17 research outputs found

    Flip Distance Between Triangulations of a Planar Point Set is APX-Hard

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    In this work we consider triangulations of point sets in the Euclidean plane, i.e., maximal straight-line crossing-free graphs on a finite set of points. Given a triangulation of a point set, an edge flip is the operation of removing one edge and adding another one, such that the resulting graph is again a triangulation. Flips are a major way of locally transforming triangular meshes. We show that, given a point set SS in the Euclidean plane and two triangulations T1T_1 and T2T_2 of SS, it is an APX-hard problem to minimize the number of edge flips to transform T1T_1 to T2T_2.Comment: A previous version only showed NP-completeness of the corresponding decision problem. The current version is the one of the accepted manuscrip

    Flip Distance Between Triangulations of a Simple Polygon is NP-Complete

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    Let T be a triangulation of a simple polygon. A flip in T is the operation of removing one diagonal of T and adding a different one such that the resulting graph is again a triangulation. The flip distance between two triangulations is the smallest number of flips required to transform one triangulation into the other. For the special case of convex polygons, the problem of determining the shortest flip distance between two triangulations is equivalent to determining the rotation distance between two binary trees, a central problem which is still open after over 25 years of intensive study. We show that computing the flip distance between two triangulations of a simple polygon is NP-complete. This complements a recent result that shows APX-hardness of determining the flip distance between two triangulations of a planar point set.Comment: Accepted versio

    The rotation distance of brooms

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    The associahedron A(G)\mathcal{A}(G) of a graph GG has the property that its vertices can be thought of as the search trees on GG and its edges as the rotations between two search trees. If GG is a simple path, then A(G)\mathcal{A}(G) is the usual associahedron and the search trees on GG are binary search trees. Computing distances in the graph of A(G)\mathcal{A}(G), or equivalently, the rotation distance between two binary search trees, is a major open problem. Here, we consider the different case when GG is a complete split graph. In that case, A(G)\mathcal{A}(G) interpolates between the stellohedron and the permutohedron, and all the search trees on GG are brooms. We show that the rotation distance between any two such brooms and therefore the distance between any two vertices in the graph of the associahedron of GG can be computed in quasi-quadratic time in the number of vertices of GG.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    A proof of the orbit conjecture for flipping edge-labelled triangulations

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    Given a triangulation of a point set in the plane, a flip deletes an edge e whose removal leaves a convex quadrilateral, and replaces e by the opposite diagonal of the quadrilateral. It is well known that any triangulation of a point set can be reconfigured to any other triangulation by some sequence of flips. We explore this question in the setting where each edge of a triangulation has a label, and a flip transfers the label of the removed edge to the new edge. It is not true that every labelled triangulation of a point set can be reconfigured to every other labelled triangulation via a sequence of flips, but we characterize when this is possible. There is an obvious necessary condition: for each label l, if edge e has label l in the first triangulation and edge f has label l in the second triangulation, then there must be some sequence of flips that moves label l from e to f, ignoring all other labels. Bose, Lubiw, Pathak and Verdonschot formulated the Orbit Conjecture, which states that this necessary condition is also sufficient, i.e. that all labels can be simultaneously mapped to their destination if and only if each label individually can be mapped to its destination. We prove this conjecture. Furthermore, we give a polynomial-time algorithm (with (8) being a crude bound on the run-time) to find a sequence of flips to reconfigure one labelled triangulation to another, if such a sequence exists, and we prove an upper bound of (7) on the length of the flip sequence. Our proof uses the topological result that the sets of pairwise non-crossing edges on a planar point set form a simplicial complex that is homeomorphic to a high-dimensional ball (this follows from a result of Orden and Santos; we give a different proof based on a shelling argument). The dual cell complex of this simplicial ball, called the flip complex, has the usual flip graph as its 1-skeleton. We use properties of the 2-skeleton of the flip complex to prove the Orbit Conjecture

    Shortest Reconfiguration of Perfect Matchings via Alternating Cycles

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    Motivated by adjacency in perfect matching polytopes, we study the shortest reconfiguration problem of perfect matchings via alternating cycles. Namely, we want to find a shortest sequence of perfect matchings which transforms one given perfect matching to another given perfect matching such that the symmetric difference of each pair of consecutive perfect matchings is a single cycle. The problem is equivalent to the combinatorial shortest path problem in perfect matching polytopes. We prove that the problem is NP-hard even when a given graph is planar or bipartite, but it can be solved in polynomial time when the graph is outerplanar

    Shortest Reconfiguration of Matchings

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    Imagine that unlabelled tokens are placed on the edges of a graph, such that no two tokens are placed on incident edges. A token can jump to another edge if the edges having tokens remain independent. We study the problem of determining the distance between two token configurations (resp., the corresponding matchings), which is given by the length of a shortest transformation. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for the case that at least one of the two configurations is not inclusion-wise maximal and show that otherwise, the problem admits no polynomial-time sublogarithmic-factor approximation unless P = NP. Furthermore, we show that the distance of two configurations in bipartite graphs is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the size dd of the symmetric difference of the source and target configurations, and obtain a dεd^\varepsilon-factor approximation algorithm for every ε>0\varepsilon > 0 if additionally the configurations correspond to maximum matchings. Our two main technical tools are the Edmonds-Gallai decomposition and a close relation to the Directed Steiner Tree problem. Using the former, we also characterize those graphs whose corresponding configuration graphs are connected. Finally, we show that deciding if the distance between two configurations is equal to a given number \ell is complete for the class DPD^P, and deciding if the diameter of the graph of configurations is equal to \ell is DPD^P-hard.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figure