9 research outputs found

    The Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, part 2

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    The Sixth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was held on April 4-9, 1993, at Copper Mountain, Colorado. This book is a collection of many of the papers presented at the conference and so represents the conference proceedings. NASA Langley graciously provided printing of this document so that all of the papers could be presented in a single forum. Each paper was reviewed by a member of the conference organizing committee under the coordination of the editors. The multigrid discipline continues to expand and mature, as is evident from these proceedings. The vibrancy in this field is amply expressed in these important papers, and the collection clearly shows its rapid trend to further diversity and depth

    Semiannual final report, 1 October 1991 - 31 March 1992

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    A summary of research conducted at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering in applied mathematics, numerical analysis, and computer science during the period 1 Oct. 1991 through 31 Mar. 1992 is presented

    A perturbed two-level preconditioner for the solution of three-dimensional heterogeneous Helmholtz problems with applications to geophysics

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    Le sujet de cette thèse est le développement de méthodes itératives permettant la résolution de grands systèmes linéaires creux d'équations présentant plusieurs seconds membres simultanément. Ces méthodes seront en particulier utilisées dans le cadre d'une application géophysique : la migration sismique visant à simuler la propagation d'ondes sous la surface de la terre. Le problème prend la forme d'une équation d'Helmholtz dans le domaine fréquentiel en trois dimensions, discrétisée par des différences finies et donnant lieu à un système linéaire creux, complexe, non-symétrique, non-hermitien. De plus, lorsque de grands nombres d'onde sont considérés, cette matrice possède une taille élevée et est indéfinie. Du fait de ces propriétés, nous nous proposons d'étudier des méthodes de Krylov préconditionnées par des techniques hiérarchiques deux niveaux. Un tel pre-conditionnement s'est montré particulièrement efficace en deux dimensions et le but de cette thèse est de relever le défi de l'adapter au cas tridimensionel. Pour ce faire, des méthodes de Krylov sont utilisées à la fois comme lisseur et comme méthode de résolution du problème grossier. Ces derniers choix induisent l'emploi de méthodes de Krylov dites flexibles. ABSTRACT : The topic of this PhD thesis is the development of iterative methods for the solution of large sparse linear systems of equations with possibly multiple right-hand sides given at once. These methods will be used for a specific application in geophysics - seismic migration - related to the simulation of wave propagation in the subsurface of the Earth. Here the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation written in the frequency domain is considered. The finite difference discretization of the Helmholtz equation with the Perfect Matched Layer formulation produces, when high frequencies are considered, a complex linear system which is large, non-symmetric, non-Hermitian, indefinite and sparse. Thus we propose to study preconditioned flexible Krylov subspace methods, especially minimum residual norm methods, to solve this class of problems. As a preconditioner we consider multi-level techniques and especially focus on a two-level method. This twolevel preconditioner has shown efficient for two-dimensional applications and the purpose of this thesis is to extend this to the challenging three-dimensional case. This leads us to propose and analyze a perturbed two-level preconditioner for a flexible Krylov subspace method, where Krylov methods are used both as smoother and as approximate coarse grid solver

    Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods

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    The Seventh Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods was held on April 2-7, 1995 at Copper Mountain, Colorado. This book is a collection of many of the papers presented at the conference and so represents the conference proceedings. NASA Langley graciously provided printing of this document so that all of the papers could be presented in a single forum. Each paper was reviewed by a member of the conference organizing committee under the coordination of the editors. The vibrancy and diversity in this field are amply expressed in these important papers, and the collection clearly shows the continuing rapid growth of the use of multigrid acceleration techniques

    Flexible Multiple Semicoarsening for Three-Dimensional Singularly Perturbed Problems

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    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 218)

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    This bibliography lists 469 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September, 1987