55 research outputs found

    BOF-UCB: A Bayesian-Optimistic Frequentist Algorithm for Non-Stationary Contextual Bandits

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    We propose a novel Bayesian-Optimistic Frequentist Upper Confidence Bound (BOF-UCB) algorithm for stochastic contextual linear bandits in non-stationary environments. This unique combination of Bayesian and frequentist principles enhances adaptability and performance in dynamic settings. The BOF-UCB algorithm utilizes sequential Bayesian updates to infer the posterior distribution of the unknown regression parameter, and subsequently employs a frequentist approach to compute the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) by maximizing the expected reward over the posterior distribution. We provide theoretical guarantees of BOF-UCB's performance and demonstrate its effectiveness in balancing exploration and exploitation on synthetic datasets and classical control tasks in a reinforcement learning setting. Our results show that BOF-UCB outperforms existing methods, making it a promising solution for sequential decision-making in non-stationary environments

    A survey on Bayesian nonparametric learning

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    © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. Bayesian (machine) learning has been playing a significant role in machine learning for a long time due to its particular ability to embrace uncertainty, encode prior knowledge, and endow interpretability. On the back of Bayesian learning's great success, Bayesian nonparametric learning (BNL) has emerged as a force for further advances in this field due to its greater modelling flexibility and representation power. Instead of playing with the fixed-dimensional probabilistic distributions of Bayesian learning, BNL creates a new “game” with infinite-dimensional stochastic processes. BNL has long been recognised as a research subject in statistics, and, to date, several state-of-the-art pilot studies have demonstrated that BNL has a great deal of potential to solve real-world machine-learning tasks. However, despite these promising results, BNL has not created a huge wave in the machine-learning community. Esotericism may account for this. The books and surveys on BNL written by statisticians are overcomplicated and filled with tedious theories and proofs. Each is certainly meaningful but may scare away new researchers, especially those with computer science backgrounds. Hence, the aim of this article is to provide a plain-spoken, yet comprehensive, theoretical survey of BNL in terms that researchers in the machine-learning community can understand. It is hoped this survey will serve as a starting point for understanding and exploiting the benefits of BNL in our current scholarly endeavours. To achieve this goal, we have collated the extant studies in this field and aligned them with the steps of a standard BNL procedure-from selecting the appropriate stochastic processes through manipulation to executing the model inference algorithms. At each step, past efforts have been thoroughly summarised and discussed. In addition, we have reviewed the common methods for implementing BNL in various machine-learning tasks along with its diverse applications in the real world as examples to motivate future studies

    Cooperative hierarchical Dirichlet processes: Superposition vs. maximization

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. The cooperative hierarchical structure is a common and significant data structure observed in, or adopted by, many research areas, such as: text mining (author–paper–word) and multi-label classification (label–instance–feature). Renowned Bayesian approaches for cooperative hierarchical structure modeling are mostly based on hierarchical Bayesian models. However, these approaches suffer from a serious issue in that the number of hidden topics/factors needs to be fixed in advance and an inappropriate number may lead to overfitting or underfitting. One elegant way to resolve this issue is Bayesian nonparametric learning, but existing work in this area still cannot be applied to cooperative hierarchical structure modeling. In this paper, we propose a cooperative hierarchical Dirichlet process (CHDP) to fill this gap. Each node in a cooperative hierarchical structure is assigned a Dirichlet process to model its weights on the infinite hidden factors/topics. Together with measure inheritance from hierarchical Dirichlet process, two kinds of measure cooperation, i.e., superposition and maximization, are defined to capture the many-to-many relationships in the cooperative hierarchical structure. Furthermore, two constructive representations for CHDP, i.e., stick-breaking and international restaurant process, are designed to facilitate the model inference. Experiments on synthetic and real-world data with cooperative hierarchical structures demonstrate the properties and the ability of CHDP for cooperative hierarchical structure modeling and its potential for practical application scenarios

    Temporal abstraction and generalisation in reinforcement learning

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    The ability of agents to generalise---to perform well when presented with previously unseen situations and data---is deeply important to the reliability, autonomy, and functionality of artificial intelligence systems. The generalisation test examines an agent's ability to reason over the world in an \emph{abstract} manner. In reinforcement learning problem settings, where an agent interacts continually with the environment, multiple notions of abstraction are possible. State-based abstraction allows for generalised behaviour across different \mccorrect{observations in the environment} that share similar properties. On the other hand, temporal abstraction is concerned with generalisation over an agent's own behaviour. This form of abstraction allows an agent to reason in a unified manner over different sequences of actions that may lead to similar outcomes. Data abstraction refers to the fact that agents may need to make use of information gleaned using data from one sampling distribution, while being evaluated on a different sampling distribution. This thesis develops algorithmic, theoretical, and empirical results on the questions of state abstraction, temporal abstraction, and finite-data generalisation performance for reinforcement learning algorithms. To focus on data abstraction, we explore an imitation learning setting. We provide a novel algorithm for completely offline imitation learning, as well as an empirical evaluation pipeline for offline reinforcement learning algorithms, encouraging honest and principled data complexity results and discouraging overfitting of algorithm hyperparameters to the environment on which test scores are reported. In order to more deeply explore state abstraction, we provide finite-sample analysis of target network performance---a key architectural element of deep reinforcement learning. By conducting our analysis in the fully nonlinear setting, we are able to help explain the strong performance of nonlinear neural-network based function approximation. Finally, we consider the question of temporal abstraction, providing an algorithm for semi-supervised (partially reward-free) learning of skills. This algorithm improves on the variational option discovery framework---solving a key under-specification problem in the domain---by defining skills which are specified in terms of a learned, reward-dependent state abstraction
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