so that an ad hoc questionnaire on a Likert scale was used to obtain the data. Among the obtained results, it is observed that the students perceive an improvement in their academic performance and the improvement of the dif-ferent personal and social skills. Finally, it can be concluded that this kind of experiences where the Flipped Classroom methodology is applied favors the development of skills depending of subject taught and the field of knowledgeThis paper is part of the teaching innovation and good practices project of the FIDO plan of the University of Granada (Code 17-12), having received public funding for its developmen

    Flipped Classroom Method for the Teacher Training for Secondary Education: A Case Study in the University of Granada, Spain

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    Flipped Classroom methodology has strongly introduced in the classrooms of different educational levels, but above all in the University. This methodology could be defined as the reversal of roles in the classroom, where the student acquires theoretical knowledge outside of the classroom and be- comes a space for resolving doubts and cooperative work. Thus, this paper ana- lyzes the experience carried out at the University of Granada with students of the Master's Degree in Secondary School Training where Flipped Classroom methodology has been applied. The research methodology used is quantitative, so that an ad hoc questionnaire on a Likert scale was used to obtain the data. Among the obtained results, it is observed that the students perceive an im- provement in their academic performance and the improvement of the different personal and social skills. Finally, it can be concluded that this kind of experi- ences where the Flipped Classroom methodology is applied favors the devel- opment of skills depending of subject taught and the field of knowledge.Didáctica y Organización Escola

    Masalah dan Solusi Alternatif Pembelajaran Perancangan Elemen Mesin

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    The purpose of this article is to identify problems and alternative solutions in design of machine elements learning, in order to be used as a guide to development of learning model in the future. This literature review is conducted through searching journal within the scope of machine design learning with google scholar, www.springer.com, www.elsevier.com, www.sagepub.com and international conference proceedings resources. By searching keywords: machine design, machine design learning, teaching and learning of machine design, mechanical design, machine elements, obtained 100 journals and related proceedings, which selected into 79 journals and proceedings that describe the problems and alternative solutions according to the topic of this article. The results of the study shown the main problems in design of machine elements learning is: the learning still apply the traditional method, the sudject materials is not relevant to the field needs, the students do not have sufficient initial knowledge and experience, the lecturers lack experience guiding students to practice, lack of student English skills, the lack of practical exposure of students, and no validated framework for designing instructional development in changing traditional models of instructional design. Furthermore the alternative solutions offered are: make students learn actively and advance the concrete working mode, the course material is directed to design complex system through project engineering program, develop the model of 'joint experiment' study which discuss field problem, design activities done in the laboratory to apply classroom learning into a real world or apply the virtual laboratory modules or interactive laboratory simulations, and learning is done with a team-based hands-on approach, which provides students with practical experience in designing, fabricating and testing the strength and efficient mechanical systems.Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menemukenali permasalahan dan solusi alternatif dalam perkuliahan Perancangan Elemen Mesin, sehingga dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam pengembangan model pembelajaran selanjutnya. Kajian literatur ini dilakukan melalui penelusuran jurnal dalam lingkup pembelajaran machine design dengan sumber informasi google scholar, www.springer.com,  www.elsevier.com, www.sagepub.com dan prosiding konferensi internasional. Dengan kata kunci pencarian: machine design, machine design learning, teaching and learning of machine design, mechanical design, machine elements, diperoleh 100 jurnal dan prosiding terkait, yang diseleksi menjadi 79 jurnal dan prosiding yang memaparkan masalah dan alternatif solusi sesuai materi artikel ini. Hasil kajian memperlihatkan masalah utama dalam pembelajaran Perancangan Elemen Mesin adalah: pembelajaran masih menerapkan metode tradisional, materi kuliah sudah tidak relevan dengan kebutuhan di lapangan, mahasiswa tidak memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman awal yang memadai, dosen kurang pengalaman membimbing mahasiswa melaksanakan praktek, rendahnya kemampuan mahasiswa berbahasa Inggris, kurangnya paparan praktis mahasiswa, dan belum ada kerangka yang divalidasi untuk merancang pengembangan instruksional dalam merubah model tradisional desain pembelajaran. Selanjutnya solusi alternatif yang ditawarkan adalah: membuat mahasiswa belajar aktif dan bergeser kemode kerja konkret, materi kuliah diarahkan merancang sistem yang kompleks melalui program rekayasa proyek, mengembangkan model pembelajaran ‘eksperimen bersama’ yang membahas masalah lapangan, kegiatan perancangan dilakukan di laboratorium untuk menerapkan pembelajaran kelas ke lingkungan yang nyata atau dengan modul laboratorium virtual atau simulasi laboratorium interaktif, serta pembelajaran dilakukan dengan pendekatan teknik hands-on berbasis tim, yang memberikan pengalaman praktis kepada mahasiswa dalam perancangan, fabrikasi, dan pengujian sistem mekanis yang kuat dan efisien

    Effects of Gatekeeper Course Modality, Age, Gender and High School GPA on KAPLAN Subject Area Exam Scores

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    The question of equivalency regarding course modality has plagued and intrigued educators for as long as multiple modalities have existed. In the modern world of academia, the two prevailing modalities are face-to-face or traditional courses and online courses. A multitude of factors have contributed to the increase in online course offerings, including increasingly dependable technology and fiscal pressures on institutions of higher learning. A great deal of scholarly research has compared modalities using within-course measures such as course grades and comprehensive final exams. Most of these studies have found the two modalities equivalent. However, a dearth of research exists which uses a measure occurring at some time after the course in question. So, the question of whether the two modalities maintain their equivalency through time remains unanswered. This study used hierarchical multiple regression to determine if the modality of prerequisite courses, age and, gender affected a student’s Kaplan subject area exam scores for students applying for entry to the UACCB Nursing program. Regressions were performed for Human Anatomy & Physiology I, Human Anatomy & Physiology II, College Algebra, English Composition I, and English Composition II courses using the corresponding Kaplan subject area exam score. In all five analyses, course modality did not have a statistically significant effect on a student’s Kaplan scores. Thus, the results support the Equivalency Theory. A student’s age and gender were statistically significant in all courses except English Composition II, but at most explained only 7% of the variance observed

    Flipping The Classroom to Increase Students’ Engagement and Interaction in a Mechanical Engineering Course on Machine Design

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    This paper focuses on engaging students in engineering education and provides a case study to exemplify one way of doing this proposing wikis as the main technology for delivering the content and collaborative problem solving as the main approach for working in class. In particular, we flipped part of an undergraduate course on Machine Design following specific design principles. The pre-course content was consisted of existing material, videos, texts and appropriate URLs. This was delivered through a wiki on the wikispaces platform. In class students worked individually and in groups on several types of problems, participating also in a peer review activity. We analysed interaction data recorded by the wiki as well as questionnaires exploring students' perspectives on the particular educational experience. Preliminary results of this pilot study provide evidence about the potential of the flipped classroom in activating students and in increasing interaction within the class

    Flipping The Classroom to Increase Students’ Engagement and Interaction in a Mechanical Engineering Course on Machine Design

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    This paper focuses on engaging students in engineering education and provides a case study to exemplify one way of doing this proposing wikis as the main technology for delivering the content and collaborative problem solving as the main approach for working in class. In particular, we flipped part of an undergraduate course on Machine Design following specific design principles. The pre-course content was consisted of existing material, videos, texts and appropriate URLs. This was delivered through a wiki on the wikispaces platform. In class students worked individually and in groups on several types of problems, participating also in a peer review activity. We analysed interaction data recorded by the wiki as well as questionnaires exploring students' perspectives on the particular educational experience. Preliminary results of this pilot study provide evidence about the potential of the flipped classroom in activating students and in increasing interaction within the class

    Flipping The Classroom to Increase Students’ Engagement and Interaction in a Mechanical Engineering Course on Machine Design

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    This paper focuses on engaging students in engineering education and provides a case study to exemplify one way of doing this proposing wikis as the main technology for delivering the content and collaborative problem solving as the main approach for working in class. In particular, we flipped part of an undergraduate course on Machine Design following specific design principles. The pre-course content was consisted of existing material, videos, texts and appropriate URLs. This was delivered through a wiki on the wikispaces platform. In class students worked individually and in groups on several types of problems, participating also in a peer review activity. We analysed interaction data recorded by the wiki as well as questionnaires exploring students' perspectives on the particular educational experience. Preliminary results of this pilot study provide evidence about the potential of the flipped classroom in activating students and in increasing interaction within the class