4 research outputs found

    Flexible natural language generation in multiple contexts

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    Flexible Natural Language Generation in Multiple Contexts

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    Um método para geração semiautomática de sumários textuais para apoio à disseminação de conhecimento e ao processo decisório em projetos de business intelligence

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013.Nos sistemas de BI, é comum a apresentação de informações em gráficos, em tabelas e em indicadores de desempenho. Contudo, essas formas de visualização nem sempre são facilmente compreensíveis pelo tomador de decisão que precisa extrair o conhecimento relevante a partir das informações apresentadas. Muitas vezes, a apresentação de informações em um simples texto pode se mostrar mais efetiva como apoio ao processo de tomada de decisão do que através de formas gráficas. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como desafio estabelecer um método que possibilitasse a geração de sumários textuais visando apoiar a disseminação de conhecimento e os processos decisórios no âmbito de soluções de Business Intelligence (BI). Para demonstração da viabilidade do método proposto, fez-se a codificação do protótipo de um serviço de geração de sumários textuais analíticos, utilizando os recursos da Plataforma SBI ? uma plataforma que faz uso de tecnologias semânticas. Nessa codificação, duas versões do protótipo foram implementadas ? uma baseada em templates textuais e outra em templates estruturais. Por fim, foram realizadas simulações utilizando as implementações dos protótipos em cenários hipotéticos de BI, demonstrando o processo dinâmico de geração textual em diferentes contextos, e utilizando regras criadas por especialistas de domínio. In BI systems, it is common presenting information through charts, tables or performance indicators. However, these forms of display are not always easily understood by the decision maker, who needs to extract the relevant knowledge from the information presented. Often, the presentation of information through a simple text may prove to be more effective to support the process of decision making than through graphical forms. In this context, the present work had as a challenge to establish an approach that enables the generation of textual summaries to support the dissemination of knowledge and decision-making processes within Business Intelligence solutions. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach, a prototype of service that generates analytical textual summaries was constructed, using resources of the SBI Platform - a platform that makes use of semantic technologies. In fact, two versions of this prototype have been implemented - one based on textual templates and another based on structural templates. Finally, simulations were performed using the prototype implementations in hypothetical BI scenarios, demonstrating the dynamic process of generating text in different contexts and using rules created by domain experts

    Modellierung natü̈rlicher Dialoge im Kontext sprachbasierter Informations- und Steuersysteme

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    Current spoken dialogue systems are often criticised because they lack natural behaviour. In this thesis, a model to facilitate the development of user-friendly dialogues for information and control systems (e.g. travel-booking or smart room control systems) is created in order to address this problem. This also includes a study about the users' preferences, the classification of utterances according to intention and answer type and the development of a dialogue engine that can process dialogues based on this model. The developed model describes the dialogue flow and the combination of questions, answers and the resulting actions. Features like mixed initiative, open-ended questions, subdialogues and adaptable phrasings of system utterances lead to more natural dialogues and increase the usability of dialogue systems while linguistic datatypes, abstract question descriptions in connection with answer types and language generation methods enormously facilitate the definition of such dialogues for the developer. The separation of dialogue model and dialogue engine makes possible the reuse of base functionalities und prevents the mixing of execution logic and dialogue knowledge. The engine contains dialogue acts to classify user utterances and to prevent ambiguities as well as language understanding modules to identify the user's goal. In addition, it infers the next dialogue step under consideration of the specified dialogue behaviour. By implementing the Natural Dialogue System (NADIA), that runs the XML-based model, the functionality is proven.Aktuelle Sprachdialogsysteme haben oftmals den Ruf unnatürlich und nutzerunfreundlich zu sein. In dieser Dissertation wird diese Kritik adressiert und ein Modell zur einfacheren Entwicklung von nutzerfreundlichen Dialogen realisiert. Der Fokus liegt hierbei auf Informations- und Steuersystemen (z.B. Reisebuchungs- oder Raumsteuerungssysteme). Das entwickelte Dialogmodell beschreibt den Dialogablauf und somit das Zusammenwirken von Fragen, Antworten sowie den resultierenden Aktionen. Es trägt durch Fähigkeiten wie gemischter Initiative, offenen Fragen, Subdialogen sowie adaptierbaren Formulierungen von Systemäußerungen zu natürlicheren Dialogen bei und erhöht so die Nutzbarkeit von Dialogsystemen. Linguistische Datentypen, abstrakte Fragebeschreibungen in Verbindung mit Antworttypen sowie Sprachgenerierungsverfahren vereinfachen die Definition solcher Dialoge dabei enorm. Die Trennung zwischen Dialogmodell und Dialogengine ermöglicht die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Basisfunktionalitäten und verhindert die Vermischung von Ausführungslogik und Dialogwissen. Die Engine beinhaltet Dialogakte zur Klassifizierung von Nutzeraussagen und zur Vermeidung von Ambiguitäten, Module zum Sprachverstehen und leitet außerdem den nächsten Dialogschritt anhand der Definition des Dialogverhaltens ab. Durch die Implementierung des Natural Dialogue System (NADIA), welches als Dialogengine das XML-basierte Modell ausführt, wird abschließend die Funktionsfähigkeit nachgewiesen