288 research outputs found

    Standard-Compliant Low-Pass Temporal Filter to Reduce the Perceived Flicker Artifact

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    Flicker is a common video-compression-related temporal artifact. It occurs when co-located regions of consecutive frames are not encoded in a consistent manner, especially when Intra frames are periodically inserted at low and medium bit rates. In this paper we propose a flicker reduction method which aims to make the luminance changes between pixels in the same area of consecutive frames less noticeable. To this end, a temporal low-pass filtering is proposed that smooths these luminance changes on a block-by-block basis. The proposed method has some advantages compared to another state-of-the-art methods. It has been designed to be compliant with conventional video coding standards, i.e., to generate a bitstream that is decodable by any standard decoder implementation. The filter strength is estimated on-the-fly to limit the PSNR loss and thus the appearance of a noticeable blurring effect. The proposed method has been implemented on the H. 264/AVC reference software and thoroughly assessed in comparison to a couple of state-of-the-art methods. The flicker reduction achieved by the proposed method (calculated using an objective measurement) is notably higher than that of compared methods: 18.78% versus 5.32% and 31.96% versus 8.34%, in exchange of some slight losses in terms of coding efficiency. In terms of subjective quality, the proposed method is perceived more than two times better than the compared methods.This work has been partially supported by the National Grant TEC2011-26807 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Publicad

    Standard compliant flicker reduction method with PSNR loss control

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    Proceedings: EEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2013). Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013Flicker is a common video coding artifact that occurs especially at low and medium bit rates. In this paper we propose a temporal filter-based method to reduce flicker. The proposed method has been designed to be compliant with conventional video coding standards, i.e., to generate a bitstream that is decodable by any standard decoder implementation. The aim of the proposed method is to make the luminance changes between consecutive frames smoother on a block-by-block basis. To this end, a selective temporal low-pass filtering is proposed that smooths these luminance changes on flicker-prone blocks. Furthermore, since the low-pass filtering can incur in a noticeable blurring effect, an adaptive algorithm that allows for limiting the PSNR loss -and thus the blur-has also been designed. The proposed method has been extensively assessed on the reference software of the H.264/AVC video coding standard and compared to a state-of-the-art method. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method and prove that its performance is superior to that of the state-of-the-art method.Publicad

    Signal Processing and Restoration

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    Adaptive filtering techniques for acquisition noise and coding artifacts of digital pictures

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    The quality of digital pictures is often degraded by various processes (e.g, acquisition or capturing, compression, filtering process, transmission, etc). In digital image/video processing systems, random noise appearing in images is mainly generated during the capturing process; while the artifacts (or distortions) are generated in compression or filtering processes. This dissertation looks at digital image/video quality degradations with possible solution for post processing techniques for coding artifacts and acquisition noise reduction for images/videos. Three major issues associated with the image/video degradation are addressed in this work. The first issue is the temporal fluctuation artifact in digitally compressed videos. In the state-of-art video coding standard, H.264/AVC, temporal fluctuations are noticeable between intra picture frames or between an intra picture frame and neighbouring inter picture frames. To resolve this problem, a novel robust statistical temporal filtering technique is proposed. It utilises a re-descending robust statistical model with outlier rejection feature to reduce the temporal fluctuations while preserving picture details and motion sharpness. PSNR and sum of square difference (SSD) show improvement of proposed filters over other benchmark filters. Even for videos contain high motion, the proposed temporal filter shows good performances in fluctuation reduction and motion clarity preservation compared with other baseline temporal filters. The second issue concerns both the spatial and temporal artifacts (e.g, blocking, ringing, and temporal fluctuation artifacts) appearing in compressed video. To address this issue, a novel joint spatial and temporal filtering framework is constructed for artifacts reduction. Both the spatial and the temporal filters employ a re-descending robust statistical model (RRSM) in the filtering processes. The robust statistical spatial filter (RSSF) reduces spatial blocking and ringing artifacts whilst the robust statistical temporal filter (RSTF) suppresses the temporal fluctuations. Performance evaluations demonstrate that the proposed joint spatio-temporal filter is superior to H.264 loop filter in terms of spatial and temporal artifacts reduction and motion clarity preservation. The third issue is random noise, commonly modeled as mixed Gaussian and impulse noise (MGIN), which appears in image/video acquisition process. An effective method to estimate MGIN is through a robust estimator, median absolute deviation normalized (MADN). The MADN estimator is used to separate the MGIN model into impulse and additive Gaussian noise portion. Based on this estimation, the proposed filtering process is composed of a modified median filter for impulse noise reduction, and a DCT transform based denoising filter for additive Gaussian noise reduction. However, this DCT based denoising filter produces temporal fluctuations for videos. To solve this problem, a temporal filter is added to the filtering process. Therefore, another joint spatio-temporal filtering scheme is built to achieve the best visual quality of denoised videos. Extensive experiments show that the proposed joint spatio-temporal filtering scheme outperforms other benchmark filters in noise and distortions suppression

    Dynamic Texture Map Based Artifact Reduction For Compressed Videos

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    This paper proposes a method of artifact reduction in compressed videos using dynamic texture map together with artifact maps and 3D - fuzzy filters. To preserve better details during filtering process, the authors introduce a novel method to construct a texture map for video sequences called dynamic texture map. Then, temporal arifacts such as flicker artifacts and mosquito artifacts are also estimated by advanced flicker maps and mosquito maps. These maps combined with fuzzy filters are applied to intraframe and interframe pixels to enhancecompressed videos. Simulation results verify the advanced performance of the proposed fuzzy filtering scheme in term of visual quality, SSIM, PSNR and flicker metrics in comparisionwith existing state of the art methods

    An improved algorithm for deinterlacing video streams

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    The MPEG-4 standard for computerized video incorporates the concept of a video object pLane While in the simplest case this can be the full rectangular frame, the standard supports a hierarchical set of arbitrary shaped planes, one for each content sensitive video object. Herein is proposed a method for extracting arbitrary planes from video that does not already contain video object plane information; Deinterlacing is the process of taking two video fields, each at half the height of the finalized image frame, and combining them into that finalized frame. As the fields are not captured simultaneously, temporal artifacts may result. Herein is proposed a method to use the above mentioned video object planes to calculate the intra-field motion of objects in the video stream and correct for such motion leading to a higher quality deinterlaced output.*; *This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation)

    Dynamic adaptation of streamed real-time E-learning videos over the internet

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    Even though the e-learning is becoming increasingly popular in the academic environment, the quality of synchronous e-learning video is still substandard and significant work needs to be done to improve it. The improvements have to be brought about taking into considerations both: the network requirements and the psycho- physical aspects of the human visual system. One of the problems of the synchronous e-learning video is that the head-and-shoulder video of the instructor is mostly transmitted. This video presentation can be made more interesting by transmitting shots from different angles and zooms. Unfortunately, the transmission of such multi-shot videos will increase packet delay, jitter and other artifacts caused by frequent changes of the scenes. To some extent these problems may be reduced by controlled reduction of the quality of video so as to minimise uncontrolled corruption of the stream. Hence, there is a need for controlled streaming of a multi-shot e-learning video in response to the changing availability of the bandwidth, while utilising the available bandwidth to the maximum. The quality of transmitted video can be improved by removing the redundant background data and utilising the available bandwidth for sending high-resolution foreground information. While a number of schemes exist to identify and remove the background from the foreground, very few studies exist on the identification and separation of the two based on the understanding of the human visual system. Research has been carried out to define foreground and background in the context of e-learning video on the basis of human psychology. The results have been utilised to propose methods for improving the transmission of e-learning videos. In order to transmit the video sequence efficiently this research proposes the use of Feed- Forward Controllers that dynamically characterise the ongoing scene and adjust the streaming of video based on the availability of the bandwidth. In order to satisfy a number of receivers connected by varied bandwidth links in a heterogeneous environment, the use of Multi-Layer Feed-Forward Controller has been researched. This controller dynamically characterises the complexity (number of Macroblocks per frame) of the ongoing video sequence and combines it with the knowledge of availability of the bandwidth to various receivers to divide the video sequence into layers in an optimal way before transmitting it into network. The Single-layer Feed-Forward Controller inputs the complexity (Spatial Information and Temporal Information) of the on-going video sequence along with the availability of bandwidth to a receiver and adjusts the resolution and frame rate of individual scenes to transmit the sequence optimised to give the most acceptable perceptual quality within the bandwidth constraints. The performance of the Feed-Forward Controllers have been evaluated under simulated conditions and have been found to effectively regulate the streaming of real-time e-learning videos in order to provide perceptually improved video quality within the constraints of the available bandwidth
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